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Playfield restore vs replace


May 28, 2014
So the playfield on my mm is ok but worn in places. I am thinking in the long term that it will need to be fixed.
Two options the way I see it:
- restore
- replace
Any views from anyone on these two options.
I see ministry of pinball sell a new playfield for 995 euros. I take it is only a repro. Is it bad to fit a repro to an original mm? I can see advantages to have a playfield on which you can transfer parts easier.
How much would a restore cost? I guess it depends on the extent of the wear. But ballpark?
Good question I think @chris platt restores them, no idea on price though like you said probably down to damage/wear?
Totally agree which is why I bought a cliffy protector for merlin hole (that's not from cliffy but you know what I mean) as this is the worst area.
I don't intend to do anything to it for a while. I live in the dream that one day my life will be so quiet and boring that I'll have time to spend doing something like this. At the moment I am at the opposite end of the spectrum.
But at the same time I have to think about the future. And if one day I have time to do a playfield replacement, I'll need the part to do it. Who is to say how much longer playfield replacement will be available? If that was the route to go I might as well buy one now and store it for that elusive day.
If however restore is what I decide to pay someone to do then I won't have that problem.
Just remember transferring 'everything' to a new playfield takes feckin ages.... I've just done it and probably won't do it again unless essential and a grail machine. I'm fussy as hell but will put with wear next time I think... or paint it back in.
Just remember transferring 'everything' to a new playfield takes feckin ages.... I've just done it and probably won't do it again unless essential and a grail machine. I'm fussy as hell but will put with wear next time I think... or paint it back in.
almost word for word what i would've said.
everyones different on keeping originality ...after post ,packing and insurance and import duty they would be nearer £1000 ..a restored would be approx. half of the new one if that helps ?
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