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Pinball Party Roll Call

I'm really looking forward to the meal and the gomez talk ,I think he will one of the best speakers the party as had :D
I'll be there from Friday afternoon through to Sunday afternoon. It will be my lovely lady Kathy's first pinball show so I probably won't be around all the time playing games as in the past.
Look out for a few of my games up for sale!
If you're in the tournaments, you'll have a badge with your name on it, but of course if you hide behind an obscure forum name, then that'll not help :cool:
I'll be there.

I'll be the one playing crap and with the dodgy Irish accent.. (Well one of them)

No space left in hotel so we are staying up the road in rugby
I'll be there all weekend. You can spot me by looking for the scruffy haired, 6'3" fat bastard wearing a nametag with Tim Thornton on it and looking a bit like my avatar. Do say hello.
I will be there from Sat AM to Sun night, along with 4 machines, Jokerz, Laser War, Gorgar and Spy hunter (all for sale or trade if any interest)

Might be difficult to ID me as I will be fat and sweaty like most attendees ;)

I will be there Friday, Sat n Sunday - come say hi, i am, the lanky git with two scars on the fore head like Frankenstein. I am told i always look like a miserable ?wat and have a face like a smacked **** - shouldn't be too difficult to find. I can't wait to do badly at the competition again :) @Paul sorry you won't be there mate, hope all works out!

If you're in the tournaments, you'll have a badge with your name on it, but of course if you hide behind an obscure forum name, then that'll not help :cool:
Speaking of which, i can remember a certain XY Man at UKVAC meet with bloody "Abdul" on his label... The days... :)
Sounds like a great turnout!

I'm planning on being at the bar in the hall from 2:00 - 3:00 on Saturday so if anyone wants to join me for a beer it would be great to meet you guys.
Fri afternoon till late sunday for me.
Bringing TX Sector,and hoping to set up a row of SS Gottliebs with The Legend.
Only bringing one in the car - and it is minus its mega awfull translite.
Will be in my Yellow Jordan grand prix hat,or a welsh rugby one.May even wear some god awful Welsh shorts on Fri as in the Welsh team.

see y'all there

The "NLP van" bringing the NBA comp machines,and a spare,plus WOZ and MET Prem.
Another NLP member bringing a World Fair for an EM comp - where you have to light all carriages on the Ferris wheel - how hard can that be eh ?:confused: Give it a go.If you do it you win a fiver.One pound for two goes(limited to three wins if you are kick ass!).
Bar at 14:00 on Saturday sounds like a good plan. I will be there.

Is anyone heading back down the M1 on Saturday and could drop me off near Watford? RCW has offered to pick me up but he needs to get home early. If not I will come in my own transport but am happy to share petrol costs. I am buying a few things like mirror blades but don't plan to buy a whole pinball. ;)
Bar at 14:00 on Saturday sounds like a good plan. I will be there.

Is anyone heading back down the M1 on Saturday and could drop me off near Watford? RCW has offered to pick me up but he needs to get home early. If not I will come in my own transport but am happy to share petrol costs. I am buying a few things like mirror blades but don't plan to buy a whole pinball. ;)

Yeah right!!
Bar at 14:00 on Saturday sounds like a good plan. I will be there.

Is anyone heading back down the M1 on Saturday and could drop me off near Watford? RCW has offered to pick me up but he needs to get home early. If not I will come in my own transport but am happy to share petrol costs. I am buying a few things like mirror blades but don't plan to buy a whole pinball. ;)

There are a few bars - one in pin room,plus the main bars.Main bars would be easier to talk

Steve, Poi, people of the Pinball Info, lets meet in the main bar for two. Wear a red carnation, have a multi-colour brolly and a paper bag over our heads to distinguish us from the others.
I'll be there from Friday night. Looking forward to seeing Metallica and WOZ :)
There are a few bars - one in pin room,plus the main bars.Main bars would be easier to talk


Agreed, and probably a lot cooler too!

Steve, Poi, people of the Pinball Info, lets meet in the main bar for two. Wear a red carnation, have a multi-colour brolly and a paper bag over our heads to distinguish us from the others.

Not sure about that Geoff, people might get the wrong idea. How about we all stand there and wink at any bloke we don't know? If it's one of us, fine. If not start running!
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