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Apollo 13 Issues

i think i owe you, at the very least, your Chinese dinner with a few beers plus whatever parts you had to buy

she said i was the first.jpg
Not at all, you have lent me some machines and I have spent only a few quid on it.
It is my pleasure to return it to you in better condition than you lent it because that encourages you to lend me more. :)

How many years of random pics have you got. :D
Pin repair person 0. Pinball machine 1.
Whilst it worked fine in test mode, in game play it tripped the magnet RCB and seems to have blown the IRL540N. Now to work out what else might be causing this as well as what else might have blown.
didn't Nick say that the game works just fine without the magnet?

if so, and unless you actually enjoy this wild goose chase, why not just ignore it?
Found this in the rgp archives, perhaps it may help...

My A13 is blowing the FET (STP20N10L) that drives the moon grab magnet.
There is a service bulletin here:
It calls for a 47V varistor.
The SB mentions part number: 47ZR14D mfd: Stetron
The schematic shows another part number: 15G470KM.
Sega Part Number: 121-5024-00.
I think any old 47V Varistor will do the trick.
I found one for $.40 on GPE's site, but would hate to bother Ed for
such a miniscule order.
I was wondering if anyone here might have one they'd be willing to
stick in an envelope and mail to me.
Thanks in advance,
Gregg B.
After reading another rpg post you might like to check that the ramp exit switch is working properly.
Interesting about the service bulletin and seeing that both my game and this other one show the same issue after initial repair a sega issue seems likely. farnell part number fo the above varistor part is 1845434. Though i should check my game does not have this already first! It's at a friends currently though so not that easy.
I can confirm this game here is missing the 47v Varistor on the motor relay board. I missed this before because the moon motor was fine, not realising that the concern is it can blow other components.
@Moonraker was right to remind me to read the service bulletin. Neither @myPinballs or Dan's had had the 47V Varistor fitted. myPinballs confirmed that after doing this and swapping the 555 timing chip plus the IRL540N that his machine now works in game mode. Previously both worked in test mode but blew in the game.

So after fitting the 47V varistor sent over by myPinballs (thanks), I replaced the IRL540N on the moon magnet board as it was blow, put in another 555 timing chip and fired her up and she works now in game mode.
I tested the 2x2n3904 and 1x2n3906 and they were fine.
I also put a 3amp fuse in the F21 and will be putting a standard SB back in the moon magnet fuse.

Now to return to the other issues.
Play it for an hour last night and it worked flawlessly.
The moon magnet feature is novel, a bit like THING on TAF when you spell THING and he takes the ball for a bit. When it is activated, it takes the ball and returns it to the shooter lane rather than lets it return via the ramp.
I will add that this machine had been "repaired" or the IRL540N has heated up so much the tracks have been damaged. Each time I had to replace that chip I was worried it was the last time I would get away with it, I think I replaced it five times in the end.
Now onto the GI lights that don't work even with new bulbs. As one of the bulbs had no glass on it, I suspect it has upset something up circuit.
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