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Sounds rather gimmicky to me - nothing that an upgraded ROM in a Bally/Williams wouldn't really sort out... Useful if you have OLD Led's tho... Unless I'm missing something...

Cripes!!! $149!!! You could get s DECENT set of LED's that don't flicker and still have change!!!
If you want to eliminate flicker/ghosting on LED's

Either buy a Data East machine :) (as they are not afflicted with LED flicker)


Pinballcenter.eu sells "NOFLIX" LED's which are very good quality LED's that achieve the same
All valid points, was just browsing stuff and spotted it on Pinside.

I read a fair few comments about hated of LEDs due to their illumination characteristics, but also appreciate that the LED uses less current, create less heat etc. My concern is missing the lighting effects programmed into a game by the designers, but i quite like the brightness of the LEDs (not stupid bright though). i particularly like the smooth ramp-up/ramp-down of the incandescent bulbs' brightness, and sometimes the game seems to pulse or dim certain inserts for effect. LEDs don't seem to be able to do this, they're either on or off.

Luke; Which Pinball Centre bulbs do you mean? The Noflix, or the Noflix PLUS? They owe me some free stuff for an order they fcuked up last month, so might choose posh LEDs...

How far off the market is an LED which mimics the incandescent bulb exactly? if it doesn't exist already...
I had some Non Ghosting ones for the inserts from 1 Stop Pinball that have worked fine in my IM (Just got to get the rest swappped out). Also PinballMania stock some white LED's that are supposed be to very good that a group member had made. Have got a couple to try but not got round to fitting them yet.
The close to incandesant that Sir Squires has sourced and Pinball Maina sell are pretty good, got them installed in a machine and I like the look of them very much.
The close to incandesant that Sir Squires has sourced and Pinball Maina sell are pretty good, got them installed in a machine and I like the look of them very much.

+1 I did a full LED job on my old STTNG with the very first batch of these and they looked great then. From what I understand they've got through a number of improvements since then so should be top notch :)
+1 I did a full LED job on my old STTNG with the very first batch of these and they looked great then. From what I understand they've got through a number of improvements since then so should be top notch :)
I will defo be buying more when the next shop out starts.
Send Andy a message asking for the LEDs.
Most stuff Pinball Mania stock is not on the site.
I've never understood Andys stance on LEDs. I mean he's welcome to hate them, but he must get fed up of being asked for LEDs by customers. Business is business, so why not sell them? I'm sure lots of people sell things they don't like personally.
I have just purchased one for a Stern machine, I will soon fit it, but first take a before video and then an after video.

My understanding is the Stern boards will work over here but the B/W ones will not due to our 50hz power supply and the way B/W drive the lamps.

Watch this space....
I do use the Noflix Plus and have to say yes they are good but they also still flicker, and ghost, there still not as good as a regular bulb.

So still on the search for the grail in LED for pinball machines, I think adding the board with noflix plus or coin taker will be the answer.
Comet Pinballs non ghosting 4smd's don't ghost. Ghosting is my pet hate and I've tried a few different makes in a few different machines. If I can't cut the ghosting with a ROM fix i fit these.

Comet also sell the OCD board but only the stern version.
Paul, yes actually I have had a flicker and ghost issue with B/W & Stren with noflix Plus, I try to only purchase the best LEDs so always go plus, but at the moment I think the cointakers are better but the import tax is a killer...
Patched Rom should fix the flicker on Bally/Williams.... Depending on the game i can supply these at cost price - all proceeds go to the running of this place :)

Drop me a line if interested.

Cant do the Stern unfortunately - This is because of the design of the machine..
Cool, and thanks, what are the costs? I have a few machines to update.
I can attest to the effectiveness of Pauls patched Roms, removed all ghosting from my Getaway and Shadow.
Cool, and thanks, what are the costs? I have a few machines to update.

Usually £5 per chip, plus £1.20 postage (Post covers most quantities!!)...

It's only the "game" chip that needs to be patched - so usually only one per machine..
I have now fitted the LED OCD to my Elvis table, and uploaded a couple of videos to Youtube.

Video at Normal Frame Rate

Video at 21% of Normal Frame Rate

I have found a difference, albeit not huge, its a little like upgrdeing your speakers its good to do but don't expect a chalk and cheese experience (unless you also include a power amp and not rely on the in-built amplifier).

With the LED OCD the LED's are more like incandescent bulbs, i.e. the do not simply come on and off, they 'fade' to give a better result, as such a lot less 'blinky'

I know you can get LED's with capacitors (to fade out after being lit) in them but I have found these to ghost and still not look quite right, hence my looking at the LED OCD boards.

Note: The LED OCD board used was factory standard settings, you can go in and change the individual lamp settings, something I may look at later.

FYI the LED's I used in Elvis are the Cointaker non-ghosting premium.

In conclusion, it does make a difference, when playing the game you also do notice it, as its not so 'blinky'.

Is it worth it? IMO yes, that is if your are OCD (excuse the pun) about your pintables.

I tend to mod my games quite a bit, LED's, toppers, speaker upgrades, 700 watt car amps and pioneer car subs, etc, as I said above its like a speaker upgrade (Pinball Pro or Fillper Fidelity), as they often don't make a 'huge' difference but you can tell the difference and IMO are worth doing.

I plan to upgrade my TSPP next as this has Pinball Centre EU no-flix plus LED's in (so the capacitor units) which still tend to look a little odd.
Videos and write up once I have done this.
Nice write up Julian. Isn't the OCD unit supposed to work best with normal rather than non ghosting LEDs?
Thanks Kevlar, I was not aware of this, I assumed it was to make LEDs look more like incandescent bulbs, which this board IMHO does achieve.

Not sure how it will work on my TSPP which has the LEDs that have capacitors in them to 'fade' out!
Best upgrade you can possibly do to lighting if you intend to replace bulbs with leds but I guess you have to see it in person to appreciate just how good it is.

Looks great in TSPP.
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