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Underpricing pins is harming the hobby

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Even if you can't buy the machine you want either due to availability or funds, it doesn't exclude you from the hobby. There are some locations you can go and play and league meets. Also, several times I've seen new people join the forum either expressing an interest in a certain pin or from a certain location and someone either near by or who has named machine will offer the complete stranger to come and play their machine or collection. I don't think you get more inclusive than that. I really haven't thrown myself into the social side of pinball because I suck at social interactions but I think if you do, you feel very included pretty quickly
I've always been an outsider to every community to the point where it's become a Groucho Marx-esque self-fulfilling prophecy, and part of the privilege (if you can call it that) of that outsider status is that I can try to highlight groupthink, if I think I see it, and things I perceive to be unfair.


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To be honest @Jmac just wrote a summary of how friendships grow as much as how pinball machines are traded.

No secret squirrel dealings, just getting to know people, playing some pinball and keeping in touch. I'd actually find it more odd if you didn't look after your friends.

It's not all about buying and selling either, it's just bloody lovely to pop over and see someone for a cuppa and a few games of pinball.

You can't have too many friends in life anyway.
Well @Jmac summed most of it up really.

An accurate title of the thread might be 'Lack of pinball production has hindered entry into the hobby'.

If Stern produce lots new titles plus a backlog of Deadpool, Godzilla etc it helps but it's the others who need to up their game. If CGC could run two production lines of the new release plus an old one (MB, AFM or MM) and JJP could do the same (Toy Story plus a former title) it would help massively.

In all honesty if I knew that Bond, Jaws, Toy Story, POTC, MM, Cactus etc were imminent I'd be selling and mixing my collection up rather than sitting on it.

In essence we'll see more for sale threads when people have something else to buy.
@Gonzo I thought that was the problem, but when I was looking for a late 70s/early 80s pin, it seems that the people who own older stuff don't typically also own a lot of really new stuff.

I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning him here, but Tobin said to me, in almost the first text I exchanged, something along the lines that collectors typically tend to collect certain periods of pin, or certain manufacturers, or they begin a collection with a nostalgia purchase of whatever they enjoyed as a teen. So, my perception (wrongly or rightly) isn't that there's a huge community of people going "Heck, I would sell my Gold Wings, if only JJP would just release Toy Story".

Watching the For Sale/Wanted threads, you're right that there's a regular turnover of nearly-new Spike 2 Sterns. If I wanted a JP2 right now, there'd be an abundance of riches - presumably, because everyone who owns a JP2 now wants a GZ instead (?). So, if CGC/JJP/Stern stop producing, those nearly-new pins stop appearing. But that doesn't seem to work the same with older pins.

And, yes, @Jmac, it's a great topic for a Chinwag if @Gonzo is prepared to enter the fire... 🔥
A bigger problem to the lack of pinballs for sale on here is the what’s it worth thread. I’d estimate the vast majority of pins mention on there are sold before an advert even goes up by pm. That is a different scenario and is depriving people a fair chance at buying the pin unless you join the people that are straight in trying to do a deal via pm. That sale has used the forum for a sale all be it by a back door route. Not everyone will even know that pin was potentially coming up for sale because it’s mentioned in a thread that’s not for sales

Personally I think that thread should be renamed to ‘Fishing for the highest offer by pm’
Spot on, time to pause or remove it. Put it up for what you want and see how that goes, cheap and it will be gone in seconds but overpriced you will soon find out😂
Even if you can't buy the machine you want either due to availability or funds, it doesn't exclude you from the hobby. There are some locations you can go and play and league meets. Also, several times I've seen new people join the forum either expressing an interest in a certain pin or from a certain location and someone either near by or who has named machine will offer the complete stranger to come and play their machine or collection. I don't think you get more inclusive than that. I really haven't thrown myself into the social side of pinball because I suck at social interactions but I think if you do, you feel very included pretty quickly

That's the thing about this hobby in particular that is so good - people's generosity, in time, in expertise and in letting strangers play their games.
When I started in 2012/13 I remember meeting a few good folks at the LPC that year who said I should join the league - couple weeks later knocked on @johnwhitfield's door where his wife, who'd never met me before, answered the door and just pointed down the corridor and said 'follow the noise' :D
A bigger problem to the lack of pinballs for sale on here is the what’s it worth thread. I’d estimate the vast majority of pins mention on there are sold before an advert even goes up by pm. That is a different scenario and is depriving people a fair chance at buying the pin unless you join the people that are straight in trying to do a deal via pm. That sale has used the forum for a sale all be it by a back door route. Not everyone will even know that pin was potentially coming up for sale because it’s mentioned in a thread that’s not for sales

