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London Pinball Selfie League - Autumn Season

Good fun evening, great to see everyone, thanks Matt for organizing.

Quick pics of the two winners of "most average scores" prizes: some standard Pavlov Pinball tat.
mEd prize.JPG

Vin prize.JPG
Wow, swag for average players, there is hope for me yet! :)

Vin looks like hes about to go out on the town afterwards!
With this being the last week for qualifying, I will be at Brewdog on Tuesday evening and the Four Quarters on Thursday evening if anyone would like to come along and post some last minute scores!

Here is an up to date league table:

Below are the current standings after last nights meet.

There are only 3 days left to qualify, all scores must be submitted to me before 10am Saturday 1st October.

All finalists will receive prizes and the finals will take place at Brewdog on Sunday 9th October at midday.

The final standings after qualifying!


I will be contacting those that have qualified over the next day or two and the final will be next Sunday at Brewdog.

Thanks to everyone that took part and supported the league!
Congratulations to Greg Mott on winning the league finals yesterday!

Peter Blakemore came second and Nick Hamill was 3rd.

Thanks to all those that took part in the league, stay tuned for news of the next installment.

IMG_20161009_164003722.jpg IMG_20161009_163950371.jpg IMG_20161009_163933125.jpg I would also like to say thank you to Brewdog for providing beer vouchers (literally) to all the winners.
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