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Big Bang Bar

Judge Dreads

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Jul 21, 2011
Y Felinheli
Roughly how many in the UK? know Dave B has one, original or remake? value and how difficult would it be to do a conversion using a similar Capcom as a donor? there was a post on here recently showing a very talented individual in the US who made two MMs, could the same be achieved with the BBB (must be more financially viable compared to the MM), who would put their name on the list apart from me if available for circa 6k (current NIB price)

Anyone got a spare for sale :D
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Phil at PH brought over five but who is to say they all stayed in the U.K.
Most parts for MM have been re-produced, which makes life a lot easier... Obtaining parts BBB is another issue altogether... :confused:
6k doesnt sound too bad imo as you pay that for a WoZ or some sterns.
If I was loaded I'd love to own 1, even tho ive never played 1 but it looks amazing. Rather that than the overpriced MM
Good luck in your search Andy. Perhaps contact phil

I've played it and it's brilliant. Great theme, cool playfield layout, visually stunning, great sounds (very adult), I love it and would deffo buy one if I had the chance.
The awesome theme wins it for me hands down, it also looks absoloutely stunning, this is probably the only game left on my really want list (could walk past the rest without a second thought, Tron, LOTR, Hobbit and a few of the newer Sterns) I think a remake is in order.
Would like to play one - only game on my list that haven't played. Think there is a good chance of a re-make as they would sell 1000 easily. Don't think Rick at PP has ruled it out.
Which I had bought one when I had the chance, I was looking at the ones Phil imported in and got asked Well are you having one.
Looking back on it ,big mistake saying no.
I'm in Sidcup, Kent

DA15 9HZ

so you guys can route plan it!

I do need a bit of advance notice, as I work weekends and do my schedule a month in advance. If you guys have days off during the week then should be no problem
Yeah :) can I take you up on your kind offer as well some time Dave. Would it be easier if we all came at the same time or on different dates?
Nice offer, shame I am so far away it's been ages since I last played one and would love another blast.
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