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Wanted Nice condition pin for children £3,000 to spend

kids love family guy of course as it's naughty but has a family mode. favorite with kids at events I've done recently is spiderman. best budget kids game is Flintstones . Mario bros should appeal but kids soon learn it's an awful game
Good to see RFM getting a mention my lad loves it!
This also has a "family" setting who would have thought those martins would curse!!
So our conclusion is that kids love pretty much every game apart from Popeye and Bugs Bunny;)

I thought my kids would like IJ but it sat unloved in the corner. Same happened with RFM after the first week.

At one time my daughter was loving AC/DC but then got scared to go in the games room when I bought The Walking Dead. Lured her back in with MMr.
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