Personally I think that thread should be renamed to ‘Fishing for the highest offer by pm’
I would 100% agree. I don't know how long that thread has been going, but I've got personal experience of it being used for sales, and the prices aren't transparent either (obviously).
A bigger problem to the lack of pinballs for sale on here is the what’s it worth thread. I’d estimate the vast majority of pins mention on there are sold before an advert even goes up by pm. That is a different scenario and is depriving people a fair chance at buying the pin unless you join the people that are straight in trying to do a deal via pm. That sale has used the forum for a sale all be it by a back door route. Not everyone will even know that pin was potentially coming up for sale because it’s mentioned in a thread that’s not for sales
That’s identical on UKVAC. The valuations thread has essentially become the sales thread for a lot of stuff.
I’ve sold a few things where I’ve genuinely been unsure of value and with in minutes there’s several pm’s.
Just the way of the world I guess.
That’s identical on UKVAC. The valuations thread has essentially become the sales thread for a lot of stuff.
I’ve sold a few things where I’ve genuinely been unsure of value and with in minutes there’s several pm’s.
Just the way of the world I guess.
Part of the problem with the valuations thread is that people are posting one thing publicly and then, in my experience, it seems pins are changing hands for higher prices privately with the valuation thread as a rough guide. It’s not transparent and it does mean that, if you’re posting a Wanted ad, you can end up wildly off course.

I also think it’s potentially misleading people who are posting advice on pricing in good conscience because they genuinely can’t see what a lot of things are selling for.

Going back to my initial post, I think it would also help if the quotes on pricing given by long-term owners reflected whether or not this was a price between friends. Prices between friends are fine, but it does mean - if you’re unsure of valuation - you can end up on a bit of a wild goose chase.

Not sure if that’s right or not, as I’m just seeing the edges of this, but I think a bit more transparency would help everyone.
@Gonzo I thought that was the problem, but when I was looking for a late 70s/early 80s pin, it seems that the people who own older stuff don't typically also own a lot of really new stuff.

I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning him here, but Tobin said to me, in almost the first text I exchanged, something along the lines that collectors typically tend to collect certain periods of pin, or certain manufacturers, or they begin a collection with a nostalgia purchase of whatever they enjoyed as a teen. So, my perception (wrongly or rightly) isn't that there's a huge community of people going "Heck, I would sell my Gold Wings, if only JJP would just release Toy Story".

Watching the For Sale/Wanted threads, you're right that there's a regular turnover of nearly-new Spike 2 Sterns. If I wanted a JP2 right now, there'd be an abundance of riches - presumably, because everyone who owns a JP2 now wants a GZ instead (?). So, if CGC/JJP/Stern stop producing, those nearly-new pins stop appearing. But that doesn't seem to work the same with older pins.

And, yes, @Jmac, it's a great topic for a Chinwag if @Gonzo is prepared to enter the fire... 🔥

I think you're correct regarding people collecting certain types of pins or machines from a particular era or manufacturer.

However I don't think you can be fussy if it's your first machine on a finite budget. My first pin was a choice between Popeye & Gladiators (Jokes to follow I'm sure) and I just had to make a purchase and get on the ladder.

Even now I'm not quite getting everything I want and rightly so. I'd have loved Lee's Circus and one or two others but it's the Sterns that have become available. I wasn't even remotely looking for a Batman when it got listed but I made a decision within 30 seconds and hoped for the best.

Just to be clear, I'm not complaining. If you'd have told me 4 years ago that I'd have three pinball machines, a bunch of mates to lend machines between and a pinball room at the bottom of the garden I'd have bitten your hand off. I feel very privileged actually.

As for the podcast . . . . please pop on. This debate needs more than just myself and Spencer making innuendo and talking about Deadpool AGAIN!!
Part of the problem with the valuations thread is that people are posting one thing publicly and then, in my experience, it seems pins are changing hands for higher prices privately with the valuation thread as a rough guide. It’s not transparent and it does mean that, if you’re posting a Wanted ad, you can end up wildly off course.

I also think it’s potentially misleading people who are posting advice on pricing in good conscience because they genuinely can’t see what a lot of things are selling for.

