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No Longer Available Bally Playboy - £1450

I've never managed to take good photo's (and have tried many a time), either my equipment is **** or there is a trick I am missing.

No excuse Matt you know exactly what your doing when you post stuff like that.
No excuse Matt you know exactly what your doing when you post stuff like that.
Feel free to pass on it, I would much prefer any purchaser comes and plays ths game before buying. I will be at the club on Thursday and will take more pics.
Feel free to pass on it, I would much prefer any purchaser comes and plays ths game before buying. I will be at the club on Thursday and will take more pics.
You see Matt not everyone can pass by and view it.
A lot of people buy without viewing the pinball and use the pictures to make that decision.
I guess if they dont get a good visual they gamble on peoples honesty which can be a costly error.
GLWTS Matt , Flipout is Wonderful for the UK scene and look forward to my next visit ...
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What a pathetic country the UK is becoming. I have zero interest in the whole Playboy scene, but to airbrush it from history is absurd.
<Rant> Amen to that, whitewashing everything that may be slightly offensive to 'some' people from history is akin to History Genocide. Editing song lyrics to prevent people being upset is another one that grinds my gears.. </Rant>
Have you got a really old mobile or something @Matt Vince ? That might explain the picture quality.

Anyway, until I clicked on the photos I was expecting nudity, not super tame bikini shots. You'd see the same or worse at any beach, or in pretty much any lifestyle magazine, never mind something actually pornographic.

I love how people moan about this stuff but think nothing of their kids consuming YouTube with the likes of Cardi B, Minaj and co with ass and tits on show constantly, on top of very sexualised messages. That's ok though I suppose.

I too am irritated about the New Woke Order trying to retcon this stuff out of existence. I remember when Heffner died the woke brigade tried to paint him as evil incarnate for running Playboy, etc. I also lol'd when I heard Friends was being criticised for its "problematic LGBTQ+ attitudes". If f**king Friends is on the hitlist, the most saccharine sitcom in existence, nothing is safe.
Playboy as a theme is a weird one. Loads of the girls I teach will wear the logo with absolutely zero idea of the context it comes from.

If I’m honest there is no way on earth I would buy my daughter anything with playboy on it. It’s an idea that’s had its day.

However, it’s hard to see the offence this machine could cause. It’s less explicit than a James Bond film. I’d also say it’s less explicit than the Helen version of AC/DC

The newer stern game is a step too far for me. I actually quite like the game but it has no real place in a family venue. I like naked women and I like pinball but the two don’t go well together.

I guess it’s all degrees. How many of us would happily play the “big dick” pinball? I was going to post a picture of it but chickened out.
I lol'd at the last line, thanks.

I didn't even realise Stern Playboy existed.. just Googled it and yeah that's more explicit than this, and there's also an X-rated version (stickers?) too?

I guess all of this depends on your attitude to Page 3, grid girls, etc. It is of its time for sure, but at the same time I don't see it as exploitative. Physical beauty is as valid an attribute that one should be able to leverage if one so chooses. There is a demand for it, and so long as no one is being exploited I don't see the harm. I do however see harm in denying these women a line of work that they are quite happy to do because it offends a group of people who are perpetually offended, though.
Would you like to borrow Arkon Sexy Girl instead?

Playboy and Xenon were both banned in some parts of Germany as was the US Kiss backglass . They didnt like Embryon because it alluded to the master race .

I dont think a Producers pin would go down well there either.
The moaners about what 'the UK is becoming' annoy me. This level of background offence has ALWAYS been there - it's just now popular to pay attention to it because doing so furthers certain political agendas (and I mean both hyper-sensitivity to prejudicing material, and the perception that we are somehow becoming a land of free censorship), and because the internet amplifies the voices of everyone, and usually the people that scream the loudest are the ones that are upset about something, whether a good cause or not. Maybe people aren't used to having to fight their political corner, but anyone that has been, for example, watching LGBT rights very slowly turn the corner is not the kind of person that is surprised when people would like to censor them.

