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Ac dc remake!

To be fair it looks like they keep the pace by not wasting time on tightening all the screws. ;-)
Wow, Stern's factory is huge!
Compared to their competitors they remain in a different league in the amount of games they can produce.
Have they changed site? It does look a lot bigger than that video tour that came out before - the one with the wall of about 30 microwave ovens that they all apparently use simultaneously on their lunch breaks.
I loved that video, i only planned to watch a bit but was hooked from the start. Seems mostly the workers speak Spanish. I coulda watched that for 2 hours if it carried on showing more and more different work stations
Wouldn't life be boring if we all loved the same games:) I really can't see my AC/DC ever leaving whereas Starwars is a theme that does absolutely nothing for me. I'm smack in the middle of the demographic for it. Went to the cinema when I was young to see the first film (which was an extremely rare treat). I think I enjoyed it. By the time the 2nd film came out I must have been 9 or 10 and had zero interest. I suspect I must have seen it on TV at some time. Still not convinced I've watched all of Return of The Jedi and I know I've seen none of the later films. Borrowed a DE Starwars for 6 months and played it for about 2 days. Everyone I knew had starwars toys (sorry action figures) but they just looked like **** cheap plastic dolls to me. I must admit to liking the idea of the big starwars lego kits (but not at £200+)

Oh and I saw AC/DC in Donnington around 1992 and was bored stiff. I think I'm out of step with most people.....

Would by a Cthulhu themed pin in a heartbeat:clap:
I knew a lot of work went into these things but the making of the wire looms looks quite intensive. You can see where your money is spent. What margin has Stern on their machines.. I did notice most of the workers were Mexican. At least the work is still being carried out in USA/Chicago.
Vault Pro available now, Vault Premium late autumn (i guess just in time for xmas!)
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