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EU Referendum - Vote Today


Oct 26, 2014
2h question time show last night on bbc1 is worth a watch

I know politics is banned here, but do get out and vote tomorrow people.

The politicians of all parties have repeatedly lied for decades about giving idiots like us a vote on the matter. You may not get another chance
...and they are doing their best to still treat us as idiots and tell us how to vote, as they know better than us.
David Dimbleby is going to be upset once this is over - all that overtime he's been on nicely tops up the pension when you're 77.
I went to the nottingham edition of the show last week. It was incredibly well organised and was a joy to see something being done so professionally

Dimbleby is an incredibly slick operator. . He is every bit as cautious, indeed probably more cautious, with his answers than the actual politicians are
For those who can't be ****d watching a 2h show. Just use bbc iplayer and go to the 100.00 minute point.

Both campaigns have distilled decades of argument, millions of pounds, gazillions of claims and clearly messaged their pitches into 2x 90 second slots.
I went to the nottingham edition of the show last week. It was incredibly well organised and was a joy to see something being done so professionally

Dimbleby is an incredibly slick operator. . He is every bit as cautious, indeed probably more cautious, with his answers than the actual politicians are

Hah, so it was you. I saw you, front row.
One of the first times in my life it's actually worth voting. It's hard not to be jaded when I've only lived in very safe labour or Conservative wards, so I know my vote counts for exactly jack ****. At least in a referendum there is some weight to every vote. Still not convinced that people over 80/90 should be allowed to vote on an issue that will have little long term impact on them and a 17 year old doesn't get a say despite it having a major part in their future lives. Why didn't 16 year olds get to vote like they did in the Scottish referendum?

Interesting article on the BBC yesterday to talk about whether London should split from the rest of England if there is a vote for out. I don't especially agree with the article but if an out vote triggers new independence referendums in Scotland and Wales then as London has a far higher population and GDP would we not also want to form our own state? Not that I agree with it but London is very different to a lot of other parts of the UK. Think we'd struggle to feed ourselves though if the rest of England introduced a food tax.

I think we're going to see some very interesting voting patterns with a big north/south and city/countryside divisions. Round here there are loads of remain posters and I've yet to see a single "leave" poster. traveling down to Matt's on Sunday the picture was almost the polar opposite.
I'm concerned my England flag bunting is sending the wrong message to Remain In (Euro 2016 that is)
use your right tomorrow to vote. unlike general elections where it can seem fruitless if you don't live in a marginal seat , in this election even 1 vote could tip it!
I wonder legally how many votes you would need to win by in order for the result to be valid. Would 1 vote really be allowed to decide? Would that result be allowed to count given that statistically several people must have cast postal ballots and either since died or been incarcerated. If it's a close run result I can foresee all sorts of legal challenges. What about the people who don't vote, should they count as being happy either way? Hopefully we have a good turn out. If the result is decided on a turn out of say under 70% then that's pretty damning about the state of political apathy in this country.
On a brighter note (for me) either Cameron or Gove are ****ed tomorrow and surely one will have to resign.
a close vote will lead to challenges. Bush in Florida lol?

I remember this one

1997 United Kingdom UK general Winchester 0.00322% 2 62,054 Mark Oaten gained the seat from the Conservatives (the result was later annulled and Oaten won by 21,000 votes in the subsequent by-election). This was the smallest percentage majority and the joint smallest numerical majority, in a UK Parliamentary election, since universal adult suffrage.
Wolverhampton, where I live, is a Brexit stronghold. Bojo did a walkabout in Wolvo today to boost his voting percentage. I was too busy earning a living to bump into him.

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Well pinball parts have just become a **** load more expensive. A 10% fall against the pound would mean NIBs have just gone up by £750 :eek:

Might need to look into joining the Irish league;)
Much as I love pinball, democracy is priceless. Every village, town and city in the country has memorials for the millions who died so that we could elect our leaders.

There will be uncertainty and volatility in the near term, but we will be better off in the long run I reckon
It's going to be hard, and I wish we hadn't left but democracy is a greater value.
My thoughts go out to those who will in the coming months lose their jobs, hope the leave pundits are right and it is only a brief and not too harsh exit and that they are able to find new work
My job is managing a European team and involves weekly travel to the continent. In my company the UK will be moved to a smaller market area with the small non-EU European markets. My job has essentially disappeared overnight.

Oh and my mortgage rate is up for renewal in September. We're only just about able to keep up with the cost of living in Bucks, so this is likely going to price us out of the county.

My love affair with this hobby may be forced to end as I'm going to need all the cash I can liquidate to get through these next years.

With the markets in turmoil, we're going to see inflation back to 80s levels leaving the BoE with the only option but to hike interest rates.

Enjoy your new found 'freedom' people.
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nobody knows what will happen. that was the problem with the referendum, none of us were voting with the facts. as Noel Gallagher said, they didn't ask the people whether we should go to war or not - so don't necessarily believe they will actually follow through and leave.

if we choose to keep paying money so we can keep our access to the market, that's very different to if we stop paying - and *if* we are all economically ok in a couple of months and the world didn't actually end, the other countries will want the same. if that happens then as the other countries' bills go up, they will surely referendum to leave themselves one by one, starting with The Netherlands.

it's not all doom and gloom guys. change is always healthy anyway.
Thanks for a well measured and non-inflamitory response Dan..

Maybe things won't be as bad as I fear, but it's hard to feel good about it today.

Anyhow, this is a pinball forum, so I'll stop now.
There's bound to be heartbreak all over the shop, especially from the majority of the LEFT at the moment and it's so sweet, but freedom & democracy far outweighs ANY pay packet.

In the end there WILL be more jobs, we can revitalize lost industries, you know, like FISHING for one. We live on an island surrounded by water that we are hardly allowed to touch.

They've been taking the **** for far too long and they've had this coming but would they take notice? Quite a narrow margin but that was only because it was huge "Planet London" & Scotland vs England & Wales.

And Wales, Well, what was going on there? I was truly shocked about Wales considering they get the most funding.

It's not what everyone wanted but that's democracy in action. I am over the moon I don't have to leave! Pooman I hope it works out for you, hold your head up and make it work!
Makes me giggle...
They are saying "the dollar has crashed to £1 = $1.38". That of course would be down from the inflated figures of yesterday ($1.50) - However what is missed is that it was as low as this last month.... so nothing changes...
There's bound to be heartbreak all over the shop, especially from the majority of the LEFT at the moment and it's so sweet, but freedom & democracy far outweighs ANY pay packet.

In the end there WILL be more jobs, we can revitalize lost industries, you know, like FISHING for one. We live on an island surrounded by water that we are hardly allowed to touch.

They've been taking the **** for far too long and they've had this coming but would they take notice? Quite a narrow margin but that was only because it was huge "Planet London" & Scotland vs England & Wales.

And Wales, Well, what was going on there? I was truly shocked about Wales considering they get the most funding.

It's not what everyone wanted but that's democracy in action. I am over the moon I don't have to leave! Pooman I hope it works out for you, hold your head up and make it work!

...and we will now be "allowed" to financially support our steel industry if we choose to. Then we will compete better with the Chinese who support theirs.
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