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Pinball Party Roll Call

I now have a lift home too so I don't have to drive car on my own. Thanks people. :)
As said earlier, I'm at the pinball party all Sunday. I'm wearing a red Billabong T-shirt and some khaki shorts. Say hello if you want to. :)
Just woken up, played pins until 245am! What a top weekend, and still a day to go.
Good to meet you Ian and Onze and Kevlar and all the usual suspects. I put a YouTube video up of Full Throttle and another of a show walk through

Good to meet you Ian and Onze and Kevlar and all the usual suspects. I put a YouTube video up of Full Throttle and another of a show walk through

Wow - I see that ebay pricing has made its way onto the Show circuit now !?! 1250 for a Popeye :eek: I thought the idea of selling a game at the Show was take it along, price it at a 'good/hard to argue with' price seeing as you will have no fees /endless emails/tire kickers etc, quick sale, save yrself the trouble of dragging it home. Oh well.

On a positive note - looks like a nice selection of titles. Shame I have missed it *again* :rolleyes:
It was nice to meet you Dan, I probably met or at least saw a few others but didn't know who they were.

That Full Throttle certainly had a few issues to iron out, the biggest being the reflection from the backglass, I felt like asking them to unplug the backbox GI. The lockdown bar is too square and very uncomfortable I thought. Also everything felt too weak, the flippers, the slings and the plunger.

Loved the AC/DC but wasn't impressed with the Metallica. WOZ was OK.
A great weekend, plenty of games to play (big thanks to all the people who brought machines). The meeting in the bar didn't pan out as there was no way of knowing who-was-who! We stood chatting to Dave Bishop for an hour, but didn't see anyone else who we knew, and nobody came over. We must be a shy bunch, maybe next year we'll try name tags?:)

High Points:

  • Much cooler in the hall thanks to open doors and air con running.
  • Didn't experience any machine hogging this year, (which put me off going last year) everyone was very friendly.
  • Playing Woz! what a stunning machine, build quality and feel is superb, great toys and some real unique features. Still hate the theme (how gay are those 'red slipper' flippers?) but I'm converted to JJ Pinball.
  • Playing LOTR and Whitewater. Never tried them before but was hooked by the end of the day.
  • Looking at Metallica. Never got to play it (Always a big queue) but damn that's a good looking pin! After 11 years of collecting pins I'm starting to seriously consider a new machine.

Low points:

  • Weekend was over too quick!

Anyone who didn't go missed a great event, roll on next year!

Top weekend.

Good fun in the team tournament competition on Friday. Some pretty close games considering the competition we were up against. Dave was knocking out the jackpots on White Water to put us well into the lead, but the opposition came back with their secret Dutch weapon (ranked top 20 somethingth in the world). Then in the last game and last ball Carl 'No Pressure' Spiby was agonisingly close to putting us back into the lead. Probably just another couple of shots would have seen us through to the next round. Great games, despite my poor contribution.

Had a few beers, then found Gomez just staring blankly at a powered off machine. Said hi and chatted for a while. He was clearly jet lagged, but really pleasant to meet. As Dan said, these celebrities that attend the shows are just pinheads like the rest of us, only more out of their comfort zone I guess, with not really knowing anyone at all.

More beers, then a late one playing AC/DC. Absolutely my favourite game at the moment.

Sat was a bit mental. I actually had to prepare myself a little schedule. I had volunteered to help ref the competition from 10-12, then lunch (missed), Heighway presentation, nba comp, then playing in open.. Sounds daft, but felt like I hardly played any social pinball games which is one of the things I most like about these shows. Just wandering up to a machine and finding a stranger to play a friendly game against.

Finally got together with a couple of the guys (Shaun 'Arv' and 'Mr Pinball Magazine' Jonathan) for a pub lunch at about 5pm, then went back for the meal at 8pm (two meals was allowed, because all I had eaten the day before was a banana and a packet of crisps). The after meal talks dragged on waay later than should be allowed (was falling asleep by the end). Then went back and played some late night pinball with Onze.

Sunday was a bit more relaxed. Few games in the Classics competition, then few social games in the main hall. Before you know it, its all over and people are packing up!

