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Found it! One hell of a collection

Echo what David said.... tread carefully guys. The job lot request with prices of ten years ago sounds like a draw-you-in tactic.
Thanks David for sharing your suggestion which makes a lot of sense to limit the risks.
If this geezer ever respond to my email i will ask for pictures, price list, contact details and reference (?) Before doing anything else.
For that amount of games and the likely amount of cash involved I'd want to be stood in front of them before doing anything else. Nancy is doable with a stop over....just don't try and do it in one trip, trust me its not worth it ;) :D
For that amount of games and the likely amount of cash involved I'd want to be stood in front of them before doing anything else. Nancy is doable with a stop over....just don't try and do it in one trip, trust me its not worth it ;) :D
I second that. If it stacks up with lots of pictures and seems genuine we should chip in for whichever couple of us are best placed/qualified to go inspect without any cash before we arrange anything else . If it is genuine he ought to go with that . If someone jumps in good luck to them
Are there any Nancy boys on here who could go take a peek ?
There is another interesting idea: there are at least 13 people registered on the pinball owners database who live in nancy. None of them with that collection. Maybe they could vouch or otherwise for him. I could contact some with the larger collections and asks some questions but then again they might become competitors!
I'm with David. Looks extremely suspicious. Look at the list of games. ALL the most desirable Bally/Williams games. Why would anyone sell that lot cheap considering the insatiable desire for pinball machines right now ?

Tread carefully guys.
Why sell something at a cost of 10 years ago?
Quick sale maybe? But even selling each game at market value these would fly off the shelf. They just don't hang around that long. If he's even suggested pricing them at market value of 10 years ago, that indicates he knows the value of those machines today. Sounds suspicious. I'd be inclined to take a road trip to see them in person or somebody local to the area take a trip out and see them and throw the a few € for their trouble.
AC DC bib was released in 2012 so it's not even 10 years old. Good luck with the deal boys but this smells as fishey as a sailors matress
Reminds me of that episode of Only Fools and Horses where they drive the boat over to France for that dodgy deal. Sounds super suspicious to me
Where did you see the advert Dom? Understand if you don't want to disclose in case you really have struck gold here.

I'm a bit of gambler but would be very wary about this one.

And no Martin doesn't do France, I've asked him before.
Sounds iffy. If you had that collection here in England, why would you sell it all to some bods in France?
I really could do with a cactus canyon though
That's the thing really. There are plenty of titles here that many are trying to get. So i just need to figure out whether this is real or not. Having trolled the European websites for a mm for months i would hate to miss out on this one just because i haven't followed it up. Even if it is to find out that it isn't real.
No, I just don't want to see people lose their money. I have enough pins ;)
Scam? Nonsense. I've just posted an envelope full of cash to "The pinball collection bloke, France"

You lot need to be more trusting. ;)
That's the thing really. There are plenty of titles here that many are trying to get. So i just need to figure out whether this is real or not. Having trolled the European websites for a mm for months i would hate to miss out on this one just because i haven't followed it up. Even if it is to find out that it isn't real.
So if you have seen it, then surely there will be other interested parties?? In which case I'm pretty sure the 'sell them cheap' bit will go right out the window.... If it was ever really meant. And it isn't a straight up scam.

I'd be amazed if they were selling at 2006 prices.

Suss it out, but don't waste too much time/effort on it if it starts to feel like a duff deal.
Tbh i thought the usp was to buy as a single lot. And i can't imagine that there are hundred of people who could fork out that much cash in one go. But i may be wrong. Time will tell.
Ouch, the credibility of the deal has dropped dramatically. I did a Tineye search on the three pictures that are with the advert and one returned a match for an advert in Spain from 2015...
Not good.
Still haven't heard anything either from seller BTW. No doubt he will be able to explain this.
Argh, advert has been pulled after reporting the picture to the people who run the website...
Dream coming down crashing in flame.
Apologies for raising hopes. I thought i was onto something here. Absolutely gutted.
Dom you did a very noble thing sharing what could have been a great offer with us lot. It's fair to say we're all gutted for you and the community but better to end up like this than getting scalped -I got fake AC DC tickets last year both the train tickets hotel room ect a
And they never showed. It's a gutter alright
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