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Pool Sharks and X Files

i think some bloke in essex may want these, but carnt find any of his posts now, but you can find him on ebay under fleecer i believe ;):)
Gone a bit mad over there hasn't it.....! Poor Wez. It's all a bit strange and full of conspiracies..... I actually bid on his original X Files auction to get things moving.
I think someone needs to write up an etiquette guide. Probably suitable for both this forum and the group.

Rule #1 - Don't publicly criticise the price that someone has listed something. It makes no sense. If it's too much, then it won't sell. Leave it to the seller to have some common sense and realise that if the item doesn't sell, they will have to reduce the price.
I think that's fair enough Paul.

The argument most people would put out at this point is 'what if a newbie gets stung and pays over the odds for a table'?

In those circumstances i'm maybe a little heartless - but if you're spending > £1000 on an item then I think it's common sense to do your research. If you don't then some might say you deserve all you get.
Hey - We can write it between us - It's all of our forum.....

So we have the first one....

Rule #1 - Don't publicly criticise the price that someone has listed something. It makes no sense. If it's too much, then it won't sell. Leave it to the seller to have some common sense and realise that if the item doesn't sell, they will have to reduce the price.

Thanks Paul.... Neeexxxtt.....
Rule #3 Do not buy from the group / forum then blatantly 'flip' the pinball for more money on eBay.

Breaking of said rule, incurs much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Rule 4. You must actually have a table (or at least have seen it or possibly agreed to by it) before trying to sell it.
Rule #5 You're allowed to have an opinion of a seller, without having directly purchased from them.

Rule #6 If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
... if you're spending > £1000 on an item then I think it's common sense to do your research. If you don't then some might say you deserve all you get.

Agreed. In any other circle we'd be slapping ourself on the back for overselling something. I realise that it's different here, because we mostly sell back and forth within the community.

But the irony of that situation on the group, is that Wes was basically bullied into selling his machines for far less than he originally wanted. Then the person who did buy them immediately relisted them to make a quick buck.

You have to ask which is worse. Having the original seller (potentially) make a profit (and we all know that money stays within the community, just spent on another machine), or letting someone outside the community rinse us.
I think the way of selling a machine over there has an affect on the responses... Wez is a nice chap but think he'll admit to going a bit OTT when posting about a sale which is pretty frequent for him. Over-selling/posting on a message board where people can't avoid seeing them pushes people to scoff, retort etc. Here, they can just choose to ignore the thread.

People thought my CFTBL was a bit high for the condition but I never got any sh*te about it (just a gentle nudge from GriZz on here ;)). Ended up spending more on it to make nicer and got my original price from someone within the community.

Not sure if Wez ever joined up here and sure he won't mind me saying above if he has. Anyway, don't think he'll be so keen about selling on any forums from now on.... That X Files flipping that happened today was the tip of a large iceberg of similar things lately.
I think the way of selling a machine over there has an affect on the responses... Wez is a nice chap but think he'll admit to going a bit OTT when posting about a sale which is pretty frequent for him. Over-selling/posting on a message board where people can't avoid seeing them pushes people to scoff, retort etc. Here, they can just choose to ignore the thread.

People thought my CFTBL was a bit high for the condition but I never got any sh*te about it (just a gentle nudge from GriZz on here ;)). Ended up spending more on it to make nicer and got my original price from someone within the community.

Not sure if Wez ever joined up here and sure he won't mind me saying above if he has. Anyway, don't think he'll be so keen about selling on any forums from now on.... That X Files flipping that happened today was the tip of a large iceberg of similar things lately.

The thing was, with my post, I was genuinely trying to advise him of stuff I have seen happen before. I've never met Wez before, however had had a few offline convos back in the early days, and he seems a genuinely really nice guy - if a little over-keen. I just REALLY wouldn't want to hear a story of how he has been ripped off :(

