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Wanted I love IT when new pins come onto the market.

With regards to WATERWORLD..... I'm now reverting to "Plan B"...............Only Three (3) in the UK and will possibly be easier to buy in Belgium/Germany... so one for the long LIST and finding a friendly foreign source........ Gonna need a bigger van...........................................

I know its a scarce title but how do you know there are 3 in the UK ?
Good luck with that... they're not easy to find in Europe either... I know I've been looking on and off over the past few years. Have actually played one on location aboard. Excellent game. :D
With regards to WATERWORLD..... I'm now reverting to "Plan B"...............Only Three (3) in the UK and will possibly be easier to buy in Belgium/Germany... so one for the long LIST and finding a friendly foreign source........ Gonna need a bigger van...........................................

Gazza down in Essex has one, give him a bell
Jamie has the Waterworld but wants top dollar for it. Please reconsider as its a turd of a game, I mean a real turd.
Having said that if its "Rare" stuff you are after like it looks like you are after massing a collection of rare machines then go for it.
Gazza down in Essex has one, give him a bell
Thanks Nick, your help is always appreciated. I had traced the other two Waterworlds and this one completes the known group. I played and could have bought one locally 8years ago I enjoyed the game and would have got it then but the moment was lost due to other commitments. It's never been the purist's choice. .... but as the girl says "Who are you gonna satisfy with that?........ There MUST be one lying un-played, unloved, taking up valuable space.. sledge hammers got a lot of the unreliable earners back then after they had taken their coin on site .. . but...always the optimist........ John
I remember looking at their site over a year ago when I was looking for TAF. They never answered the phone which I think saved me a lot of money ;).
That's Liberty Games for you.
Always ready to catch out the unsuspecting guy looking to buy his first pinball table.

Before I got my 1st machine I looked at their site as well but luckily thought how much! So never bothered. Plus contacted another unreputable (new word) seller and luckily they didn't get back to me otherwise it could have been quite expensive!
well..... if i'm allowed to post them...... that is Sydney Moon, and i have several extraordinary alternative animated gifs of her where the straps have long since gone
Because it offend the large number of female pinheads that visit this site?!?

I enjoy the female form as much the next chap BUT this forum is viewable to all. And is primarily about pinball. Doesn't give a good impression. You don't have to go very far on the interweb to view other stuff if you want.
Some people work in offices where they have the IT police monitoring what they are doing (Myself as just one example). And bearing in mind that images get stored in your cache on your machine, They would hapilly protest against me visiting what would effectively be a pron site......
I also hate to be a killjoy but we all know we can find that stuff elsewhere and wouldn't never want someone to walk away thinking we were only obsessed with titilation. ;)
To those not in IT, a good few years ago we used word lists to block naughty emails and even web sites. It became clear that you could only refer to such material as Pron or else it would get blocked. Most of us still call it Pron, maybe because it sounds like Tron and we are geeks.
Word lists died a death when they realised about the swear word in place names like S****horpe though. ;)

Web filtering has become a potential nightmare nowadays with even services like Twitter hosting naughty content, and don't even get me started on Yahoo Groups.
I still know of a firm getting caught up with all the management issues that go still using word lists 12 years after I implemented the system for them. I worked with another firm (global with head office in Japan) who appeared to have gone out of their way to employ people with most western swear words yet be ignorant of why a very large proportion of email was getting blocked.
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