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Digs at the forum?


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Anyone else noticed a few digs being launched at the forum recently?

Nothing major, just off hand comments.

"pinballbastards" being used in the TZ sale facebook posts
"pin munchers" in a post about the 7k Whirlwind on Pinside
"armchair pinballers" in a post on the yahoo group today

Not sure why the forum is attracting negativity. I see it as a great group of people who are actively involved in buying/selling/trading, hosting & supporting events, putting machines on site and generally helping other pinheads out.

I know you can't please everyone but wondering why some people seem to have issues with the forum. 99% of the posts here seem good natured. Only real arguments I've ever seen are about a handful of FS posts.
There has always been a bit of hostility from certain people who religiously use the yahoo based group from what I understand, someone in the know can probably explain it though. Wherever you go though there are always people who get burned on certain sites and have a negative view of it, part and parcel of the net I'm afraid.
The Internet offers a perfect platform for trolls and morons wanting to vent their spleens

This is the most helpful and friendly internet forum I have found over the years, and i am a member of a few for specific model cars, campervans, that sort of thing as i am a great believer in sharing info between owners to keep maintenance costs down

I remember when i was new on this forum buying a dead vector that gave up whilst i was actually testing it, posting a "help" plea, and by the time i had got it out of the van someone had kindly answered my query.
"There's people'd moan about free money" as my gran used to say maybe? People can find a reason to complain about anything.

You sure all those comments are pointed at the pinballinfo forum though? The names are fairly generic (in fact I think "PinballBastards" has previously been used to describe a perceived bad trader)

I suppose the Hurricane thread saw a bit more of a spirited discussion than you usually see around here so its a fair-ish poke about a specific instance... maybe (even then I thought it was fairly mild by internet standards), but if taken as a piece of the whole its notable only for its rarity I'd say. The OP gave as good as he got and got a rather good discussion about the 8-bit side of things going if I recall. If that's an example of the worst this forum has to offer it ranks it as one of the mildest internet forums ever in my book.

"Armchair pinballers" is hilarious though, whoever its aimed at. I now have a pic in my head of 'proper' pinballers who play their pins while on a 10k run...

Might be someone who got banned from here..whatever

Has anyone actually been banned? What did they do - Suggest Paul has a secret TOM hidden in the basement?
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Yes John, I noticed the armchair pinballers comment.
It's was in relation to the thread being more active on here regarding the ukpp.

Errrrrmmm well sorry about that!! can't help that I'm afraid.

If the main contributors to the pinball scene are on yahoo then feel free to discuss there too. The simple fact is, no one posted a topic so it didn't get discussed a great deal there. If someone had I'm sure it would of.

I'm on both, but rarely post on yahoo purely because when I first started in the hobby, I felt it a little hostile and unfriendly towards noobs. This place started and it felt more of a level playing field. Just my opinion.

I've contributed towards shows in the past in some small way and will continue to do so.

Hey, it's only pinball.
You sure all those comments are pointed at the pinballinfo forum?

"Armchair pinballers" is hilarious though

+1 to both of those statements Rog, I thought the same thing. I think we're all armchair pinballers when we're socialising here on the forum rather than standing playing pinball. It's possible to do both!
Any hobby / interest that has multiple internet forums will always, always have people who have less than desirable descriptions of users of "the other one". In the end, who really cares, both this and the Yahoo group are worth being a part of.

And get it right folks, it was a £7k Hurricane. A NIB Whirlwind would have been of greater interest to far more people :)

Also, being able to play pinball from the comfort of an armchair would be great :p
I noticed the 'armchair pinballers' comment.

With such a strong argument I have now been convinced that this forum must be for the rookies or something, so I'm not posting here anymore and going to join Wes and the serious pinballers in the groups. Taraaaa :wave:
I'm afraid I started that this morning just pointing out that there was plenty of UKPP talk over here, perhaps I shouldn't have made the comment about this place having more enthusiasm. Oops....anyway, back to my armchair.
Cheers Ian. Thought Whirlwind sounded wrong but had a brain fart trying to recall what it actually was.

Corrected my post accordingly before retiring to my armchair for a snifter of port and a Cuban.
Fear of the unknown?

I've always likened this Forum to the 'Internet', whereas the Yahoo Group is very much 'CeeFax'.

Don't get me wrong, CeeFax was great, as were Steam Engines, but things have moved on now.

Also, what's wrong with being on the Forum and not owning/playing Pinball? Everyone starts somewhere. Dip your toes, might not be for you. But, then again...
does Phil Dixon frequent these forums ?
smiled when i saw his post at yahoo
They are all just jealous of what a great community we have here.
Let them keep dangling that worm on the hook, we ain't biting.
To be honest I have ever bothered even looking at the other forum. I found this one first when I got into pinball and never felt the need to look elsewhere.... I would always suggest this forum above any other.

I think I have logged in twice a day every day since January 2014 and I don't even own a machine yet..
I gave up using the Yahoo group solely because the website/app/email is so utterly awful and unusable. That's Yahoo's fault. The free forums aren't part of their core plans any more, so they have been left to wither on the vine, so to speak.

Having said that... I thought I pop over there and have a look what's is, or isn't, happening... but I'm no longer a member! Strange...
I started on the 'dark' side (yahoo) but saw the light/found this forum and now spend most of the time on here however yahoo comes straight in to my mail box so do read posts on there but very rarely reply due to yahoo totally messing everything up with messages and also this site is Number One :p
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