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Found it! One hell of a collection

Ouch, the credibility of the deal has dropped dramatically. I did a Tineye search on the three pictures that are with the advert and one returned a match for an advert in Spain from 2015...
Not good.
Still haven't heard anything either from seller BTW. No doubt he will be able to explain this.

Good thinking with the Tineye check Mr Holmes!
Although there are still bargains to be had they are getting rarer and rarer. No one who owns a BIB etc would sell it at less than market value. We all know the value of our games especially f you have any of the A list titles.

Divorce and death might occasionally throw up a surprisingly good deal though.

At least no one lost any money.
Divorce and death might occasionally throw up a surprisingly good deal though.

I better tell the wife about my collection, what they are worth so she doesn't sell them to cheap to you guys too cheap.....

but that could end in divorce
Don't worry Ian. I'll offer her £500 each - maybe stretch to £600 out of the goodness of my heart
don`t worry about it, you tried to help fellow members on here, I know of one scam that was on the pinball owners site a few months ago, fake adds can turn up anywhere
I better tell the wife about my collection, what they are worth so she doesn't sell them to cheap to you guys too cheap.....

but that could end in divorce
i used to keep a sealed envelope in the filing cabinet next to my will that listed all my machines and what she could expect to get for them, plus the names and contact numbers of a few pinhead friends to contact to ask to do the deals for her. i suggested she let the person liquidating take a 10% fee and could of course have first pick themselves.
Had it been true, This might have run longer than the eBay thread. Can only imagine the story of the trip...
Thanks for posting it here regardless.
i used to keep a sealed envelope in the filing cabinet next to my will that listed all my machines and what she could expect to get for them, plus the names and contact numbers of a few pinhead friends to contact to ask to do the deals for her. i suggested she let the person liquidating take a 10% fee and could of course have first pick themselves.

Nice idea, plus keeps them within the group
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