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No Longer Available Metallica Pro HUO £3750.00

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I just had a totally amazing game that convinced me I am mad selling this for a big loss! Going to put a colour dmd in it and invisglass instead. And I haven't put the new code in yet. It's like an easier, longer version of IM;)

Compared to how over priced so much stuff is, I am really surprised no one took this. I think it was a pretty good deal. Anyway, I am making space for it as it is one of those games that you finish and you are just buzzing:)

Ebay listing can run as unlikely anyone will hit BIN and don't want any fees for ending early!
He changed his mind I believe
I didn't get a minimum offer of £3750 , then a new code update came out, played the game again and decided it just isn't worth selling so soon as for me it is the best pro title Stern have produced. Right now frantically trying to make a space for it:)
Glad you made the decision to keep. Its a great pin and you are so going to enjoy playing more of it , even more so now its got a code update.
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