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Delivery person as Martin on holiday and TOO BUSY when he gets back to collect, anyother good people


Nov 17, 2015
Can anyone recommend a delivery person as Martin to busy to collect for a while.

Rupert do you not think that it would be fair to elaborate a bit more in your post/thread title? As it seems a bit harsh!!!

"Delivery person as Martin can't do it for a month, any other good people"

Can anyone recommend a delivery person as Martin to busy to collect for a while.

"to busy to collect for a while" - the reason, as you well know, is that he is going on HOLIDAY, is holiday to busy or even too busy?? :) :)

I spoke to Martin today, he or his B-I-L is coming to mine in London either Tuesday or Thursday next week, before his holiday.
Last time I used Martin he got my machine from way up North all the way down to West Dorset in like 4 days, absolutely brilliant and a really nice guy to boot
Actually, i support the OP.

Martin Is very good - possibly one of the best out there. However he DOES have the habit of being pulled from pillar to post, and also to disappear off the radar. He Deserves a holiday, and i know his BIL stands in occasionally... however the OP is right - Martin isnt available at some times, and it is good to have an alternative - whoever that is (as long as it is someone that can provide the service well).

The post i put up was someone that was recoomended to me, and that i have used myself, and i know that his service to me was as good as Martins. Apparently a lot of the North East Alwins sellers use him as they had issues with Martin's collection timescales (i'll be there a week on Tuesday morning and then not turning up until 7/8pm doesnt fit with some)... Hence why the heads up.

There are other options out there that may well be as good - however all eggs in one basket? I would rather have another option too, as requested by the OP.
Totally agree with you Paul always good to have a reliable alternative but the OP is, shall we say clouding the issue by not stating part of the reason is that Martin will be on holiday :)
Totally agree with you Paul always good to have a reliable alternative but the OP is, shall we say clouding the issue by not stating part of the reason is that Martin will be on holiday :)

Fair enough, however holiday or not, Martin isn't available in the OP's required timescales - so therefore asking for any alternatives :)
Rupert do you not think that it would be fair to elaborate a bit more in your post/thread title? As it seems a bit harsh!!!

"Delivery person as Martin can't do it for a month, any other good people"

"to busy to collect for a while" - the reason, as you well know, is that he is going on HOLIDAY, is holiday to busy or even too busy?? :) :)

Sorry steve whats that all about, I have used Martin alot and no I don't think it is abit harsh as it wasn't meant to mean anything!!!! just to find someone to collect for me as yes he is away on holiday and he is to busy till next month to come this way. So yes he is to busy!
Rupert do you not think that it would be fair to elaborate a bit more in your post/thread title? As it seems a bit harsh!!!

"Delivery person as Martin can't do it for a month, any other good people"

"to busy to collect for a while" - the reason, as you well know, is that he is going on HOLIDAY, is holiday to busy or even too busy?? :) :)

That better for you STEVE!!!
That better for you STEVE!!!

sorry rupert I appreciate that your post was to try and find alternative courier and I will reply in lower case, won't shout, as tbh once you do that you have lost before you start :)

however with the written word it can be interpreted in more than one way and to me the original post heading was only telling half the story as to why martin couldn't do it for a month!!

it wasn't about anything just what I have said above as I don't know you, have never met you and was only the other day that I offered to go out of my way and personally collect/hold/deliver part way a fishtales playfield that you were having difficulty arranging collection of due to martin being on holiday and presumably others unable to do it? Which you kindly declined my offer via pm ;)

presumably you tried the other alternatives given, as you stated in fishtales playfield thread that you were having difficulty?

would be good to have feedback on other couriers/attempts :)
Ok fellas let's not go wild. I really don't wanna read a three way argument between Steve, Chris and Rupert about who said what and he said she said

Here to lighten the mood is a photo of my son with his older cousins in Bristol last Sunday at the balloon festival.

That's my Dylan on the top, and under him my sisters kids on a bear that they won in the basketball stand

Ok, so to try to sum this up or clear the air or whatever (none of what I am to write will) here is how is see things.
As Paul rightly stated the op asked a perfectly fine question about recommendations for a pin mover, the problem is he asked in totally the wrong place because basically we all use Martin.
Martin is a victim of his own success because, as everyone rightly stated, we wouldn't use anyone else because everyone knows the machine will arrive at your house exactly in the condition it left where it was coming from (some may say different but I have never heard of such a thing)
Because we all use him, everyone also knows it can take a while. For most of us, we are used to it and at least we know it will eventually get there in the condition we want it to and that is why we will wait.
To some, like the op, want it faster, which I totally understand.

