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Yeah from here
was quite expensive but i thought it looked cool and could not find any arcade/bowling alley style carpet anywhere else in the uk :( (tons in us dirty cheap, but good luck getting it delivered lol)
Yeah from here
was quite expensive but i thought it looked cool and could not find any arcade/bowling alley style carpet anywhere else in the uk :( (tons in us dirty cheap, but good luck getting it delivered lol)
if you are doing black light makes sure it’s a safe one - black light will seriously hose your eyes.
I don't think they are that bad :D it's on for maybe 20min a week at most and i'm not tanning my self under it lol

iv grown up with black lights and i'm not blind :D
I used to work in tv/film lighting and have had sound systems with lighting, my hearing and eyesight aren't that great anymore😂
Hehe, yeah I worked at stage electrics Bristol wear house testing/cleaning the equipment they hire out. They used to have the proper industrial bad boy 400w black lights :D
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In-laws in a row, around for mother's Day..
My wife asked her dad shortly after this was taken if he wanted a two player on FG so she could get on a game, he shook his head and said "nah" brutal 🤣

Opinions: do I:
1. - put BBB , TBL & 3 Bally/Williams games along the back covering the door and the wall decorations and have 2 on the side at the front.

2. Leave the B/W games where they are and have TBL & BBB in the middle only covering the door

So much stuff.. you should see under the Stern side.. accumulating so much stuff for each game. It’s a bit out of control TBH.

Oh Yeah, theres is another reason.

The cabin floor runs out from back to front. So I have to adjust the legs 🤦‍♂️.. put them along the back and they are on a perfect 7 degree slope 😂
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