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Sold Williams 1995 Jackbot - nice condition £875

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
OK - roll up roll up , step right this way ladles and gentlepeeps ...its all change in the GrizZ Shack time and something has to give. Regrettably its JB, but you can't keep em all :(

Nice Williams 1995 Jackbot for sale. Third in the classic Pinbot trilogy of games. Really presentable machine :)

Lovely clean, shiny playfield ..... no insert wear, seriously good condition, wish all my games were as nice ! - small bubble in the piece of mylar in front of right slingshot is really the only minor thing to point out

Plastics all good - including the spiral ramp, which is often chipped at the top. This one is perfect.

DMD - no missing dots

Plays 100%. No errors.

Translite - good, couple of small scratches, nothing major.

Cab - Good condition , some fade to the left side but it is even fade, right side better.

Coindoor - good.

Legs - original dark grey ones. A few scuffs.

Just outside Brighton. Martin the delivery man will be calling here at some point in next week or 2 so possibly could pick it up if you want to use him. Or more than happy for collection, cash etc :smokin:

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More pics to follow ....
That is one nice looking machine :) Great B/W DMD game at a great price, someone should snap this up!
I would of had it but I'm not really a fan of pinbot and jackbot. It's in lovely condition no doubt it will be gone b4 the nights out
Your not doing it properly unless you've got more machines than space to put them in. Number 1 rule of pinball ownership :rockon:
Ha ha. Yep. I love walking to the bathroom to get to the fridge as its the only place it'll fit!! Ok so I made that up but I ain't far off:)
Hehehee you had me there Gaz. If your missus let you put the fridge next to the toilet then she's definitely a keeper. Was it you that was planning on putting the freezer in a hole in the floor with some plywood on top as a fancy kitchen island?

Yeah that was me mate. I'll be converting my garage this year, hopefully with a bit of jiggery pokery I'll be able to fit 5 in there set up. :) maybe if I send you the dimensions you could do one of your awesome 3D computer drawing things;-)
5 won't be enough .....you think it will be now....but it won't ....just saying ;)

How very true.
I am up to space for 9 set up, and putting in a extension to make room for another six.
I have room for three at a squeeze.
I'd be satisfied with 5/6. Three keepers and two on rotate.

do I really need that sideboard?

or that Settee?

or cooker and fridge.....?
I should think so as well at a price like that.
I take it that space has allready been filled.
Got to be really bad then... Rolling Stones or Sharkey's Shoot Out? :redface:

Always liked an underdog myself... found myself looking fondly at a Lost In Space once......
Oh Hang on - given his dodgy past - Dungeons and Dragons (and why is it that if you search on Pinball on Gumtree it comes up with Warhammer as a related link?)
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