Going back to my initial post, I think it would also help if the quotes on pricing given by long-term owners reflected whether or not this was a price between friends. Prices between friends are fine, but it does mean - if you’re unsure of valuation - you can end up on a bit of a wild goose chase.

Not sure if that’s right or not, as I’m just seeing the edges of this, but I think a bit more transparency would help everyone.

I can clear the price between friends thing up right now. . . . basically we don't make any money out of each other regardless of what the perceived RRP might be. If I buy Deadpool for £5500 and spend £100 on the powder coating Andy get's it for £7000 😂😂😂

I'm only joking.

I listed AIQ on here and actually made a £300(ish) loss which I thought was fair because it was new when I got it and had 200 odd games on it when I sold it. That was the last game I sold and it was listed on here.
As for the podcast . . . . please pop on. This debate needs more than just myself and Spencer making innuendo and talking about Deadpool AGAIN!!
I wasn’t volunteering 😲 There’s a reason I don’t work as a broadcast journalist!!!🤯

That said, I think it’s a hot topic, so if you can’t get someone with a tonne of experience buying/selling to discuss it (come on someone, volunteer!), I’ll try to stammer my way awkwardly through it…
What’s a couple of hundred between friends.. but when you have bought Mods, spares and then people expect you to sell a game for £1000’s less..

I have only sold pinballs to one, now close friend, he gets my Games at what they cost me, with extras thrown in.

I also buy them back - but with the difference in price now, I pay a bit more. I would not expect a friend to loose money on a game if they could sell it on for more, but at the same time that friend doesn’t charge me what they would ask for in current pinball climate… if that makes sense.
Actually, no.

I felt a bit frustrated when I wasn't being offered anything much, and I was watching other people getting quite upset sometimes on the Wanted/For Sale forums - often because they not getting responses to Wanted threads (the Godzilla thread that I got '@'d into is a real classic 😳), or because they were being flamed about pricing.

I also felt I was sent on a bit of a wild goose chase about the actual cost of sourcing a pin I wanted (rather than what long-term owners thought it was worth).

I've always been an outsider to every community to the point where it's become a Groucho Marx-esque self-fulfilling prophecy, and part of the privilege (if you can call it that) of that outsider status is that I can try to highlight groupthink, if I think I see it, and things I perceive to be unfair.

I guess I don't like seeing people upset :( The chap with the skill posts was especially upset, apparently :( It made me feel sad seeing that - it felt very toxic for a hobby community :(

I'm not planning to sell.

I just felt there was a problem and I wanted to flag it up. I realised it would be controversial, but I felt I had to highlight what I'd seen and experienced, and what I thought the problem might be.

I may be wrong, but - hopefully - it might provide some food for thought :)

I'm really struggling to understand the essence of your complaint here. You joined the forum last August and you have three pins with a fourth on the way. That isn't bad going.

With a limited supply of machines it's sometimes hard to find the one you want, that's a given. Sometimes people sell things to other people they know for ease, that's also a given. It's a free market and people can price machines as they see fit, that's one more given. You keep talking about things being fair - what do you expect, people to create a poll to get a group approved price, list at said price, wait 24 hours for people to indicate interest at said price, and then use a random number generator to decide who get's it?

It sounds like the 'problem' you've identified is that you're getting opinions as opposed to facts when you ask a question on a message board. I don't think there's a solution for that one.

And I'm sorry, but you don't like seeing people upset, and it makes you feel sad? Are you serious? This is without a shadow of a doubt the most open / friendliest online community I've ever been a (small) part of. We're all adults, and sometimes we'll have different opinions to express - that isn't toxic. If someone can't handle alternative opinions, they shouldn't be on a public discussion forum.
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I think you're over thinking all this

Person has machine, person chooses to sell said machine, names price. If price is right for a person who wants said machine then machine sells, if not it doesn't.

However all that proves is that a specific example of said machine was worth that much to a specific buyer on that day, in that condition
It doesn't mean that every example is worth that much or that little forevermore.

It's really no different to any other item you buy second hand or bid on eBay for, as a buyer you have the power to say no if you think something is overpriced, if someone else steps in and is willing to pay more than you - that's just life.

I have no issue with people listing games for what, in my opinion, is more than they're 'worth' (which really means more than I would be prepared to pay) as long as they're as described accurately - it might not sell, or it might but if it's honestly described it's all fair.
It's when something isn't honestly described I have an issue.
Yeah I think its a decent thread. Little bit sad that @VeeMonroe feels like an outsider though, I like reading Vee's posts, a forum with everyone in agreement would be a boring place indeed and despite not yet meeting anyone in person here, I feel part of the community.

