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Finally, Pulp Fiction

That's a pin I'd buy if I had the cash waiting!
Love the early solid state inspired layout, pure pinball but modern👌
Proper score displays, no movie or animations with tiny score at the bottom that disappears for long periods.

I'd struggle to decide between this and American Pinballs one but probably go for this based on the pure pinball. Mark Ritchie back!
I'm not fussed about the theme but it looks to be integrated really well and that's what matters.
Wow pre orders open March, games don’t hit the line until at least October!? And they still haven’t got CCRLEs out…
As mentioned earlier getting the music must be a nightmare. Can you imagine holding the publishing rights to Miserlou. “So you want to make a pulp fiction pinball. Well we own the most iconic tune from the film. Give me £100k up front? No? Well there’s no point in putting it out then”.
Talk about having the upper hand in negotiations.

I can't speak about the specifics re. Pulp fiction but my understanding is that it can cost as little as a few cents per song, per game up to thousands of dollars per tune for a Beatles number. That's why The Beatles only has 10 seconds of each tune.
I hope this isn’t it!

Changed you mind @Neil McRae

Really does look a great game
Recession schmesession. Phil will be able to retire early after all this month's Pinball releases. There doesn't seem to be too much hesitation with people jumping in on any of them. Just wait until Punny Factory is released, then you'll all be regretting your decisions!

It does look good and something a little different to the latest releases but for me personally I just wouldn't be up for an unknown wait on the build.
Recession schmesession. Phil will be able to retire early after all this month's Pinball releases. There doesn't seem to be too much hesitation with people jumping in on any of them. Just wait until Punny Factory is released, then you'll all be regretting your decisions!

It does look good and something a little different to the latest releases but for me personally I just wouldn't be up for an unknown wait on the build.
I think this pin looks incredibly cool. I was watching the trailer last night, clicked on the featurette this morning and thought maybe, by the time it's built, we'll have saved up and sorted the space issues...

...And then the featurette started and I heard-eth the dulcet tones of Samuel L Jackson "English, you speak it motherf***r?" and then the even-more dulcet tones of my three year old, next to me, asking "Is that a pinball machine?" And I had a sudden vision, as though from the lord above, of my six year old pointing an imaginary gun at his little brother, yelling "English, you speak it motherf***r?" and his little brother pointing an imaginary gun back, giggling "No, motherf****r."

And I realised this pin was not something that could be in our house...
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