Do we know anyone else? well there have been one or two suggestions.

Do I know anyone who I would trust as much as Martin to move a machine, yes, Chris Brim for one, he gets about a bit and a pm and a nice please and offer of compensation for time, fuel etc can get a result if not too far off his normal travels but you may have shot yourself in the foot with that one.
The NLP boys do a fantastic job when it comes to picking up and dropping machines off but they don't do it any other time other than shows.
Other than that is the kind offers from like minded pinheads, like Steve's offer etc who I would also trust those I know.
The only other guy I know who gets everything where you want it and when is Father Christmas so that's out too.

There are 1000's of man with van ads, and I'm sure most of them are very good at what they do so I guess you have to look at what you are wanting moving, the condition it's in now and how upset you would be if it got a few knocks, scrapes etc.
You may well find one that does as good a job as Martin, if you do, share the information.
No one was having a go at you, it's easy to see why you may have felt that, but everyone was just saying, quite rightly, that Martin is the best and you may regret it if you use anyone else.
If you can't wait for Martin, my advice would be, hire a van, pinch the duvet off your bed, wrap it up and get it there yourself as I'm sure you would take as much care as possible. If it's not a minter and are not very fussy hire a man with a van and ask lots of questions to be as sure as you can be.

Not really very helpful I know but it's been a while since I wrote an essay on here and I am fussy about my machines and I did lend my home use only Mmr to a virtual stranger who knows next to nothing about pinballs and how to move them, and let him bung it in the back of his Vectra estate and I am hoping it comes back to me in the condition it left...... but I think it will!

I do hope some found it a half decent read.
Also hope the op doesn't call me a p***k!!
That's better nice pic dan
To all you lot and especially Chris and Steve.

I have been into pinballs for a few years now and love them so do my 5 children.

I have bought a fair few pins from here, say about 25 and I have always paid within the days of buying the pin. The same day or next day I have contacted Martin to arrange collecting that pin and I have always always used Martin, unless I have collect it myself.

I mainly buy my pins for the children's for abit of fun and if they don't like it or I don't like it, sell it and get another.

When selling I always recommend Martin to collect the machine and take to the new owner. Nearly all my pins he has had a two way delivery on.

So for Chris and Steve and whoever else on here that wants to make me look like a Messer as Chris has called me cos all I did was put a post just to Ask a Question if anyone new of someone cos Martin can't do it for a while for this one pin as I can't wait that long on it.

So thank you Chris and Steve for making me look such a twat for no reason.

I want to apologise to Martin for a Post to just get one! Yes one! pin collected by someone else to now be a joke not cos of me but other people.
Dan, I'm sure the guy in the back with the hat was last seen on the 'Creepy Salty Sailor' episode of Scooby Doo. I don't think he got away with it and it was all down to those pesky kids.
Someone recommended Father Christmas - I've had bad experiences with him in the past. Only delivers once a year and he will only consider delivering socks and jumpers.

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I used Allan James
Amicus Couriers
Tel: 07711410079
As recommended by Paul on here,
As martyn wasn't available for a month, which to me, no matter how good he is, I didn't want to wait that long. Allan charged me £80, he collected when he said he would and delivered to me within the 1 hour time slot that he emailed me about the day before. Very professional, the Machine was nicely protected with blankets.
I would happily recommend him.
Got a Daytona2 twin delivered by a guy called Chris
He picked up from Wales and was in london next day.
Nice guy, helped get the games in.. was here for 45minutes helping..
Got his number if anyone interested.
Okay - Darren from Arcade Clearance in Leeds (an old friend of mine) got me a machine delivered a couple of weeks ago.

The chap is called CHRIS - mobile 07921 191567

Used to delivering all types of machines, right up to pool tables.

Chris got the machine delivered to me in a couple of days. I did say I would post his details on here so this seems like a good time. Chris works on distance but from Leeds to Brum it was very reasonable. He helped me into the house, but I think Martin would go the extra mile and probably help you put the legs on a game if you asked him.

Chris just expects for the game to be 'ready' for collection which I think is fair enough (i.e. off legs, balls out, backbox tied to game).

I can recommend Chris (as of course I can also recommend Martin).
Redwing collected from Midlands on a Thursday, dropped in Scotland Friday where they did a pick up and dropped it South on Monday. Not bad atall. I dealt with Chris who kept intouch with me even on his holidays very happy to recommend 07507 553851.
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