When it comes to 'offence' you have to say 'so what?' and just like with any other arbitrary demand by customers or a community, decide if it's worth changing your course on the numbers alone; holding out for universal satisfaction is always a fool's errand. Offence is worthless by itself because context is everything.

I'm glad someone mentioned that 'Big Dick' custom table because that's a good example where the imagery is young-age-inappropriate in almost any context and would need to be kept to 18+ areas. But even for that game I'm not sure I could give a toss whether it offended a grown adult.

For Playboy there's nothing on there that goes beyond what is already publicly acceptable to wear at a beach, and the name 'Playboy' doesn't mean anything without prior knowledge, and the same prior knowledge means that they can also read up on everything surrounding the mag (or Hugh Hefner) and decide for themselves that way. In Flip Out's case, it's there because it's a pinball game, so it's not just as if it's at Butlins or something. Context.

Replace the game because it's using up space that could be better used by a better game, not because a parent is too lazy to educate their kids on the context of things in the world.

P.S. Really speaking, this is the product of nobody taking us tech experts seriously when it came to the subject of online privacy and your rights online - now people are acting surprised when they keep forgetting that having stuff online means you cannot control the context in which it is perceived. A far cry from a baudy joke amongst likeminded friends that understand that your personal politics aren't the source of your dark humour.
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Keep it.

If folk find it offensive, they deserve to be offended.

Look at all the men who clicked like on this beauty of a comment!

Are you bringing your kids to flipout to see it and encourage them to be playboy girls?!

No I didn’t think so.

I’m not offended by it but in this day and age in a family location and with a club that had a growing set of female members it’s just past it’s sell buy date!

The game plays lovely, challenging hard!

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Matt happy to take pics of it on Thursday with a decent camera :)

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Look at all the men who clicked like on this beauty of a comment!

Are you bringing your kids to flipout to see it and encourage them to be playboy girls?!

90 percent plus of the UK pinball community is Male, so I suspect that the overwhelming number of respondents to any question would be Male.

If you were to ask any question whatsoever at a Womens' Institute convention, the vast majority of the respondents would be female. I have presented to a WI audience, not one Male in it.

Playing a Pinball machine is not encouraging kids to become anything. I dread the day when Pinball Machines are themed The Accountant. The IT Manager. The Midwife. The Market Researcher .........

The first pinball machine I remember playing was Medusa when I was about 10 years old. That did not encourage me to become a Gorgon, a Greek soldier, a God or Goddess.
Are you bringing your kids to flipout to see it and encourage them to be playboy girls?!
A parent could very easily use the same situation to describe how the theme is a relic of bygone times and to explain that we have better standards nowadays. It works significantly better, I reckon, than the lesson of complaining against things you don't like in order to get your own way, which is the lesson kids learn when they see their parents refusing to answer questions and instead hiding disagreeable things from view.

It's only what my folks did when encountering stuff that needed explanation when out and about and I reckon it's done me well.

That's a separate concern from the comfort from the patrons (why even use the qualifier 'female' here?) who if enough of them are bothered by the machine, then it's worth dispensing with the machine to improve comfort. If the machine is being viewed as a symptom of an atmosphere at the club, or the attitudes of other patrons, then the problems are deeper than a game's theme.
It doesn’t matter what offends you - it matters what offends the people who are offended! We had a load of complaints about it and I personally think we need to make this hobby as accessible and inclusive as possible.

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It doesn’t matter what offends you - it matters what offends the people who are offended! We had a load of complaints about it and I personally think we need to make this hobby as accessible and inclusive as possible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
We don't disagree. If it isn't just one or two outsider comments then, either it's make sure the game is viewed in the proper historical context in its situation - or, much more easily, move it on.

Despite my long, waffling posts I'm just trying to say It's simply not that big a deal in either case - it's a pinball club not a museum.
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