And no, I didn't even think of mailing the seller......
Ah no, not having a go at you Paul, saw your messages which were clearly well meant, it was more the initial HOW MUCH? and trail that followed, including getting aggro for closing his auction which is his call IMO... I can see that Wez responded on it all quite hastily and ended up in a right spot, quite publicly too. I know Wez pretty well and yes, he's a nice bloke, enthusiastic and quite admittedly, a high flipper !
Oh i know and didnt think you were.... It was just sad to see... tho as someone said, I bet the guy makes an excuse....
I want people to buy and sell on this forum, I want us to move games about in an environment we can trust. Some will come in from outside sources, some will bring outside sources in. We are adults (don't point fingers at those who don't act like one, none of us do, we are grown men with £1k+ toys ;) ), we don't need nannying but we could do with a few rules to demonstrate that someone has crossed a line.
I would like to see genuine rules that help our community do the right thing by each other plus protect our hobbies best interests. Rules are there for one thing, to let those that are good be able to follow a code that helps them live within an acceptable environment and for those that are bad to be recognised as such because they broke a rule so the Admins can deal with them.

I have collated and revised the actually rules suggested already. I might have missed off the ones that weren't rules or were not in a simple format.

Rule #1 Don't publicly criticise the price that someone has listed something. If it's too much, then it won't sell and they will have to reduce the price.
Rule #2 Buying from the group / forum then blatantly 'flipping' the pinball for more money on eBay will be considered rude.
Rule #3 You must actually have a table (or at least have seen it or possibly agreed to buy it) before trying to sell it (see rule #2).
Rule #4 An opinion should be treated as such and not as a fact.
Rule #5 Expressing an insult as an opinion is still an insult.
Rule #1 Don't publicly criticise the price that someone has listed something. If it's too much, then it won't sell and they will have to reduce the price.

Could I possibly change that to....

Rule #1 Don't publicly criticise the price that someone has listed something at on the forum. If it's too much, then it won't sell and they will have to reduce the price.


I still wanna be able to take the... well you know.... from someone elsewhere that is blatantly taking the mickey.... (eg eBay)... ;)


Rule #3 You must legally own a table before trying to sell it (see rule #2).

Only because legally if you don't OWN it then you aren't in a position to sell it....

Feel free to shoot me down here.... i'm only firing suggestions out there....
I think rule no1 is a sound forum practice and a good rule.

My no4 rule was not meant to insult (linked to 5?). I have seen so many forums where opinions on others etc are taken as facts and witch hunts kick off quickly. I like this forums pace and members and hope to never see that happen. Thats the basis of my rule but could have been worded better?

Its of vital importance that if anyone has a Pony and its not pink then they should get a week block from posting.
Rule? If something is given to another member for free and ends up on ebay a short time after to turn a profit there will be a limitation of account for a prescribed period as seen fit by the mods.
Not too sure about rule 1. If I post a TOM FS at 4k then someone else tries the same price 3 weeks later even though both machines don't sell the new perceived price is now easily over 3k, so rampant inflation has occurred to a 2k macine.

Pinside is full of people talking up the value of their machines, I'd be loath to see that happening over here. Look at the confusion about the price of a DESW. For me it's still 1k max. Multiple ebay listings now how convinced a lot of other people that it's pushing 2k even though they don't often sell at that price.

I'm all for being nice but what's wrong with having a discussion on price? Is it really any different to someone running down your machine? Should I get angry with Grizz for claiming TOM isn't very good? Should someone unfortunate enough to own a Roadshow start a vendetta against me for pointing out it's the worst ever DMD game?

While I wouldn't go out of my way to point out a really overpriced machine the bottom line is that someone is potentially getting creamed. If someone publicly offers a machine then why shouldn't others be able to express surprise at high values?

With regards to the fiasco over the last 24 hours I personally only think one person is really out of order and that's the person who tried selling a machine they had no ownership over. The crap about backing out is probably more to do with them getting no interest in the machine at £800 on ebay than any emails. I can't see any justification in what they did. Did Wez really lose a sale or did he dodge a real bullet? I know what I think....
Shifted to general Discussion, since it is

And I'm interested to hear what others think!!! come on chaps and chapesses - Wade in!!! It's your forum!!! :)
Personally I'm not sure how it is going to be possible to police the rules. What's to stop someone buying and flipping etc?
I'd love it if the rules stated above are going sort things, but I don't think they will. Maybe we need a sales completed folder with prices and details of how the sale went? I'd be happy to do this with all of my machines. Instead of selling machines maybe we need to do more temporary swaps of machines? Between us all we must own a good percentage of machines in the UK. ;)
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