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No Longer Available 1997 Medieval Madness for Sale

I didn't realise i was rule breaking by commenting on the asking price... sorry for any upset caused... I was just a little staggered...
Oh yeah. Diane is back. Fighting fit. Was sat next to jezza c in the commons today
glad you have 4k to buy a pin, good look with what you get, i do know a bit about you from your comments ;)

You know very little about me !
Thanks you for researching my comments in your attempt to judge my skills and knowledge !

I personally do not know everything although i am sure you do. I find the forum a great place to air thoughts and ask questions ...

for instance, first time i have seen balls get magnetised was very recently, I have never had a game with such a strong play field magnet that the balls get magnetised... thankfully, a helpful person here shared their expertise and that helped be resolve the problem, great use of the forum.
Surely this is what the hobby and forum is all about,,, not taking cheap keyboard warrior style snipes about someone you do not know or have any real idea about.
Ok, (had a bottle of wine so going to regret it but feel I have words of wisdom to say, which means the opposite, but here goes).
So the OP is offering a minty original (other than mods or whatever) for just shy of 7k.
Now, before MMr came along someone would have probably snatched his hand off, but because of MMr now it's (to some) overpriced.
Also (to some) MMr is an unreliable imposter that will not last 5 minutes and the original is the only way to go.(MMr 6.5k so original by most of your words, 7k spot on!)
I've got one (MMr), not skipped a beat in 18 months, still looks brand new, think I've only cleaned it once and love it, worth 6.5k? you bet but what do I know. I'm just someone who is relatively new to this hobby and has always paid top money for his machines (really, you only paid 2.3k for your TAF get real.....yes but they were only 1.7k when I bought mine!), I never knew the "pick them up in the truck load for £200 all day long days".
I have no idea what I am trying to say here other than lets not turn this into pinside.
Is a 4k offer too low, yes probably, but don't crucify the bloke for having a punt, most of us would do it for an ebay sale, and if the OP was about to lose his house through financial hardship and no one else had an offer on the table he may just get lucky.
Would that mean he robbed him, not if the op said ok.
Not everyone has that kind of spare cash lying around which is more likely why it is still for sale rather than an unreasonable asking price.
I think the comments of Rob Zombie were spot on.
I don't think I would ever dare try to sell a machine on here. I take my TAF to the shows, everybody seems to love it, one of the best there is they say, but would I dare post on here if I was selling it, for what I think it is worth?, not on your life, which is a shame because it is what it is, a great machine.
I would rather keep reading the posts and believe that for the most part, most of us on here are salt of the earth people who just love this crazy hobby and we all get on with one another.
In fact anyone who has a machine to sell should use Chris Brim, always spot on, never questioned or told too expensive (not knocking him, he is a great guy).
Let's keep for sale posts what they are, if you want it put an offer in or buy it, if not move on or read and keep your comments to yourself.
I know what I am saying is waffle, but lets keep sales on here and off ebay so we can all get a machine for what it's worth today.
Sorry for the wine rant. going to press the post button then immediately wish I had rubbed it out and posted nothing.
No offence to anyone meant.
Marcel is only trying to get back what he paid for it, I am sure he will be making a loss if he sells at the asking price now.

Any price criticism should really be aimed at the original seller in Glasgow, worth noting that the GNR that was exported recently due to no interest on here came from the same seller.
Ok, (had a bottle of wine so going to regret it but feel I have words of wisdom to say, which means the opposite, but here goes).

Is a 4k offer too low, yes probably, but don't crucify the bloke for having a punt, most of us would do it for an ebay sale, and if the OP was about to lose his house through financial hardship and no one else had an offer on the table he may just get lucky.
Would that mean he robbed him, not if the op said ok.
Not everyone has that kind of spare cash lying around which is more likely why it is still for sale rather than an unreasonable asking price.

Exactly... Thank you
so I am wrong coz you put stupid posts up ?

I thought I was polite as you obviously Know jack **** about anything judging your totally ignorant posts

See we can both be nasty you keyboard idiot :)
so I am wrong coz you put stupid posts up ?

I thought I was polite as you obviously Know jack **** about anything judging your totally ignorant posts

See we can both be nasty you keyboard idiot :)

I will bow down to your obviously superior knowledge of all things

My posts might seem stupid to you with your heightened knowledge, but I am sure they are helpful to others, and people learning is what will make the forum great.

