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Maintaining a sited pinball?


Site Supporter
Jun 8, 2015
Thoughts and experiences on this please? scenario is a pinball in a pub, price of play? gaming license needed? and all the pros and cons!

Cheers Ronnie
Do it! Get pinball out there...

Call me for advice 01772 816677 office hours.

Cheers guys, thought it was a game of chance without skill posts?
2005 Gambling Act allows them to be operated without a licence as long as you don't win a prize, so that did away with all that skill post nonsense.
2005 Gambling Act allows them to be operated without a licence as long as you don't win a prize, so that did away with all that skill post nonsense.

Thanks for that, handy to know and makes it much easier
This is a subject I'm very interested in also. I have a lot of pins sitting around, some are getting played where I have space, others are sitting in storage.

I don't doubt that the only returns are chump change, but it's still beer money and gets pins out there where they belong, promoting this hobby. Also clears that storage I mentioned.

But, having never operated any kind of commericial equipment like this I think a lot of people don't know where to start.
quite a few members on here put their machines on site, works great for the landlord as there are no maintainence worries if something goes wrong they call the owner, if the owner pops round to check once a week to empty the coin box split the money and make sure the pin is working fine, even better that there is no smoking now,
I sited a few different machines at my sister's bar in Ely, CAMBS over the past 3 years. I'd get about £60 a month but spit it with her 50/50. It helped free up space at home for other tables and bring in some money for parts, bulbs, rubbers etc. There's also that great feeling of opening the coin box and counting out the gold coins. I charged £1 per 5 ball game and liked to keep the replay low. I also put a list of top tips on the wall beside the machine to help improve scoring. You've got to encourage others and help promote pinball.
I currently do this with my local. sited who dunnit now for 3 months ( Yeah I know, who dunnit!).

We looked into the whole thing. Basically, a landlord has a licence for so many machines anyhow. but a pinball is exempt anyhow as it isn't a win/prize machine.

It currently takes about 200 quid a month (50p a game, 400 games)...which is basically my beer tokens down the local for me and my wife. myself and the landlord go 50/50 split.

I'm about to take it out and put Getaway in for a couple of months to keep people interested.

Mantainence and cleaning is all down to me. but that adds up to nothing tbh!

It's also worth noting that I live in a nice area and my local is friendly and doesn't attract dick heads. if it did....would i take the risk? probably not.....

Also my local only opens limited hours!

Monday - closed
Tues 5pm till 9pm
Wed 5pm till 9pm
Thurs 5pm till 11pm
Fri 5pm till 11pm
Sat 12pm till 11pm
Sunday 12pm till 9pm

So it's not like it's in a massive spoonies!

Interesting stuff, I would love to put a pinball in a local pub to try and encourage people to take an interest in them, might look into it :)
I guess you don't want anything too immaculate and something fairly reliable.
Nail on the head @TeaPea

Don't stick ur prize posession in...but a tidy, nice looking machine in deffo, but one ur not overly fussed by. hence my who dunnit is in there. people enjoy it as it's easy to score high, get a jackpot, basically make it do stuff!

Don't stick a twighlight zone in for example, even if it's one u don't care about. it will never earn cash. way too complex. general public want a laugh, feel good about their score, and have a blast.

I'd say do it. getaway is my next one to enter the pub, hopefully that will be as good as who dunnit was!

yeh, that’s what I would expect, :) will consider it instead of selling the cheaper ones, would be nice to put one somewhere, get the hobby out there
Nice to see people talking openly about what they do and giving a rough idea of takings. I think discussion like this is healthy and would encourage more pin owners to put a few games out there.

So, does anyone have a list of best earning games (I'm sure historic records must be available from somewhere)? What are people's recommendations on games to avoid (Twilight Zone seems like one). I think it's generally accepted that Hook is a good earner. Heard this from a lot of folk.

I would imagine anything with a well known IP would do well. Family Guy comes to mind, Star Trek etc.

Also, I think a big part is drawing people's attention to the game is how attractive is. For example, modern arcade machines are brightly coloured, LCD screens everywhere, flashing lights etc. This got me thinking - obviously you would want to LED a game for maintenance reasons, and it helps look more attractive, but I wonder if things like blinkers in in the back box would help? Flashing illuminated flipper buttons? Maybe other mods too. Anything to catch people's eyes etc.
@PeteB LEDS are prob a good idea. I haven't as I personally like the soft original 80s/90s glow.

But I'd also like to add that the whole lending of a machine to the pub is all at my own risk. and I have noticed things happen/weaken that makes no odds to most, but as it's my machine I know I'll have to rebuild the flippers etc when it's home. can still make all shots etc, so not super weak, but I know.

I'd also prob say I've been lucky! sticking a who dunnit in is risky....not a common game. when I stick getaway in, parts are easier to come by.
This also needs to be a factor.

My.restored corvette which I've needed much help getting parts for.....NOT A CHANCE of putting it in the pub. way to precious and valuable to me. and having the forum help to restore it.

Also, if u are thinking of putting a machine in a pub to earn a few quid, can I suggest u don't abuse people's help/freebies/kindness to aid your machine which is making YOU money. That, in my book, isn't right. For ur own machine, at home, that u are genuinely needing help, fine.

Any questions u have I am happy to help. I'm no expert, but always like to see pinball put there on site again!

@PeteBMy.restored corvette which I've needed much help getting parts for.....NOT A CHANCE of putting it in the pub. way to precious and valuable to me. and having the forum help to restore it.

That's a very good point actually. If anyone was thinking of putting a game on site they would have to do it with a machine they have no emotional attachments to whatsoever. Otherwise it's gonna be painful watching (or knowing) something you love is taking a load of abuse from strangers.
I came close to putting a game in a friend's bar a few years ago. One thing we agreed on was that I would cover any repairs and he would cover any damage to the game.
I have a getaway on site.
It's actually about time to swap it over. The thing is they're built for places like pubs and are pretty robust. My main concern is drinks being spilt over it. Tend to see people sling their coats and bags on top of the glass but the staff are pretty good in there.
Try and get a 60/40 in your favour if you can. This then pays for the maintenance on it.
Just remember to go round and pull on every wire to make sure it's well on or for the first couple of weeks you'll be back with a soldering iron every day. At least i was. It's nice to get the machines out there though.
Left a FT in a pub & forgot about it for a couple of months. Eventually got round to check on it & found this

View attachment 38631

£1,680. Coin box was too heavy to pick up.
Whoa that is way more than I just paid mor my FT. that is astounding for a few months takings. Looking at this thread I guess if you could get a few pins I n to a pub and make it a bit of a location for pin heads to go, that would really ramp up the takings
This is definitely a subject that interests me. Whilst I could never bring myself to put my TAF on location, quotes like this from Pinside do make it tempting "When I bought my TAF back in 07 off the original operator that bought it new, it had over 30,000 dollars worth of play's from 2000-2007 and this was sited in a little fish n chip shop, would have liked to known what it earned from 1991-2000"
Been thinking of siting a few machines for a while now on and off. Started thinking about it seriously after bringing TAF into work for mental health week. Put it on 50p a game and raised £139.50 in the five days it was there.

The office still raves about the machine and keep asking when it's coming back etc

Of course the other alternative is to rent them out to offices. The previous company I worked for used to hire them for around £250 per month (but that was Stockholm prices) set on free play and swapped out for a different machine every month. Sometimes we had two or three in at a time. Positives are obvious; unlikely to receive abuse, no cash box to worry about, guaranteed income. Negatives; capped income, company goes into liquidation you will have problems, more wear as free play.
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