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Slam Chinese 2014


Staff member
Jul 21, 2011
We need numbers up front for those interested in coming to the Friday night get together at the Chinese, this is traditionally chaotic - year one no one turned up on time and Will was worried about the 40 places he had paid a deposit for and then 60 odd turned up - luckily the restaurant was quiet and they were able to accommodate us. Year two yet again we were woefully unequipped with places which led to no places for quite a few people!

After the major work of setting up the machines in preparation for opening on the Saturday morning, it's a great chance to unwind, chat/bitch and moan as only we pinballers can and most importantly - drink some beer!

Situated in the heart of the sprawling metropolis that is Worthing we have the China Palace Restaurant, entrance is on the ground floor but the restaurant is actually on the 1st and 2nd floors. The food is very good, cost is around £15 per person for the meal (all you can eat buffet). Kids welcome (I'm bringing mine) although expect some choice language at times - we will try to stick families together though so that any japes and poor use of the Queens English can be kept from the kids as much as possible.

The restaurant is 1.5 miles from the Charmandean (5 mins by car, 25 min walk), 3/4 of a mile from the Burlington (approx 15 minute walk) and half a mile from the Travelodge (approx 10 minute walk)


Venue - China Palace, Chapel Road, Worthing, BN11 1EG
Date - Friday 18th April 2014
Time - 6:30pm


Most importantly, we need realistic numbers as turning up on the night is likely to be unacceptable (the restaurant is ALWAYS busy) due to it being Easter and therefore the town being markedly busier than normal. We will be booking (and paying deposit) for 60 people on Monday but we really need to know if more places are required ASAP (there were 75 in 2012) so get in early with your requests!

Please PM me to book your place, we may require a deposit closer to the time.


2 adults, 2 kids for me please - kids 16 and 14.... 14 yr old doesn't really "do" Chinese, so he will probably have a bowl of chips or similar english, the heathen... ;)

Cheers :)

Rib's and Duck with pancakes and all the trimmings of me and just keep it coming.
Oh and plenty of beer to wash it down.

Looking forward to this, its a cracking night out.
The choice is immense. It's not go up and help yourself, it's order any dishes from the vast menu and it's delivered to your table. Includes crispy duck too!!
Sweeeeetttt!!!!! I'm in for this :D Just need to make sure I don't drink quite as much as on Friday night at last years UKPP.....Saturday was not good!
Sweeeeetttt!!!!! I'm in for this :D Just need to make sure I don't drink quite as much as on Friday night at last years UKPP.....Saturday was not good!

I have one of my 'gigs of the year' on the Thursday night, which no matter which way I slice it is gonna end in drinking ......wish me luck ....gonna be a loooooong weekend ;)
Hi Nick, put me down for one seat, many thanks for organising it. (Again!)

It's possible, that Adeline might want to partake also, but unlikely, she'll probably want to go to bed with sprog instead.
Is the buffet any good I've been to a few Chinese ones and it's normally all the stuff I don't like lol

i've been before and i will be there this year, but just so's to give the full picture, it's not exactly Michelin Star dining. but then again for £15 for all you can eat, what do you expect? i go cos it's good fun to see everyone and drink a few beers and have a good chinwag. if i wanted a fine dining experience i'd go somewhere else, but then i'd be all on my lonesome.
I am in too. Chance to talk bollox rather than type it with the main people from the only forum I spend any time on can't be missed.
Hotel booked too, see you at the sea front.
Remember last time daz!!! Oh I'm not gonna drink much? You looked as green as the crispy sea weed they were serving the next day:confused:
Yeh, I remember, Not drinking a lot went stright out the window after the first few.
Main thing to remember Dave is don't sit on the same table as Mr Paget this year. Apart from that well looking forward to it.
Put me down too please, thanks.

Main thing to remember Dave is don't sit on the same table as Mr Paget this year. Apart from that well looking forward to it.

If you're distanced from Paget, I'm with you two.... otherwise, may end up hitting him with a lockdown bar. ;)
1 adult and 1 kid who eats like an adult please.
Going to be booking this by the end of the week gents, make sure stormy has your name down as it's a big restaurant but it gets very very busy at weekends, and trust me you don't want to end up in the inter-wok with there 1 score on the door rating proudly displayed
Don't delay PM stormy today...

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