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Heighway Pinball Game #2 - Pinball Expo Reveal


As posted to pinside, a render of the shotmap. Still think this layout looks fantastic. Looks like a massive left outlane, but I guess the space jockey does something to help there

Andy also made a comment that "we believe that an April production start date is achievable".
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What's with the left ramps, an alternating entrance? Looks interesting, quite different upper flipper placements. They got to get the artwork. music and sounds bang on with this.
Looks like one of the ramps can only be hit with the upper flipper ala STTNG. Agree that art and sound needs be bang on with this. It's a killer theme and I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
I was surprised that FT didn't have some tie in with the Isle of Man TT ? Or could this be a platform for promotion later in the year ?

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I would have thought they'd have a fully running production line by now (don't they have orders to fulfill for the american market?), the factory looks really empty.
Would love to see a drop hole and under PF run to another area of play. An easy add on that would improve features without huge cost.

Something similar to Hooks that runs from under the Skull and then fires at the flippers. The ball firing back into play with the trademark gun sounds from alien 1 would be great!
Well I for one was impressed with Andy's video interview for Pinball News.

I don't think he will be ready for an April release but I have booked my place at the launch event for Full Throttle on Friday 16th Jan at the Pipeline Bar - I think he's already done way more than lots of people predicted, and with Alien in the summer/autumn he will hopefully generate a real splash to really launch his company.
Also of note, seems that he's licensing out his OS/parts to some other boutique manufacturers:

I really don't see that post as a 'warning' sign or indicative of licensing out. It seems more like heighway is supporting a small Canadian group who need a platform to make pins and in return are happy to share input. Postive, not negative!

Do you have an axe to grind with Andrew sonnyjim? Personal? Everywhere I see you post re Heighway (here and pinside) it appears that way. How about, in the interests of full disclosure, you air your grievances so we know why you've taken the stance you have? To me, other than some disagreement over timelines (and let's face it, these are hardly unexpected in pinball) everything I see from Wales is very positive indeed!
booked? Isn't it a cae of just turning up? Do you have more details Dan?
Well I went to his website after watching his video, and he said to please let him know. Either it's for catering or so it's not over full or something but I just sent an email and had a chat to Andy on FB and they put my name on the list.

Afternoon is the launch (I'll be there) and evening is a **** up and the band are playing who are on the FTh soundtrack. I hope to be there in the evening too but defo the afternoon.

Of course all this is after the EAG so if the machines break there then it may all be postponed, but here's hoping for a smooth event.
Sonny Jim is Ewan Meadows - who worked for me for a very short while.

Yes, everything this guy says is negative and I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions why, as I am not discussing any details.

Ewan meadows knows nothing about my company as he has been disassociated with it for almost 2 years. Ewan Meadows left the company when we were still working on Circe's Animal House - that's how "in the loop" he is about my company.

There are no beans for him to spill, just sour grapes. Ewan, you can expect mail again in the New Year - as I have run out of patience with you and your efforts to damage my company.

As for the no-show at Northern Lights - we ran out of time HOURS before leaving for the show. We were preparing our second game before we were due to leave. Why did we make Chicago Expo? Because our first game was already flying over to Chicago when NLP was taking place. I apologised to Chris Poibug personally for our withdrawal.

If Northern Lights will have us at the next show, then we will pull out all the stops to be there.

As for Dennis. I will state what I said before - that he made a playfield design for us, put together toy concepts for us and had a say in the rules. We are more than happy with his contribution

One other point towards Carl - if you watch the whole video, you will hear Martin explaining that one half of the factory was being cleaned before the production line is installed in the New year.

It is a shame that I have to appear here to defend my company, but so be it.

On a positive note - I will start a thread here about our Full Throttle Launch Event & Launch Party. All UK Pinball members are invited, except Ewan Meadows.

I'm sure that when people see the games and get to play the 'tuned' Full Throttle then perceptions will change. I understand from what you have said previously said that you are only happy to display a working machine, and I for one understand this totally. Fingers crossed everything will go smoothly for a change :)
Looking forward to the launch and better fortunes :)
Trust me, I would love to spill the beans about Andy and what he gets up to, but unfortunately I am NDA'd up the ass and Andy has made vague threats about taking legal action against me.

What I can say is that I've worked with him, was less than impressed with what I saw and I am very worried about people giving him money. Hell, I might be completely wrong, but I would wait until he's actually *made* and *shipped* a FT before giving him any money for Aliens.
Have we suddenly turned into pinside here???
Looks good. 2 hopes of this being finished in 5 weeks though. 5 months is unlikely if the last game is anything to go on
Great to see progress is being made. Such a strong theme so fingers crossed it will make the most of it. I'm not very good at looking at whitewood's and seeing beyond the plain playfield. Do they finish the design first and then work on the code or is it a simultaneous development? Surely April is a tad optimistic unless this video is quite old. Not knocking Andy but hopefully Full Throttle will make it out in the very near future to help him pay for the development of Alien.
Looking forward to seeing the Alien artwork reveals, coming soon apparently.
It looks pretty good so far but there's no way it will be ready for April looking at that. I'm really looking forward to see how this progresses and it would be great to see a British pinball manufacturer do well, but I'd have a lot more respect for Heighway if he wasn't full of sh1t!

I can totally see why Nordman left and wanted to set things straight late last year. It just seems like one lie after the next on when machines are going to be ready to buy. Hard to believe that still no Fun Throttles have shipped despite the launch party being over a month ago. I could be wrong but traditionally a launch party was held when you actually have a product to launch to market right? :hmm:
You really do have to be brave to attempt making these machines nowadays, I doff my cap to this guy

I would say open mindedness is needed, not the opposite
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