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All about the A titles tonight

Yep thanks Matt for the hospitality, great fun and good to see Sarah, Will, Ivan, Mike, Thomas, Stan, Justin and the others too. Aerosmith was ok but Alien was just fantastic, better each time I see it and hoping it makes a ****load of money at 8bitflip for Darren's sister's fund. Very generous of you to loan it for the show, I'll be putting a tenner in it.

Anyone got a link to a games list for the weekend? I'm driving up on Friday with one game in the car, probably Sopranos, but don't want to bring a double if there's already one pledged.
I get the feeling if there was a cash n carry option at HP, there might be a few turning up in vans;)

I think there will be a Q this weekend!
I really enjoyed playing it at the London league. Wish I'd got more time on it. The code seems OK but I suspect it needs some polishing, Good layout. Lovely looking machine. I'm not going to pre-order but as/when they are properly in stock I can see me getting one (+ a FT playfield). I know it's been a long hard road for Andy and the guys at HP but I think he could have a hit on his hands.
I really enjoyed playing it at the London league. Wish I'd got more time on it. The code seems OK but I suspect it needs some polishing, Good layout. Lovely looking machine. I'm not going to pre-order but as/when they are properly in stock I can see me getting one (+ a FT playfield). I know it's been a long hard road for Andy and the guys at HP but I think he could have a hit on his hands.
Yep it's crunch time, need to see some games rolling out of the factory now :-)
Alien or Aerosmith is a no brainer, there was nobody there last night who said they preferred Aerosmith, whereas we were all grokking over Alien (ALIEN? Alien(s)? what)

no question whatsoever that he has a huuuuge hit on his hands, also i agree that if he was selling ALIEN in a box from his factory in Wales, there's be loads of folks turning up with money and vans. his big problem now is that he's got a crapload of people wanting one and standing there saying take my money, but he needs a big bunch of people, tooling, parts etc, and i bet he can't churn them out fast enough. trained people may be the tightest bottleneck. let's say if he had 1000 orders, then if he could make 10-20 machines a week, that'd take 1-2 years to make them all. people get bored of waiting and are easily distracted by the next new shiny thing, and more importantly, if they've already paid to stand waiting, some of them will turn into Angry Mob Mode.

would love to see a factory tour now, i expect it'd look very different to the last few tumbleweed editions. go Andy!

if anyone has a link to a rudimentary ruleset for Alien, please point me at it, i was slowly realising the basics about enabling mode starts by both ramps, noticing all 4 flippers and where to aim them. that unlimited extra ball buy-in button on freeplay was loads of fun to see what happens as you progress too, haven't enjoyed abusing one of those in years
Yep thanks Matt for the hospitality, great fun and good to see Sarah, Will, Ivan, Mike, Thomas, Stan, Justin and the others too. Aerosmith was ok but Alien was just fantastic, better each time I see it and hoping it makes a ****load of money at 8bitflip for Darren's sister's fund. Very generous of you to loan it for the show, I'll be putting a tenner in it.

Anyone got a link to a games list for the weekend? I'm driving up on Friday with one game in the car, probably Sopranos, but don't want to bring a double if there's already one pledged.
List near the bottom of this page Dan:
Alien was all kinds of awesome and yep if I could drive now with a wad of cash and put it in the back of the car I would be there now :)

Aerosmith was great fun as well , Aerosmith is just fun you know exactly what to do and it's straightforward alien is a cluster **** of don't know what to do , but that would come in time .

I liked them both :)

Great to see everyone and thanks matt for having us up and for feeding us well mainly me :)
Ok, just hacked off with stern and the balloons at eurocoin taking the **** on batman 66 delivery.

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