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NLP / Play Expo 2014 pics

Damn, this looks GOOD!!! So wish I was going :( Will try and get it together next year. My son would love the all the other computer and games stuff!
Damn, this looks GOOD!!! So wish I was going :( Will try and get it together next year. My son would love the all the other computer and games stuff!
Well they're always on the lookout for people to donate and bring machines along ;-)

I'm really hoping to make it along next year for the whole weekend - and if R&B is done then i'd be happy to bring that along too. I realise these shows only work because of the hard work of NLP and those that very kindly donate their machines. I'd love to be able to give something back to an amazing community which has been nothing but helpful since I got involved with Pinball almost two years ago. Alas I can't making any promises yet, but that's what i'm hoping.
i spoke to a few here,about 40 mins to get in at peak not bad for such a big show
Had to include this classic.... just coz...

Kudos to Gary Stern. Nice guy, not more than 2 minutes before this was taken they were updating the firmware on TWD... Talk about cutting edge...

The hacking Lab... A pin that uses a Ardinio to run it! MMr boardset anyone?? ;)
Our Very own @TYHO presenting @replicas with a bottle and an electroplated picture disk for his 50th which was last week. Congrats fella! :)

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i spoke to a few here,about 40 mins to get in at peak not bad for such a big show
just did the saturday,my first visit ,as i wasn`t 100% sure i could make it so i was a cash entry, arrived at 10.15 and there was about 100 people infront of me and a thousand or so in the pre paid queue, the girls organising the public outside were saying that the prepaid people would be let in first then the cash payers afterwards , WTF, that would mean we would be getting in at around 12, fortunately the cash payers were let in at the same time ,lesson learnt though,next year bring a pin or two and make a weekend out of it
just did the saturday,my first visit ,as i wasn`t 100% sure i could make it so i was a cash entry, arrived at 10.15 and there was about 100 people infront of me and a thousand or so in the pre paid queue, the girls organising the public outside were saying that the prepaid people would be let in first then the cash payers afterwards , WTF, that would mean we would be getting in at around 12, fortunately the cash payers were let in at the same time ,lesson learnt though,next year bring a pin or two and make a weekend out of it

They just need to ditch the two separate queues idea, have one queue, and have more staff at the entrance to to get people through the doors quicker.
Lots of pins for sale today


so has anyone talked about their opinions of The Walking Dead yet?
i think the walking dead is very tempting,saw the new code going in, nice artwork, but also tempted with the ironman ve ,the first time i`ve played this one, all other ironman pins that i`ve seen have been in competitions only areas
I really enjoyed iron man too, was so much brighter than the only other iron man I have played. Played well.
Wow some bargains there. That shadow is a steal. Man I want a Shadow.

But me and pinball ain't talking at the moment. ****ing things
Walking dead played well for me but I was disappointed the only characters from the series being on the cabinet and no voices/ soundbites from the series.

I know it can add expense to pay the actors off but without them it might as well be "Generic Zombie Pinball machine no 3"

I was very surprised to find myself liking the game I had on WoZ. When I first saw it a couple of years ago at Daventry I thought it was the worst thing I'd seen, with a nice innovation on the display side of things. This weekend it was a fun to play, well flowing pinball... I still wouldn't want to buy one but it's not a bad game now I reckon.

Finally got a game on the Matrix which was great as well.

That "Dance Dance Pinball" was a bloody abomination though :p
Home. Machines unloaded. And a severe lack of photos. I had my camera too....Shame on me.
I know it can add expense to pay the actors off but without them it might as well be "Generic Zombie Pinball machine no 3" .....

That "Dance Dance Pinball" was a bloody abomination though :p

I really really wish it had been a generic zombie pinball machine. It wouldn't have been no 3 though. It woulda been the first.

The dance dance thing was lotsa fun

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