However, I will settle for being less knowledgeable
If bad attitude comes with knowledge then I would prefer to know a lot less than you sir.

Nobody likes a know it all ...
But it was you being the know it all :)

And then getting nasty because people pointed out that you may Not be right.

Then you post nasty posts on 2 occasions and expect no response

You also justify your post by saying you wanted to try and get the pinball at a cheap price ?

I got likes from people with near on 10k posts on this forum for my comment,
you got a like from the embarrassed seller hmmmmmmm

you just got nasty because you looked silly and I feel your pain, but that was your fault not mine
Don't normally chime in on 'For Sale' as I believe but something is only worth what someone else is will to pay for it. If someone wants to stick their Pin up at £100k good luck. It will eventually find it's market value anyway.
But it was you being the know it all :)

And then getting nasty because people pointed out that you may Not be right.

Then you post nasty posts on 2 occasions and expect no response

You also justify your post by saying you wanted to try and get the pinball at a cheap price ?

I got likes from people with near on 10k posts on this forum for my comment,
you got a like from the embarrassed seller hmmmmmmm

you just got nasty because you looked silly and I feel your pain, but that was your fault not mine
Oh, I am absolutely not a know it all and do not believe I have projected that image here ever. I think you must have misunderstood my earlier posts somehow

I ask questions a lot, that is my nature, asking questions does not make me a newbie as you suggest ! It makes me want to expand and explore thing that I do know have knowledge about

There is nothing wrong with that in my book

All I said was that I personally felt that the asking price was high, my opinion of which I am entitled...
I was not aware that commenting on prices was against the forum rules, for which I have already apologised.

You however, jumped on me for no good reason , slating me as a stupid newbie !
Hence why you got my back up
How do you get to me slating you as a stupid newbie from. best laugh I've had in a while?

Anyway your apology is accepted
the valuation thread is a useful tool

maybe admin can offer a fixed classified section . if a seller gets tumbleweed they will know its priced too high. those who don't mind a bit of "banter" can use this section. I always get low ball offers - £50 on police force on ebay the other day but I often get low offers accepted so swings and roundabouts
How do you get to me slating you as a stupid newbie from. best laugh I've had in a while?

Anyway your apology is accepted

My appology was to the forum as i apparently broke the rules .. Not to you.

TBH you started this unpleasant exchange with your comments about me
I will not expect an apology from you as I doubt you are capable of it.

I'll not respond further to your provocation
just look at whos making the comments Marcel, no disrespect but they are reasonably new to pins and most of them have never owned a mm, new or old,
best laugh i have had in a while

the way peoples for sale threads are treated on here are a joke and make ebay look good

Where is my terrible insult Or comments about you ?

Is it because I speculated that you may be new to pins ?
Or was it that I thought you had maybe never owned a mm new or old ?
Maybe it was because it had made me laugh?
Was it that I pointed out that a guy who is selling a pin doesn't need you slagging his price off ? Your apology has been accepted

I apologies if the above is too offensive for you, and made me a keyboard warrior,

but which bit gave you the excuse to get personal about me ?
Come on Ladies.... I have a pile of handbags here..... Pick your fave....

Seriously though, this is a Sale thread. And it's been majorly de-railed. I'm all for having a bit of a giggle, however come on all please - This person is just trying to sell a machine, and this shouldn't be the place to argue between each other over other issues.

Where is my terrible insult Or comments about you ?

Is it because I speculated that you may be new to pins ?
Or was it that I thought you had maybe never owned a mm new or old ?
Maybe it was because it had made me laugh?
Was it that I pointed out that a guy who is selling a pin doesn't need you slagging his price off ? Your apology has been accepted

I apologies if the above is too offensive for you, and made me a keyboard warrior,

but which bit gave you the excuse to get personal about me ?

As previously stated, I will not be responding to your provocation

I would prefer to see how the sale develops and wish the op the best of luck for the sale
I don't think the price was outrageous. Stern LE's are selling for £10k ffs. I know which one I'd rather have
I'm taking it off the market guys. I turned down 3 offers of £6,000 and two offers of £6,500 just for your interest and to help you guys ascertain future pricing.

I may at a future date put it up for sale but as for now, I'll hope when I move house that I can fit my pins in!
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