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Me and Bertha back very soon.


Site Supporter
Nov 9, 2016
For those who do not know I was diagnosed with Cancer around a year ago due to a tumour on my Kidney.
Without mentioning names I want to send a heartfelt thank you to the many members on here who I can now count as good friends for reaching out and helping me come to terms with it all. So 🙏 ❤️ 🤗

Up until 12mth ago I didn’t think there was such a thing as depression and Anxiety!
Being old school I’d shake my head and say give
yourself a slap and get on with it for goodness sake.
How wrong I was after experiencing both of these first hand now and still slightly suffering from the latter.
It has took almost a year for me to come to the conclusion there are a lot worse off than me and I want to share the best advice I have been given. It was from my wonderful Macmillan nurse only this week, she told me Colin you are living with a condition, the emphasis being the word LIVING!
All the while this bloody Anxiety keeps telling me I’m dying of the big C. The brain is a crazy thing at times and staying positive is where it’s at and Pinball is the perfect remedy for these times.

I won’t dwell on my condition too much but I am in for my Big Op this coming Thursday and if all goes well hopefully out over the weekend.
I have however been told no heavy lifting for at least 3 month so I haven’t exactly picked the right hobby with 3 incoming pins in the next weeks/months 😂
I will also be hanging my Ski Instructors badge up as a bad fall on the dry slope is like coming off a motorbike without armour 🤪

So I’ll be shutting up shop for at least a few days and depending how the op goes well I will endeavour to get back on my feet asap.

In the meantime I’ve a few last min overdue orders to get out so apologies there but I may have to put a few on hold until I assess how I can manage.

If nothing else it gives Big Bertha and my brain a well needed rest too 😂

Thx again for the support peace out Coly ❤️
All the best Col and wishing you a speedy recovery after your surgery.
Take care of yourself buddy will be thinking of you .
Bloody hell Col! I’m so sorry to hear this!

Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery!

Very best wishes and my thoughts will be with you on Thursday.

Best wishes for Thursday Col, I'll be thinking of you along with everyone else.

Take a well earned rest we'll be here when you get back ❤️
I found a laptop and headphones seriously useful in hospital after surgery last year. I know the waiting and uncertainty is the worst thing, hope it goes ahead and all the best 🤞.
Oooh good idea I’ve put my headphones on the list and loading my IPad with Netflix stuff. 🙏
Thinking of you and the family Col.
Hope the op goes well.
Take care of yourself and give big Bertha a rest until you are feeling up to it.
All the best mate and I know I’ve said it a hundred times already but I’ll say it again, if you need anything mate give me a shout!

All the best mate, me and the misses will be thinking of you.
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