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Pinball video series


Jul 21, 2011
I was recently asked by a local company in Bristol called Home Leisure Direct to do a series of pinball videos, focusing primarily on how to play. The idea was to start with the absolute basics and then work up to more complex skills of how to play pinball, culminating in a tutorial of how I would play Star Trek.

It was good fun shooting the smallish videos and the company do genuinely seem interested in promoting pinball.

The series should look like this

Bounce pass
Post pass
Tip pass
Drop catch
Live catch
Death save





Post pass

Bounce pass

Tip pass

Drop catch

Live catch

Death save





Cheers, Craig
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Great stuff Craig, keep em coming. I like when you mention common errors to avoid (never trapping up, double flipping) please continue the theme. I tend to hold the flipper up too long and also to always look right at my flippers instead of using peripheral vision or checking the dots.

Dont forget to mention the different effects of making a shot on a flatter vs a steeper table, a rough vs a waxed one, from stationary vs fast moving.

I'm looking forward to the next one already.
Cheers guys, and thanks for the feedback Dan, those are things that I hadn't thought about, but in a few weeks I'm planning on filming on a number of different games from different ages, so those things will be easy to add in
Nice, Great to see a U.K. lad showing us how to play, makes a change from the guy across the pond.

Well done that man.
Bonus points if you manage to fit in a mention of the forum... Tho i suspect they'll edit that out :( ;)
Paul, why would anyone want to talk to you ;) hehe.

As mentioned, great to watch, very informative and hopefully will get more people playing and buying.
Keep up the good work.

9 new videos added!

Some are better than others, I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on particular videos etc.

Just the final tutorial to go, I will add that here once it is edited.

Hope you enjoy them
Final Tutorial video has now been uploaded and added as well, which completes the video series. I just noticed that Stern have shared the videos on their Facebook page too
Are they allowed to?? I mean - Surely Home leisure Direct retain the copyright to them....even on Youtube...
I need to up my game I can't even nudge properly. Think I'm gonna dust the shadow off this week and practice
Think I need to rip my carpet up and fit a shiney wooden floor, there's no way I could move my machines about like Craig does in that death save video, I don't think even Craig could, even being as hunky and good looking as he is!
So, I'm planning on filming some more videos in a week or so.

Does anyone have any opinions on what could be done better? Any different approaches to filming? Particular games or particular things that people want to see?

Any feedback appreciated,

Cheers, Craig
What about light maintenance and cleaning ?

Not that usefull here as such but thinking more for home leisure direct.

Show the main components of the pin: cpu, solenoid board, power supply etc. Show where the fuses are etc

I guess it could maybe be a bit generic though.

Even how to take the lock down bar off....
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