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Scratchy Balls


Apr 4, 2013
I know :rolleyes: Old age doesn't come by itself......its an obvious one but most of us ignore checking our pinballs regularily.

Probably the most common cause of playfield wear and damage besides:-
soldering irons
, wrong length of screws, over-tensioned nuts, wrong/worn flipper bushings, hot playfield lamps,etc., is the damage caused when your pinballs' surface get scratched,.... dented,..... pitted,..... oxidised and generally worn n cloudy. They should be nice n shiney and mirror-like.

If unattended, They will cause abrasion to your beautifully polished playfield causing track marks on the top shooter lane, worn areas round the pop bumpers, swirl marks adjacent to the sling-shots
, clouding mylar and clearcoat, oh, and chunks to fly from your up-kickers and ball landing areas.

This damage is gradual and will remain unseen til your polishing one day and notice
So......... next time you have the playfield glass off
, check all balls by having a good look thru a magnifying glass at the ball surface...if in doubt .....replace the iffy ones with new.
One of the cheapest maintenance items which if not right will give you grief.
I make a habit of replacing my balls with new ones when I acquire a new machine.
Totally agree with the above, it's simple, quick and cheap. And it seems to make the game so much smoother to play!
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