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Conversion of Arcade 1Up Star Wars to run retro pie and other games


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Nov 19, 2011
Pudsey UK
Documenting a project i have ongoing with an Arcade 1up Star Wars Cab that had no cpu board so i am redoing the full electronics inside to be a lot better and also alot more arcade original.

Things to do:
  • install rPi with retro pie and J-PAC
  • add monitor controller board for rPi HDMI hookup
  • add real coin door with light up reject bezels (will make new thicker front panel with original graphics and cut out instead of cutting original front, though the coin door does fit nicely in the logo area)
  • install switching power supply with 5v and 12v and my custom rPi power williams spec power expander board
  • add IEC rear coonnector with line filter and power switch so regualr arcade spec kettle leads for power line can be used. Plus improves powering on and off the cabinet in a more traditional arcade way.
  • upgrade speakers
  • add light up yoke fire buttons
  • customise std riser with new graphics or get higher quality star wars one
Electronics parts


Real Coin Door Alignment Checks


Installing new CPO clear plastic protector (cut out by @collywobbles to my design)


Stock Cab with std riser


I am going to watch this one Jim, being an owner of such a cab myself.....anyway...where has that Asteroids caberet cab got to?
I am going to watch this one Jim, being an owner of such a cab myself.....anyway...where has that Asteroids caberet cab got to?
All the info and latest stuff is here:

I got alittle down with it after the nos monitor i sourced for it turned up in a million pieces, as that has set me back somewhat, but am on the lookout for another.
Did the Star Wars Arcade 1up make it to the UK, would love to get hold of one, but nobody seems to have ever stocked them.
Rear Panel modification completed. Now can run a std pinball/arcade kettle lead to it and mains power switch at back to. Some pics of the process.

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