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No Longer Available Fathom


Oct 26, 2014
I am wanting to sort out my Fathom situation. I have owned her two years, as per this shop log ...


I have
  • a brand new Dec 2016 cpr gold pf to go in her
  • a brand new cpr mirrorred backglass for her
  • new cpr plastics set
  • new, correct, drop targets plus a second new set for spares
  • new pop caps etc
Basically, she works and I have everything other than a stencil kit (available from two manufacturers in the usa) to make this a minter.

She was used in league play in 2015.

I am daunted by the prospect of the playfield swap and with everything else going on consuming my odd-job time (home renovations, building a pinshed) it will be ages before I get round to it.

So I am looking for a solution that is better than this iconic, beautiful game sat around waiting for its rejuvenation ....

  • Sell the whole lot to someone ? Maybe stick it on Pinside as folk pay mega money for anything Fathom over there?. The new PF alone is worth a grand. The last cpr run was oversubscribed
  • Swap my new cpr pf plus my worn complete pf (all working, all mechs, wiring loom etc) one for a very good complete original pf plus cash ?
  • Trade the whole lot for some game I really want plus cash ? - Tip top Earthshaker, Tip top Medusa
  • Pay someone to do the PF swap ?
Very open minded

Pay someone to do the playfield swap. You will regret selling it.
Who could do a pf swap well pls ?
I have done two but only do them on my own games as a last resort. They aren't that difficult it is just a matter of being meticulous.
Has @ronsplooter done his Fathom swap yet ? He might be sweet talked into doing two at once. :clap:
Interested in trade or sale if you decide to go down that route but definitely explore the playfield swap option first.

Don't sell David. Pay someone. Matt did my Taxi. Video has already been linked I believe.

People who do it themselves often can't comprehend that people CAN'T do it for themselves. Or maybe would rather poke cocktails sticks in their eyeballs than bother trying (that's me)

Maybe one day when I'm retired and got nothing to do but right now with 2 kids under 4. Not a chance.
Money well spent in my eyes.

Of course we're all assuming Matt is up for the job. It's not like he's a full time builder/ dad / granddad etc....:thumbs:
I've still got to do my Fathom but got to be honest and say I don't fancy doing two of them. Not really looking to turn my hobby into a job at the moment :thumbs:
Last week I spent 20 hours repopulating a Haunted House playfield. I would hazard a guess that it'll probably take about the same amount of time with a simpler playfield like the fathom but having to strip it first.
+1 to what everyone says, pay Courtney to do it, she knows what she is doing

Another +1 from me. I know how long it took me to find mine - and how much I had to pay to get it - so if I had to get rid of my pins it would be pretty much the last one out of the door!
Thanks for all the suggestions especially those offering a hand with the work this game needs.

I have had a few PMs looking to buy her, a few regarding trades, and a few regarding fixing her up.

Having slept on it, she is off to Matt Adams for stencilling and the pf swap. I have watched a number of his brilliant youtube videos, and amongst other things these taught me how to put the decals on my Shadow and Funhouse.
Good news you're seeing it through! A beauty of a game for sure.
Thanks for all the suggestions especially those offering a hand with the work this game needs.

I have had a few PMs looking to buy her, a few regarding trades, and a few regarding fixing her up.

Having slept on it, she is off to Matt Adams for stencilling and the pf swap. I have watched a number of his brilliant youtube videos, and amongst other things these taught me how to put the decals on my Shadow and Funhouse.
I think you have made the right decision David. It is a beautiful game and probably the best Bally SS. You will have a stunning example when it is done.
Despite my leaning towards Stern games these days, Fathom is one that I definitely want to own at some point.
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