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ColorDMD - HiDef update


Site Supporter
10 Years
Aug 12, 2013
Birmingham, UK
I only found out about the new ColorDMD hi-def update over on Pinside. Not sure if anyone mentioned it here.

Updated my Scared Stiff tonight and am loving the new hi-def scan setting.....no more dots for a while. Tho was very tempted to set it to the 8-Bit option which also looks really good and very retro.

Here you go @Johnnyo - I roped the lovely girlfriend in to filming the display briefly (a bit of glare on the video) but you get the idea of what its like I hope.

Looks great!
My Wife has been on at me to get another Scared Stiff. She used to play that game for hours. She used to get up super early in the mornings and play for an hour or so before work! I have never found another game that she was remotely interested in since. I should have kept it really.:rolleyes:

Might be time to start looking for another.
That update looks amazing, shame they will probably never release it for Cirqus Voltaire.
Yes, the colour DMD's are actually a small monitor with chunks of it hidden behind the DMD panel, consequently there is no space for one in CV where the DMD is effectively installed just above the playfield and underneath the playfield glass.
Any reason why they've not done TZ as yet? As one of the most popular machines I'd have thought it'd be high on the list.

Too many complex (by comparison) animations or something?
Any reason why they've not done TZ as yet? As one of the most popular machines I'd have thought it'd be high on the list.

Too many complex (by comparison) animations or something?

It's coming soon, been promised this year - although it looks awesome with the Sigma code set on black and white HD anyway.
When we love our pins as much as we do throwing £300 at them becomes a second thought!

Quite right. I just bought one for Tron Pro, A> because it'll look awesome in Sigma white or blue HD, and B> it's on the ColorDMD roadmap for this year for full colour support. Win win (but wallet loses).
Ah right yeah, I didn't even consider how the monitor would sit in the playfield. It's virtually the same system as the Dr Pinball Colour DMD I installed in my BF. It's a pain in the **** everytime you want to open the backboard having to lift out the speaker panel first (monitor height catches it).

Somebody should really develope the correct size LCD screen instead of using these 17/19" monitors.
wow, good old 'scale2x/xBRZ' is now called hi-def?? LOL ^10! I guess you can only interpolate so much between 128x32 dots. imo, the dots looks better than the poor upscale + smoothed stuff.
Think it looks better on some games than others - I have it on my FT but I think I might switch back to dots.
But on TSPP it looks fantastic, kind of reminds me of the 80's Simpsons animations.

And there's this about size compatibility from ColorDMD website:

Supports most WPC and WPC95 games, but some games may not accommodate mounting of the LCD display due to space limitations or the presence of lamps or circuit boards on the rear of the speaker panel. These include, but may not be limited to, Cirqus Voltaire, Black Rose, Party Zone, Dracula and Dr. Who.

Installation for the new Stern backbox design used in Star Trek requires additional mounting hardware (not included) available from Pinbits.

Has anyone put one in a new Stern, is there anywhere in Europe you can get the mounting kit?
I updated TAF with the new v3 rom, and I like it. Seems to work out the shapes really well.

As for the stern mounting, doesn't pinball palace sell them? I'd check myself but sat on my own in a restaurant using iPad, and their website isn't great on an iPad. That and I'm suppeed to be working.
I've just tried updating my DMDs with 3.0 but I don't get any response when I push the leftmost button to reset the DMD. Is it not picking up the flash drive or something?

I'm using a FAT32 8GB thumb drive as per the guide.
I've just tried updating my DMDs with 3.0 but I don't get any response when I push the leftmost button to reset the DMD. Is it not picking up the flash drive or something?

I'm using a FAT32 8GB thumb drive as per the guide.
After updating (mine didn't do anything except just went black and defaulted to same old dots) had to go into the DMD menu and switch HI-RES on, then save and exit. I didn't look up what the 4 colorDMD function buttons did in the menus before doing my update, that would've made options navigation simpler!

Think it says max 8GB, maybe try a smaller one if the menu doesn't have HI-RES as an option (so update hasn't worked)
I mean nothing happened at all when pressing the left button - Didn't go black or stop showing current dot display or anything.

Did you get a message saying the ROM was updating at any point or is that happening while the screens dark?

Will try and find an older, smaller drive and try that.
As Andy says, I pressed the button nearest the USB port for 5seconds until the screen went black.

Nothing happening for about 20+ seconds.

Then it came back to life as if nothing had happening - same old dots. But I entered the dmd menu using the other buttons and muddled through the new options for HI-RES and saving it.
I mean nothing happened at all when pressing the left button - Didn't go black or stop showing current dot display or anything.

Did you get a message saying the ROM was updating at any point or is that happening while the screens dark?

Will try and find an older, smaller drive and try that.
I had a similar problem trying to put update on AC/DC - I tried a different usb drive and it worked.

On the ColorDMD the Prog led on the pcb flashes four times then flashes very fast while its updating, screen is blank, takes about 15-20 seconds. On my FT the upscaled mode comes on automatically. Make sure the file is called "colordmd.rom"
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