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Dec 29, 2017
Hi all,

Managed to pick up an JP Pro recently and what a machine!
I have a lead on a IMDN Pro but it’s only a lead and all dependent on many other things, so putting my feelers out now. I sold mine back in 2019 for £5.3k which had a lot of mods on it, so that kinda sets my ceiling of what I want to pay, given any game out there will have much more plays than mine then.

I would be able to potentially stretch for a premium, but I will be honest I don’t have high end money for one.

So, as always, get in touch if you have something.

All the best,
I thought ALI was the Greatest ………

Love my IMDN Pro....
Had the chance of an LE when it first came out but I just loved the Pro artwork (being a fan of the band).
Wished they did the LE but with the Pro decals as an option on release....
I do remember early issues with the mechs etc on LE / Prem..... It was also my 1st pin so I was worried a bit but looking back now maybe should have went for it - IMDN is awesome - I would love to play a Premium / LE to check the difference.
Such a fast game - boy when you get a rhythm going 👍
Sell me your Pro @Sako-TRG and buy a premium, the mummy lock and lifting mech are awesome - if a premium came up at the right price, it would be my choice, but people wanting £6.5k on them is a couple of hundred too rich for me.
I'll check back in a few years.

Not sure why you are so shocked, look at the historic sale prices on here compared to new purchase prices and review if you think its silly... bearing in mind that we don't know what deals are done behind closed doors and excluding any crazy mods, I peg IMDN Premium at anywhere between £4.8k (ex operated and well used) and £6.9k with an average sales price based on other comparable sales at £6.2k.

Note IMDN Pro should say Prem

I'm not going to get bogged down with stats, but i can't find any examples of Iron Maiden Premium being advertised at less than £7500. That's all. Sold prices is another story, as you say, but as they're private it's hard/impossible to make assumptions. These examples are all HUO, mint, low plays, mods, etc. We haven't seen any routed machines come up on here yet, to my knowledge, so you might get lucky. Not sure how reliable a Premium would be on site though, it's certainly has it's foibles, that's if you're the type of operator who cares that is!


All i'm saying is we shouldn't confuse what you want to pay, with what a machine is worth or what sellers want for their games. 3 different things & need to be realistic. But you've been upfront, so kudos:

I would be able to potentially stretch for a premium, but I will be honest I don’t have high end money for one.

Personally, i love the little ramp that opens and closes, and i really like the Premium artwork over the LE and Pro. The left ramp is still a tight bastard on both!

But still, good luck - it's a great game regardless.
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