Huge thanks to all those that brought machines and made this possible. Good times. Hope to see you all in Manchester in Oct!
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My fave games of the show were whitewater ( the one that was LED'd ) and surprisingly for me the immaculately restored Black Knight 2000, that game really got under my skin with its loud music and awesome light show, a real attack on the senses.
Fantastic UKPP again this year, what made it even more special for me was being able to bring home Sharkey's Shootout Saturday night just after being used as a tournament machine....Finally my own John Borg designed Stern pin! Cleaned up nicely today and even found the promo keyring inside the back of the cabinet!
Many nice pins there as said above, I also agree the price of some of the pins for sale was even above Ebay prices imho.
Back down in south (yes Daventry is in the North of England!). Appreciated that the hotel had put set their beer prices at a level to make us Londoners feel more at home;)

Thanks to all involved and everyone that brought a machine.

Finally had a good game on Black Knight 2000 so I'm warming to it.

Out of the WOZ/Metallica/ACDC section I thought Angus and the boys totally slaughtered the other two. Although WOZ has improved a lot since Jan, it's still not going to be one for me. Hoping that Metallica is going to make big improvements with software revisions. Do the songs connect to the game play at all?

Got to play Tron and BMTDK for the first time. Both seemed OK but I think I'd need to be able to hear them more to really get a feel.

Most fun? For me a toss up between BSD and Space Jam (**** did I really just admit that?:oops:)

Still totally confused by WPT.

And Grizz, sorry, but despite being in fantastic condition Popeye will never being allowed to take up valuable real estate in the shed. Really not feeling the love :(

Great to meet some of you and thanks again to anyone who brought a machine
Yep, space jam was a lot better then I expected too, maybe influenced by the fact it was the only machine I managed to put my name onto the scoreboard all weekend :(
Think ill be buying me one if one comes up, also really liked gold wings which I hadn't played before.
Other pick was black rose, oddly in a MM cab and with an NBA backbox, played really nice, not spent much time on one before but am now after buying one..
Top weekend, thanks to all involved for organising ang bringing pins. Meeting a few of you guys, cooldan it had to be you,listening to your chat at the launch of Full throttle pin. Great to play a team game, thanks for making a show newbie so welcome, Chris , tony and Carl.... Team wild flippers... Were we last? John, my son was so impressed that someone could own so many pins.... But he stuffed us both on batman!!
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Another great UKPP. Apart fom the journey, Horrendous problems in Nottingham plus Daventrys non-train status meant it took four trains and two buses to get there and back. Lordy.

Got to play LAH, ACDC, WOZ, Metallica, Gold Wings and a couple of others for the first time. Liked them all. ACDC was my fave of the show.

Crazy novel ideas on Gold Wings, all the loop the loops, spirals and multiple routes. (Migraine inducing flashers though) interesting game.

Everyone was in great spirits and there seemed to be less complaining than usual going on.

Me and the missus had a great battle on BSD, probably the best "vs" game I've had in pinball ever.

Didnt really speak to anyone from here, wouldn't know who you all are :p Spotted CoolDan but you were usually in conversation or hoisting a baby around :)

SHOCKING prices on machines for sale. Two years ago there was a Pinbot for 350 ono and a LW for 5, now we're talking ebay prices, even on show floors :(

Glad everyone had a great time, if ronsplooters condition on Saturday was anything to go by then it was indeed a party atmosphere :)
Great news about SCS coming back, roll on Easter.
Then in the last game and last ball Carl 'No Pressure' Spiby was agonisingly close to putting us back into the lead. Probably just another couple of shots would have seen us through to the next round. Great games, despite my poor contribution.
Sorry about that :(
Nah, you did good! Just.. not quite good enough :p Team tourney is just about the fun really, and it met expectations!
We came up with that format because team events tend to overrun horrendously and we wanted it out of the way on Friday. We were originally worried that no one would play because 1 ball per player is a bit harsh, but in the end it's turned out quite popular. I still need to fix the tournament software to display the results in a better way, it's a bit of a cobble at the moment.
Had a great weekend!! Absolutely shattered now though! I fell in love with the Centaur (Martin, please answer your phone!), really enjoyed Radical, Gold Wings and Tron. As usual, I didn't play anywhere near as much as i would have liked, but did manage to win a game of giant chess!!

Not all pins were overpriced, I sold one for £125!
Had a great weekend!! Absolutely shattered now though! I fell in love with the Centaur (Martin, please answer your phone!), really enjoyed Radical, Gold Wings and Tron. As usual, I didn't play anywhere near as much as i would have liked, but did manage to win a game of giant chess!!

Not all pins were overpriced, I sold one for £125!

Mate, did you sell Farfalla?? Wouldn't mind that myself!
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