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Interesting news....

Today was my chosen date, to coincide with the anniversary of the film on the 12th of August 1939. Tomorrow is close enough for a clear win by me. :cool:

However, I am happier for you that your wait is coming to an end. We want pictures, loads of pictures.
Happy days.

Played a game on Woz on Saturday at the party. Very impressive quality wise. Looks like it will be a great game once the software is completed.

Enjoy it, I know you have been waiting long enough!!

Congrats! Love it that after all the waiting it turns up far earlier than you expected!:cool:

Looking forward to the pics
Congrats Jonathan, You have the patience of a Saint but I'm sure it will be worth it!

I bet you won't sleep tonight!
Cheers people. Nigh on 2 years exactly since I ordered it. Got the latest code, 1.18, downloaded and ready to update the game. It's still got teething problems from reading some of the posts on pinside but Keith Johnson is working full time to sort these out and there's been 2 updates in 2 days this week with bug fixes.

Hopefully by Xmas it will be just about the finished product and they can concentrate on making the hobbit an even better game
I've spent forty minutes trying to come up with a WOZ reference/joke to fit this situation.

I got nothing.

So ill just say congrats, post pics when it's up :)
When you're showing it off, remember to give me a shout as I'm only a couple of miles away :)
Great that its finally happening Jonathan. Even better that its arrival is a bit of a last minute surprise! Take some pictures in between games, we'd love to see it (I had to work the pinball party weekend so still haven't played one!).
No :D

Coming mid afternoon. I'm going to give it a thorough checking over and update the code before I get playing but Ill take plenty of pictures
Remember to keep all the packaging, I chucked mine out when I bought a nib Tron and wished I hadn't!
Remember to keep all the packaging, I chucked mine out when I bought a nib Tron and wished I hadn't!

I'm a box guy too, Steve. The missus would go mental if she knew how many i reeally have ;). I feel naked and weak without them...haha.
Go on Jon, call our bluff. When it turns up don't unbox it and stick it up for resale instead;)

Bet you're currently glued to the front window waiting for the van
Remember to keep all the packaging, I chucked mine out when I bought a nib Tron and wished I hadn't!

Where the bloody hell do you keep the box's?? me and the grizz tore through two NIB pin's with knives hammers and saw's and they were thrown outside immediately :)

Congrats Dude hope your happy with your new machine :)
It's here :D

Turned up at 1pm. Took an hour to get it in the house and set up, frig me it's heavy! Feels like it weighs a pinball machine and a half!

In the spirit of fairness, before I tell the world how brilliant the machine is, I will list the few negative points I have found so far.

- Game came with an american plug! Had to nip to the local shop to buy a new kettle lead
- There are a couple of scuffs on the inside of the cabinet where the pf must have scraped on testing in the factory
- The balloon bumper has a little scuff on top too where its marked the glass. That may be from shipping in fairness though
- The trough ball guide wasnt aligned meaning no balls would pop into the shooter lane. Had to bend it with pliers
- The screen still flickers slightly. Dont know if this is to do with uk voltages or what? Ill email the woz techy to ask his advice. Not hugely noticeable though
- The right flipper was mis-aligned. I've obsessed over how tight to do it up as well. Probably threaded the bolt but as least its in place haha

And thats it really, everything else works exactly as you would expect it to. This was probably in the first 150 games made so I would expect lessons to be learned by the time later machines are being made.

That said, none of the above distracts from my amazement at the game. I updated it to 1.18 straight off the bat and if I didn't know that only half the modes were in the game so far you could be forgiven for thinking its the finished article. Loads going on and I haven't got a clue what's happening at the minute!











Ahhh the day finally came. Congrats.

I hope to get that NIB feeling when its time for Predator!!!

Now, when do we get an invite to come over and play it to death in your honour?!!? :)
Wow. Looks awesome. Can't believe it's been 2 years since you ordered it. Time flies and life passes you by!!
Hope you enjoy it mate.
Wow, how cool is that!

Mind you I can't believe your Missus let you put that dirty old pallet on that nice carpet!:)
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