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Heighway Pinball Game #2 - Pinball Expo Reveal

Heighway Pinball

Nov 12, 2013
Hi everyone,

After 1 year of wanting to reveal our second game, we are very excited to tell you that we are only hours away from announcing it.

We are giving our seminar at Expo on Friday 17th October at 6pm local time in Chicago. During this seminar, we will be talking about exciting developments within our company; we will go into detail about our first game, Full Throttle; we will have giveaways to seminar guests and before we end, we will announce our second game.

So, what can we tell you now about game #2?

It is major A-list license and it has been designed by Dennis Nordman.

It is due for production in April 2015

There will be a special limited edition version of this game - limited to only 500 units - and we start taking pre orders from 7pm Friday 17th (local time in Chicago). Due to the expected popularity of this title, we are expecting to sell out very quickly. Numbers 001-500 will be allocated on a First-Come, First-Served basis.

Pricing, Ordering and Deposit information will go live on our website at 7pm Chicago time on Friday 17th.

We will try our best to answer any questions you have both before and after the announcement.

Thanks for reading

As you're expecting the LE to sell out very quickly, aren't you putting your potential UK customer base at a significant disadvantage by releasing the information and starting to take pre-orders at 1am UK time? I understand that the American market is important, but I would have thought that a UK based manufacture would take the local market into consideration.
This is why we are announcing this now - to give UK customers the chance to order then as well

The timing is out of our control. Our seminar times are normally earlier in the day, which would have meant an earlier announcement time for the UK
Good luck Andy,:clap:

Major title designed by Denis Nordman? Now I know our US counterparts are speculating about Harry Potter and Star Wars but I suspect that would involve HUGE levels of finance to swing the licence.

Elvira? I'm guessing a reasonably achievable licence.

April sounds quite optimistic given Full throttle has yet to come out. Maybe though if the hardware now exists it's easier to get No2 up and running

Looking forward to the announcement later
This is why we are announcing this now - to give UK customers the chance to order then as well

The timing is out of our control. Our seminar times are normally earlier in the day, which would have meant an earlier announcement time for the UK

That's a shame, appreciate the heads up. Will the difference between the LE and the standard model be purely cosmetic, or will there be a difference in the playfield/toys similar to Stern?
An announcement of the announcement. I like it! I think this LE title will sell out pretty quickly, but I still wish you the best of luck.
The hardest part by far is to design and build the hardware and basic software. After this, game development and releases become relatively straightforward.

SE & LE games will play the same. The difference is trim, lighting,shaker motor, game # plaques, signatures, goodies, etc..
SE & LE games will play the same. The difference is trim, lighting,shaker motor, game # plaques, signatures, goodies, etc..
Dude nobody wants that extra crap believe me. If they do, they can get it elsewhere for less. Why not set an example by just going back to the old school and saying one version is all you need?
What time is the big announcement?

My money's on Harry Potter
I don't know that I care any more. If I'm honest I'm just a bit hacked off that there was no FT at NLP, however here are Heighway Pinball in the US at Expo showing off their second pin which will be produced next year, and the first one hasnt even been seen in it's final state yet.... I guess what with that and the announcement that the UK prices would affectively be partly funding the US prices.... continually being screwed over... We don't matter guys - S'ok...

Guess I'm just all deflated and cant be ****d with all the promises that don't appear any more. Lets face it. We seem to have gone from one pinball producer to now multiple, all producing different machines, all with roughly the same cost. Where's the excitement and innovation gone??

Cant wait to hear the Big announcement later. "Major A-list license" eh.....

Edited to correct my spelling as i couldn't spell Andy's surname this morning, pre-coffee! :( Sorry!
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GS used to publicly say that the "home" market wasn't his market, and he was producing machines for operators.
Now he attends home gaming shows with his latest machine....

Shows how much things have changed....
Sorry to see that you are so negative Paul.

If you had come to the UK Pinball Party this year, then you would have seen Full Throttle.

We had to pull the plug on attending NLP at the eleventh hour because our working game was already flying to Chicago and our second game had last minute technical issues. Sorry, sometimes these things happen. Nobody was more disappointed than me that we couldn't attend

You seem to suggest our games have no innovation and we are screwing people over with our prices. I would like to point out that we recently offered our game at a price lower than the USA price.

Just a small point, the name is Heighway ... not Highway

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my early morning ramble - I know you are in the US and have exciting announcements on the horizon, so I understand that this wasn't and isn't up there in your list of priorities at this moment in time.. (and no, that wasn't said in a sarcastic way)!!

