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live televised pinball from PAPA on Thursday 11th April


i like pizza
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
"Geek Gamer Network (GeekGamer.TV) is proud to announce LIVE and UNEDITED coverage of the Professional & Amateur Pinball Associations’s (PAPA) first ever Circuit Event Final LIVE from the PAPA Facility in Scott Township, PA on Thursday, April 11th, 2013 beginning at 9:30am ET/6:30am PT. ....Professional pinball players from all over the world will be competing for big cash money and the title of the first ever PAPA Circuit Champion! ......Coverage will consist of multiple camera angles, commentating, exclusive interviews and more. Streaming will be brought to you by UStream"


basically it looks like the saddest losers among us may be able to watch the finals live on our laptops, with the likes of Keith Elwin, Zach & Josh Sharpe, Lyman Sheats and Cayle George battling it out. even Daniele Acciari representing the Europes. sadly i can't see Bowen Kerins' name in the list anywhere for some reason (top 20 on this list qualify http://papa.org/circuit/standings.php)

someone clever can perhaps work out for me what time it will be in UK with one hour to go in this event, as if i do watch, i'm not gonna stare at the whole thing but just the final hour or half hour. it says it all lasts 6 hours so i'm guessing this will be about 3pm local time or 8pm our time, which would be perfect - Paul, if you see this, maybe you could host a live link here or something so us sads can chat from the chatroom as we watch it? is that possible?

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9:30 am Eastern time is 14:30 BST according to here... http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/est-to-gmt-converter

3pm local time there is 8pm here...

I'm sure i could find a way to host it here, however it would be no better than if it was open in a separate browser window there - i have enough issues trying to get Chat software working here, let alone streaming video with a chat window. Saying that, if i get a spare day i'll look into it again ;)
This looks really cool, i'll definitely be watching tomorrow and I think it's really exciting for pinball tournaments.

Unfortunately Bowen is inelligible to play as he is running the tournament
I am so going to be watching this, should be awesome. Has everyone watched the recent vids on papa.org for the semi's and finals of last years Pinburgh?


Yes indeed, that game on Funhouse in the final was just insane, the comeback by Karl de Angelo on his final ball to catch and surpass Dave Stewart with over 20 million and then for Dave to get screwed on the steps on his final ball, just pure drama. I think the only game that has surpassed that match for me was the epic battle on Jackbot between Danielle and Cayle in the NW finals, if you haven't seen it, you must!
Oh its incredible, it really is. Cayle manages 2 casino runs on his first ball!! And in reply? Daniele makes it to and completes mega visor, just insane skill
I got to see the Jackbot final between Danielle and Cayle live, as I was there. I was an amazing match with the other two finalist almost being relegated to bystanders... I think it also helped Danielle a week later when him and Cayle were in the final of IFPA9 (another one I got to see live) as Cayle had almost waved the white flag before the games were up and was resigned to Danielle winning.

The Jackbot final also persuaded my mother to purchase a Jackbot for herself and she likes watching the finals again for inspiration!
600 million isn't too shabby with 3 balls. now what's this Ali thing?

so the current 4 are who? Cayle, Daniele, and Steve Bowden and who else? then the bottom guy goes out, and the next guy in is Andy Rosa (#6) i think.
the final 4 is Zach Sharpe, Keith Elwin, Joshua Henderson and Daniele Acciari

apparently they have to play all 7 games with some kind of scoring system, like 4-2-1-0 or something.

go Daniele!
I just turned it on as they went for a burger break or something. Kind of hoping a streaker runs past soon..
It's amazingly compulsive viewing!!!

It really is! I am a little obsessed.

Daniele has managed to make it through 16 rounds to make it to the final, the guy is an absolute machine, he also won the pre pinburgh tournament yesterday, just insane.

But when Keith stepped up to Frontier it was like no other play all day, the level of control that he executes, the tap passing, his defensive play and how hard he works to get the ball back under control was just mesmerizing, and that was just after one ball!!

To see those 2 players (number 1 and 2 in the world) battle it out over 7 games is just so damn exciting, mix in Zach Sharpe (the number 1 seed) and Josh Henderson who is 16 years old, well I bloody love it
i thought i must be the only sad still watching as Daniele scores 6.3B on Demo Man, to double the prevous Grand Champ score. after 3 games and with 4 to play, it is Daniele 9, Keith 6, Joshua 4, Zach 2

the rest of this final is gonna take at least another hour, and it's midnight now, so that's enough for me
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