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DM coin mechs


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Apr 11, 2013
Newport, South Wales
Kevin Donovan
I have 6 DM coin mechs, are they good for anything apart from paper weights? I have no idea how coin mechs work, have them on most of my machines but have never put a coin in any of them. Can they be adjusted to take different coins or shall i just bin them?
You got a pic Kev?? Most can be reprogrammed, however with reprogramming costs from £10+ then sometimes not economical...
What kind of mechs are they? The old single denomination type, or the newer multi coin?
They are old single denomination mechs, purely mechanical so I guess I can bin these?


Looking at my newer machines the mechs have a ribbon cable coming from them so I guess they are the programmable ones Paul?
What size were 1/2/5dm compared to UK coinage?? I thought i might be able to adjust them lol
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