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EU Referendum - Vote Today

I'm happy with outcome. SNP/`remain campaign was based on scaring people and claiming that working rights will diminish if were not in the EU. Hang on a minute we had all these rights before we were in the EU and current UK workers rights are better than the current EU guidelines. What have the EU done to stop zero hour contracts then.
Sweet **** all, zero hour contracts are great for keeping wages down and keeping the workforce compliant.
5 minutes and 55 seconds of being shouted out by a social media wannabe. He gets points for his 'tsunami coming at you wavy hairdo" though. I'm sounding like a keyboard warrior as I speak ... Meh.....

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I hadn't heard the term "generation snowflake" before.

When I was 18 the man that arguably started all this Brexit chaos, Jacques Delors, spoke at my university. As liar politicians never game me a chance to vote on the Maastricht Treaty I could only join a number of other democratically minded students chanting "up yours delors" as he was sped up the stairs into the building.


He also catalysed one of the Maggie's most famous speeches ...

5 minutes and 55 seconds of being shouted out by a social media wannabe. He gets points for his 'tsunami coming at you wavy hairdo" though. I'm sounding like a keyboard warrior as I speak ... Meh.....

Well, he must be beyond a wannabee with over 400K subs on youtube and I don't doubt he has just a few on other places like twitter. You don't share his view but by christ some of the remainers are pretty vile this week.

Never heard of generation snowflake either.
Well, he must be beyond a wannabee with over 400K subs on youtube and I don't doubt he has just a few on other places like twitter. You don't share his view but by christ some of the remainers are pretty vile this week.

Never heard of generation snowflake either.

I once saw a YouTube vid with over a million hits. It was of a cat falling off a chest of drawers.

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It was subs I was pointing out , he must be doing something right and making more dollar than us just sitting in front of a cam having a rant.

Not a sub myself though but video was on point for this week.
I've not heard of the snowflake generation but I'm aware of generation x,y and the baby boomers. I'm generation x apparently which means I'm bitter, cynical and a sceptic.
There might be something to this generation stereotyping, but then again it sounds like a bunch of crap to me ;-)

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Nah nowhere is safe for politics at the moment.

Just for the record though. Gove is an utter and total ****. Seriously I can not tell you how much I despise him. Totally blinkered with the view that only his education was right and everyone has to do the same as him no matter where their talents lie. The negative fall out in education is going to last decades. Music, PE, Art, Drama etc all crippled by that man and guess what sectors the UK excel in (well maybe not PE). Policies made up on the spur of the moment and no input taken from people who knew how things work. Millions wasted on free schools in areas that didn't need them and money spent on vanity projects like his personal bible being sent out. I dread to think how he would come across in any future negotiations at an international level. I can seriously not think of anything positive about him. He ****ed education up to ensure his name was always on the front pages so he could have a shot at being PM and guess what it looks like he might get his chance.:mad::mad::(:mad:

In case you couldn't guess I'm not a fan of his. If anyone can make a bobble head of him to stick in my metallica I'd love to spend hours whacking metal balls into it

I'll leave it to Dan to say what he admires about Mr Hunt.
Nah nowhere is safe for politics at the moment.

Just for the record though. Gove is an utter and total ****. Seriously I can not tell you how much I despise him. Totally blinkered with the view that only his education was right and everyone has to do the same as him no matter where their talents lie. The negative fall out in education is going to last decades. Music, PE, Art, Drama etc all crippled by that man and guess what sectors the UK excel in (well maybe not PE). Policies made up on the spur of the moment and no input taken from people who knew how things work. Millions wasted on free schools in areas that didn't need them and money spent on vanity projects like his personal bible being sent out. I dread to think how he would come across in any future negotiations at an international level. I can seriously not think of anything positive about him. He ****ed education up to ensure his name was always on the front pages so he could have a shot at being PM and guess what it looks like he might get his chance.:mad::mad::(:mad:

In case you couldn't guess I'm not a fan of his. If anyone can make a bobble head of him to stick in my metallica I'd love to spend hours whacking metal balls into it

I'll leave it to Dan to say what he admires about Mr Hunt.

Mrs GrizZ is a primary deputy head so you can imagine how popular Gove is round our house.

Now I'm not one for political debate on social media but I'll just vent for 2 minutes....
The whole sorry shower should be shot. Are they even aware of what the f*ck is going on now. As someone else commented its the biggest f*cked up clusterf*ck you could ever imagine. Except we aren't imagining it.

1 week on, and 1 lot of clowns are being replaced by another lot and still not a single one of them can say what exactly anybody is gaining from this car crash - now that pretty much everything they did say pre last Thursday has been shown to be utter b*llocks. The world looks on with a mix of horror/disbelief/bemusement.

Right, back to normal stuff .... beer and pinball.
Nope don't trust Gove at all, especially as he's gone against his word as video evidence suggests about 7 times during referendum that he had no interest in running at all. Far from hate him though.

Would love for it to be Angela.

& May, now that is one Sharia law enabling wench / witch + remainer.

JT you may not like it rammed down your throat but this is the biggest shake up I've ever seen. Cameron said the best thing I've heard from him since Feb 28th with his "For heavens sake man, just GO" :)
Mrs GrizZ is a primary deputy head so you can imagine how popular Gove is round our house.

Now I'm not one for political debate on social media but I'll just vent for 2 minutes....
The whole sorry shower should be shot. Are they even aware of what the f*ck is going on now. As someone else commented its the biggest f*cked up clusterf*ck you could ever imagine. Except we aren't imagining it.

1 week on, and 1 lot of clowns are being replaced by another lot and still not a single one of them can say what exactly anybody is gaining from this car crash - now that pretty much everything they did say pre last Thursday has been shown to be utter b*llocks. The world looks on with a mix of horror/disbelief/bemusement.

Right, back to normal stuff .... beer and pinball.

This and more. Especially the beer and pinball. [emoji106]

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it never stops.

i quite enjoyed that video above, though the bloke was a bit irritating he did make some good points.
Gove is indeed a horrible bobble-lipped ferlobbalop of a man who no doubt was bullied mercilessly at some top public school.
not quite as hideous an individual as Hunt, in my opinion, but let's face it, the Tory party is just riddled with them

new Tory cabinet.jpg

and is anyone really surprised at Boris' latest move? i'm not, if anything it makes me appreciate his shrewd tactics more, even though what he's done is clearly recklessly selfish (did you hear Heseltine's interview on the BBC? recommended) it makes perfect sense for him to let someone else be in charge for a few turbulent difficult years, so he can pop up later on (vs Osborne and Hunt i expect) and 'rescue' the Tories when they inevitably at last lose an election by breaking or selling everything. Labour is stuffed by the new nationalism North of the border since the Scots discovered the SNP (looks like no more Labour seats up there again, ever) so it'll have to be some kind of bastardised LibDemUKIPGreenToriLab alliance .....

this is why i avoid political discussions.
for what it's worth, i voted Leave, but only because i prefer democracy, not because of xenophobia. and i don't now want to change my vote either, i'm not an idiot..
Was it not mentioned on the news that Rupert Murdoch wasn't keen on Boris being PM. So Gove I think was manoeuvred into position. Reckon he still wields quite a bit of power..
this is why i avoid political discussions.
for what it's worth, i voted Leave, but only because i prefer democracy, not because of xenophobia. and i don't now want to change my vote either, i'm not an idiot..

Drama will be over soon enough.

Was it not mentioned on the news that Rupert Murdoch wasn't keen on Boris being PM. So Gove I think was manoeuvred into position. Reckon he still wields quite a bit of power..

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