Hopefully - you already know me in person - You know that I'm usually a rather happy chirpy guy... However maybe this is just general tedium towards new pinball in general (and possibly fueled by the heavy bout of Man-flu I currently have!)- the innovation part certainly was definitely NOT aimed at you guys specifically... However there IS only so many things you can do with a piece of wood and some toys without Radical invention - Pin2k anyone?? ;)

I was at the Pinball Party this year, and I did see the game in person (complete with winding the legs down to get through the door!) :) . I didn't play it as couldn't get near it though, and to be honest would have liked to be able to play with all the new changes that you were reporting would be done :) I was actually genuinely disappointed when I heard it wasn't to be at NLP :(

With regards to pricing, I do realise that you recently offered your game with a price that was a few pounds lower than the US price - However as far as I believe it that was a one off show offer, and not the general pricing? We have been here and all understand the pricing issues as it has been discussed to death, since you were good enough to explain them at the time, however the long and short is that if I was to order one tomorrow then the price would be more to order here than in the US, and that the UK sales fund the building of games for the US market. I'm also realistic to realise that the majority of your potential Market is in the USA simply because the place is bigger and the Americans seem to have more disposable income. Still doesn't make it easier to swallow though - however at least you were up front enough to explain it, so Kudos for that.

Problem is though Andy, we are now hearing every month about new games being announced from all over the world (USA/Europe/China) - the likes of predator/Melons/Hobbit/TWD/TBL/Thunderbirds plus more, so understandably become slightly de-sensitised about an announcement of another title, where the companies first machine hasn't been released yet, and doesn't turn up for people to play on (1/3 isn't bad I guess??). I understand why, however it's just fact. JJP anyone? I understand that yours is a new company, and in it for the long run, rather than some of these which are designed/assembled in small units and garages etc. However it seems like forever that we have been waiting for a Heighway Pinball Machine, and we're still not there....over nearly 2 1/2 years since the announcement of Circe's Animal House.. (Due for release early to Mid 2013....). Maybe there's something to be said for the Stern model of "lets just release it and sort decent code out 2 years down the line". I know to most of us it's not acceptable, however in the real world that happens and seems to work!

On a more positive side (finally!) - Great to hear of a new machine, and good news to hear that a British Manufacturer will be producing an A-list title!

Will be watching and looking forward to the announcement later


P.s. Please accept my Apologies for the name slip-up - wasn't intentional in the slightest.... The spell checker is coming in particularly useful this morning with a fuzzy Flu-head!
I was on the understanding that JJP had the Harry Potter licence.

Also is it not better to get game #1 on the production line before announcing game #2! Before we know it there will be 3 games announced before 1 is even in the home.
Elvira is still pretty big in US. I do remember hearing something on Pinside that Dennis was really wanting another Elvira title. Maybe game already designed with toys etc that's why a quick release date after TH
Elvira is still pretty big in US. I do remember hearing something on Pinside that Dennis was really wanting another Elvira title. Maybe game already designed with toys etc that's why a quick release date after TH

It would be a definate tempter if it is Elvira. I'm a big fan just didn't think it was A-List. I wasn't aware that Dennis had said he wanted to do another one......hmmmmmmmm..
This LE is going to sell out in a heartbeat… Good luck Andy
Well this is the shortlist then, kind of confirmed by Nick on pinside ;)

Star Wars
Harry Potter
James Bond

Could also be Monty Python, The Goodies, Benny Hill, Mr Bean, Dr Who, Mickey Mouse,Sesame Street, Game of Thrones, Fifa, The Muppets, Knight Rider.... but somehow I doubt it:)
Fair points made I think Paul. It is a shame about the pricing structure. Nothing motivates more than a special price to collect from the factory gates. Ferrari make quite a lot for the privilege of factory collection!
I'm pretty impressed Andy is sticking his head above the parapet and posting on here. I can't see mr stern doing it!
The other thing I think I nice is that Andy isn't going down the "le" being fundamentally different to the standard model thing. Some may pay extra for a shaker motor and a plaque, but it's good to see you get a fully featured model with the standard.
Andy, when will we find out about this side project that delayed things. Not a criticism, cash coming in has to take priority, but would be interesting to know about what it was!
Isn't HP old hat?, been and gone, Harry who?, oh yes that kid with a magic wand from a few years ago and Elvira must have a free bus pass by now :), Aliens sounds interesting but again passé, still want Sin City or something really scary, a pinball nasty please.
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Harry Potter would be absolutely incredible and a real coup, however I think that it's extremely unlikely. My money is on Elvira, which in my opinion is not an A list title
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