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Wanted Godzilla Premium

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I think people have opinions about pinball and good healthy points are useful in this forum …. If I say I don’t like Jurassic park and you happen to have one you don’t need to be offended that’s just my opinion
Ok Tom no problem I’m not having a domestic with you over a pinball machine comment bigger things happening in the world
Big you. This isn't about the horrors of Ukraine. This is about people like you having g to give there two Kenneth about something on here they don't need to spoil.
@Silverpaolo For the benefit of newcomers to the hobby, please you, others and @Neil McRae please just think whether you want to support and be positive rather than show off. Manners maketh the man.
I think your recent comments on here are quite passive aggressive to be fair what’s neil got to do with my comment , I wished you good luck with a trade I was merely saying it could be hard to get a trade as gz is such a fantastically hot property at the minute …. I think your blowing it way out of hand I’m afraid Tom
@DevilzAvocado I've seen some Godzillas for sale on Pinball Owners in mainland Europe - if that helps (http://www.pinballowners.com/pinball-machines-for-sale).

CoinOpKing told me he could organise importation for pins in a shared container for £300 per machine + 20% the value. That, certainly in dollars, comes out as a similar value in pounds to the listed price.

Speaking as a newbie, I've found @Silverpaolo pleasant and welcoming :) I don't mind people having strong opinions on pins - I have strong opinions on what I like and dislike, and enjoy debating why.

What I dislike as a newbie is people getting personal about each other's character, honour, intelligence, knowledge and other characteristics. That's quite unpleasant and off-putting, and almost feels like bullying, especially if you might run into the person in an offline space with your young kids :(
@DevilzAvocado I've seen some Godzillas for sale on Pinball Owners in mainland Europe - if that helps (http://www.pinballowners.com/pinball-machines-for-sale).

CoinOpKing told me he could organise importation for pins in a shared container for £300 per machine + 20% the value. That, certainly in dollars, comes out as a similar value in pounds to the listed price.

Speaking as a newbie, I've found @Silverpaolo pleasant and welcoming :) I don't mind people having strong opinions on pins - I have strong opinions on what I like and dislike, and enjoy debating why.

What I dislike is people getting personal about each other's character, honour, intelligence, knowledge and other characteristics. That's quite unpleasant and off-putting, and almost feels like bullying, especially if you might run into the person in an offline space with your young kids :(
Thanks buddy agreed I don’t try put anyone down or there decisions
Why post?

Ok. My issue is, as I said, hungry-fingered negative posting.

You didn't need to weigh in to put a downer on me saying I have a jp2. Don't want it? Fine. Why do you think the thread needs your opinion? Post on things you like. I have come to expect that kind of thing, but it is really dull and negative.

@Neil McRae is in my opinion an insufferable show-off without merit. Land grabbing with cash. I find it very cringe, but newcomers can easily be shied away by beta aggression.
@DevilzAvocado I've seen some Godzillas for sale on Pinball Owners in mainland Europe - if that helps (http://www.pinballowners.com/pinball-machines-for-sale).

CoinOpKing told me he could organise importation for pins in a shared container for £300 per machine + 20% the value. That, certainly in dollars, comes out as a similar value in pounds to the listed price.

Speaking as a newbie, I've found @Silverpaolo pleasant and welcoming :) I don't mind people having strong opinions on pins - I have strong opinions on what I like and dislike, and enjoy debating why.

What I dislike as a newbie is people getting personal about each other's character, honour, intelligence, knowledge and other characteristics. That's quite unpleasant and off-putting, and almost feels like bullying, especially if you might run into the person in an offline space with your young kids :(
That's a brief post for you.
Why post?

Ok. My issue is, as I said, hungry-fingered negative posting.

You didn't need to weigh in to put a downer on me saying I have a jp2. Don't want it? Fine. Why do you think the thread needs your opinion? Post on things you like. I have come to expect that kind of thing, but it is really dull and negative.

@Neil McRae is in my opinion an insufferable show-off without merit. Land grabbing with cash. I find it very cringe, but newcomers can easily be shied away by beta aggression.
I think your becoming quite attacking Tom both with myself , neil and veemonroe think it’s time to go get some fresh air before you do get a moderator warning there’s no need for this tirade of attack
We are all guilty of posting in wanted/trade adds, pictures of games, of which we have in our collections and the OP is looking for, with a comment of wouldn’t sell mine or it’s bolted to the floor..
Something which I have to work on.
Sometimes things are better left unsaid
Spoiled by noisey people who dominate. The majority are decent and meek. My hope it that they shall inherit the earth[shaker].
Spoiled by noisey people who dominate. The majority are decent and meek. My hope it that they shall inherit the earth[shaker].
We’ll that was a good little waste of everybody’s time … time to move on I’ve got to go cut the grass with a pair of scissors ✂️ all the best Tom I’m sure you’ll love gz when you get one
Oh bog off. What is it about this forum with hungry-fingered downer people. You already told me that when I offered it to you dm when you were wanting one.

I'm seriously going off pinball with the likes of you and @Neil McRae being insufferable smartass tits.

Like pinball matters. It's a fun game and lots of us love it. There is no being a connoisseur. Just a dullard.


geez and he didn't even make a joke about your wife's hair.
Another day, another trainwreck in the for sale / wanted section. :popcorn:
Mainly caused by the unwarranted/unnecessary comments not related to the question asked - some people just feel the need to say (type) something when it's of little to no value - and it's usually the same people.
@DevilzAvocado I've seen some Godzillas for sale on Pinball Owners in mainland Europe - if that helps (http://www.pinballowners.com/pinball-machines-for-sale).

CoinOpKing told me he could organise importation for pins in a shared container for £300 per machine + 20% the value. That, certainly in dollars, comes out as a similar value in pounds to the listed price.

Speaking as a newbie, I've found @Silverpaolo pleasant and welcoming :) I don't mind people having strong opinions on pins - I have strong opinions on what I like and dislike, and enjoy debating why.

What I dislike as a newbie is people getting personal about each other's character, honour, intelligence, knowledge and other characteristics. That's quite unpleasant and off-putting, and almost feels like bullying, especially if you might run into the person in an offline space with your young kids :(
Before anyone starts buying from the US BTW be aware that Stern region locks pins and if for instance you buy a US pin and you connect it up and it see's a 50Hz signal you'll get a nice message saying 'Not meant for this region, please contact your distributor' or words to that affect. You can get round it through Step down converters with signal conversion but also be aware you won't get support for buying outside your region from Stern either.

Not saying you are buying from the US as you did say Europe but just in case anyone starts going 'Hmm dollars to pounds I could save money here'.
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