I'm starting work on a new software rewrite using the boardset that i developed for early Bally & Stern games (https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/mypinballs-custom-pinball-controller-for-ballystern-games). I will be posting my progress on the rewrite here and on the pinside thread (https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/bally-star-trek-software-rewrite-the-journey) as i build up the new game rules, new sounds/speech etc for my Bally Star Trek.
The idea is to recreate the original rules with new sounds, speech and music and then add some more features such as multiball, jackpots, combos, hurry ups, modes etc I'll be using some re-created sound effects from the squawk & talk sound board era as well as some movie stuff.
First things first is to find a game to use as the basis for the development. Here is the game i've located:
Next up is to get a new brain for it, and i'm in the process of making the first boards for batch 2 of my controller so i'll be using one of those for this to.
First job when the game arrives is to fit a new power cable, line filter and varistor, plus an overhaul of the power transformer assembly and some filtering for the power creation
The idea is to recreate the original rules with new sounds, speech and music and then add some more features such as multiball, jackpots, combos, hurry ups, modes etc I'll be using some re-created sound effects from the squawk & talk sound board era as well as some movie stuff.
First things first is to find a game to use as the basis for the development. Here is the game i've located:
Next up is to get a new brain for it, and i'm in the process of making the first boards for batch 2 of my controller so i'll be using one of those for this to.
First job when the game arrives is to fit a new power cable, line filter and varistor, plus an overhaul of the power transformer assembly and some filtering for the power creation