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Problem People

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Jan 11, 2018
James Reed
Having a bit of a problem with Card Whiz Guy at the moment (aka Andrew) i dont want to air dirty laundry on the forum because it doesnt look good and also i cant really be bothered. Ive heard from a few people about him and none of it good. Anyone else had any runnings with him recently or is it just me?
if he's trying to rip you off then I encourage you to share what's going on. Too many folks in this hobby think its ok to rip people off.
@Neil McRae No hes not ripping me off, but I’m getting hordes of abuse from him and one of his friends claiming that i bodge machines and pass others work off as my own. This is all because i didnt want to sell a machine to him
Via my facebook page at the moment, but also had calls, texts, emails and ebay messages from him.
WOW - gently remind him that even via the internet, that can be classified as harassment, and in fact, that it is via many mediums that it is even more likely to be seen as such (by common sense of course). If there is no real worry of physical threat, I wouldn't worry too much about it, as annoying as it may be.
Yes mate - clear harassment - police take that stuff incredibly seriously. Warn them and if it doesn't stop report to police. It should take just one phone call....
Ive banned him and his friend from my page on facebook and will block on my private account as well then. People sure can be crazy. Hopefully he will be at Pinfest as would love to meet him
This community doesn't really tolerate that kind of crap from what I have seen, I doubt he'd show his face unless it was to have a mexican stand off with the number one pinball restorer in the U.K. and he knows who he is.... apparently.
have you got a link to a facebook thread where he's being a dick?
The is a well known Latin phrase that would perhaps fit this bill nicely, but it's name escapes me...:mad:
The is a well known Latin phrase that would perhaps fit this bill nicely, but it's name escapes me...:mad:
You might have to elaborate a bit, my Latin couldn't possibly be more rusty if I tried 😂
It’s no big deal just move on I have had abuse of people on here via pm it doesn’t really bother me but one thing I will say is people are quick to contact people on e bay and post on here even start silly poles no different to any other forum if the price is too high or something why do people feel the need to comment it’s down to them what price they put things up on for it just won’t sell
Sorry to hear that. I really don't understand why people would be like that. Things can always be sorted out amicably.
The best people bid on a machine you have listed on eBay, they make a quick succession of 3 bids so as to thwart people trying to snipe you as the last few seconds start ticking away, win the machine and then, once you send an invoice as normal, deny ever bidding despite you cutting and pasting the bid history clearly and showing it to them. And then when you say that you will contact eBay to protest( and of course, try having the fees stopped) they really go ballistic and get very , very nasty. And when you look through their feed back, you are not the first to have had such an experience. But the crowning glory is to then find you've been left negative feedback for something they denied ever placing a bid on. Some people, eh?
If you sell on eBay you deserve everything you get frankly and I do occasionally shift stuff via eBay but in the knowledge that it’s going to be a lot of agro - the organisation is a freaking joke.


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Totally agree to be honest Neil. I used eBay a little while back to shift some of my retro games collection and had so much aggro from what seemed like the majority of transactions. I had everything from people saying they didn't want it after shipping it, people wanting refunds for a damaged box - so I sent them a new one only to find them reselling the game for £30 more, people saying it never showed up when tracking said it did. And of course, eBay sided with the buyer every time
Get it all the time on here... NOT from people that are members... Mainly people/spammers from <insert country unlikely to ever have a pinball machine> complaining that they cant register.... I mean... How many pinball machines can there be in Afghanistan/Sierra leone/Columbia.... (those countries are blocked from registering)...
I figured out who you're talking about. I don't know him personally but he has provided some amusement with his posts/replies on the Wez FB group. I'm not sure about the sanity levels here.
And so it continues, had some lovely texts from him this morning, all incredibly homophobic. Amazing how he's reacted to me refusing to sell a pinball machine to him.
Yup - Advise the police that you are being harassed online because you refused to sell someone something, and give them all the details. Especially mention that you are getting homophobic abuse. At least if there's a report with a reference in the system then you have something to fall back on.

Do it now, and ask the police's advise as to where you can pass the abuse you are receiving (so they can keep a record on file) and also ask their advise as to what to do next.

I would keep absolutely everything.. Texts, Emails etc etc and because i'm that sort of person i would unblock them and let them carry on - it's all evidence against them - Let them shoot themselves in the foot..
And so it continues, had some lovely texts from him this morning, all incredibly homophobic. Amazing how he's reacted to me refusing to sell a pinball machine to him.

I’d do the same if you refused to sell me something.......

Hang on no I wouldn’t as I’m a relatively normal human. He should of just accepted it and moved on. Must have a screw loose
You've got to report this ASAP. Get it nipped in the bud.
Has he bought tickets to pinfest do you know? (I'm still yet to buy mine) just intrigued as to whether he will actually show his face. I called his friend 'darling' (obviously sarcastically) and received this text from him:

"Very brave. Make comnents and then block me. I am certian we will be having a " chat" somewhere quiet at pinfest. Give you boyfriend a big wet kiss ( are you the bitch or butch) I explains why you called Paul "darling" had you said it to his face, you would have needed a trip to Casualty."

I don't know if he thinks I'm scared of him or something but I'm actually finding it all quite funny
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