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Found it! Flintstones Joe's Diner plastic


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Oct 6, 2015
Oldham, Greater Manchester
If anyone has a Flintstones Joe's Diner plastic they want to sell then let me know. I could buy one new but struggling to justify spending £20+ on one. Thank you.

Mine broke too, not especially well designed. Spent the full whack getting a replacement from PH.
I've ordered a few bits and am going to have a go at making one. Sounds/looks like it breaks a lot so don't want to buy a new one if it is just going to break again.

Mine is completely missing rather than just broken.
I've ordered a few bits and am going to have a go at making one. Sounds/looks like it breaks a lot so don't want to buy a new one if it is just going to break again.

Mine is completely missing rather than just broken.

If you're repro'ing one I think i'd start upping the thinkness of the acrylic. If I ever need to do the same I think I'd go double the thickness at least.
If you're repro'ing one I think i'd start upping the thinkness of the acrylic. If I ever need to do the same I think I'd go double the thickness at least.

Ok ta. I've never tried it before. I measured the existing plastics which were about 2mm so that is what I have ordered. It might not work out and look crap but I wanted to give it a go and it hasn't cost me much in materials.
Found it...or should I say made it. The decal paper method was a disaster. I think for this particular plastic it is far too large to handle as it is so flimsy and just curled up in to a mess as soon as I took the backing paper off.


As I already had the plastic cut ready I thought I'd have another go with regular adhesive backed paper which was much easier to handle. After applying it I sprayed it with lacquer. I'm not sure if this was necessary or has added anything of value apart from giving it a frosted look.

Not bad for a first attempt and better than no plastic at all. It could do with the edges tidying up a bit and a finer toothed saw to do the initial cutting. Using a Dremel or similar melts the edges of the plastic.

As it is a standalone plastic getting a perfect colour match wasn't necessary, unlike maybe a slingshot plastic.

Many thanks to @stoptap for making the 2 brackets :thumbs:

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