Each game and buyer are different, just because one game sold for x amount doesn't make the next one that comes along worth the same, its not like buying a nearly new car, with 100s available to compare, any valuation should be used as a rough guide, not a hard and fast rule.

Also agree that the 90s games have a little something, in all measurable ways, rules, reliability etc, they aren't as good as modern Sterns but they have the 'want' factor, Its not nostalgia, as I don't remember any of them the first time around either.
Yeah people with kids and commitments are de facto discriminated against but that's just life for you.

I felt a bit discriminated against every Christmas when works' call-out allocation for the holiday came around. I was told one year "the others have young families". Even though one of them wasn't particularly young himself.
There's a Zacc Robot come up for sale this morning.

Absolutely no mention of needing to know the secret handshake or roll up your trouser leg.
I consider myself as having benefitted from "friendly pricing" on here, ESPECIALLY when I was new to the hobby, so clearly it is not only available to existing collectors. I have bought pins at a sensible price on here and then been able to sell them back on here quickly with no fuss. Anyone can buy the machines advertised on here as long as they don't expect special treatment when it comes to viewing, etc.

Not everyone is agreeing with this - I have never even picked up a pin in person, let alone had to hire a van.

See the machine you want, agree to pay the price, contact Martin to pick up machine, pay the money .... simple. Most sellers are happy with this arrangement. I can see that this requires a bit of trust on the part of the buyer (I was nervous when I sent £2k+ to a guy on here for my first pin), but once you have got over that mental hurdle, it is fairly painless.

I really don't see why you feel the need to complain about the way people trade machines on here. There is a place called eBay that facilitates the trade of pinball machines in exactly the way that you suggest.


Apologies for the long post.

  • You can buy pins without travelling
  • Pins sell quicker the lower the price
  • It's quite easy and fun to get to know people in the hobby
  • You don't NEED to buy a pin to enjoy the hobby
Long version -

I don't have kids, but when I bought my first pin through here a couple of years ago, I had considerable work commitments so the idea of touring round the country in a van with no notice was a complete non-starter. I'd imagine that would be similar for many people on here, so effectively claiming that one is at a disadvantage because of having kids doesn't really stack up.

From a personal point of view, I knew very little about the process and was fortunate to come across this place rather than ending up buying from HLD.

I did a fair bit of research on a few pins, but was fairly flexible on the exact title, so when an ad came up for a TNA, which looked to be in good condition, I talked to a couple of people who said the seller had a good reputation on here, contacted the seller (initially with too low an offer), and we ultimately agreed a price. He gave me Martin's contact details and we arranged a pick up date. I then sent in excess of £5500 to what was pretty much a complete stranger I'd never met, for a pinball I'd not seen, and actually had never even played another example of.

Was I a little nervous about it? Well of course I was, but the pinball duly arrived and it was indeed in great condition. Also turned out to be a brilliant game too.

The second purchase (BKSoR) was somewhat easier to deal with mentally, as it was co-incidentally from the same guy, although an even more expensive purchase. Again, I didn't see the machine in person and also had never played one before buying it.

Neither purchase necessitated me leaving the house though. Just a few messages through the forum, a couple of phone calls and an online bank transfer.

Regarding the availability of pinballs for newbies, I guess I'm not helping as 2 years later, I'm not even considering moving either of these games on regardless of what they may be worth. I only have space for 2 pins, and will keep these as long as I continue to enjoy playing them which is likely to be a long time (I've put over 5000 plays on TNA so far and still play it pretty much every day).

From a newbie perspective, fortunately there are also places around like Pinball Republic, The Pinball Office, Chief Coffee etc.. so even if one doesn't buy a pin initially (as Nick mentioned earlier in this thread), pinball is still pretty accessible (and at a very low cost). In fact going to events regularly and meeting people is for me what keeps the hobby fresh and interesting.

Finally, regarding prices, a pinball is worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

Some people are happy to sell on here for very reasonable prices. Those machines go very quickly. If you're in the market for a machine, it's easy to have your phone ping you when an ad is placed, and it only takes a few seconds to message the seller.

Some people put higher prices on their machines, and these don't sell as quickly.

Some people sell machines to their friends, possibly at more favourable prices, or even just loan machines. It's not really a closed club or secret society though. I think you just have to get to know people by talking to them. I've certainly found the community very welcoming at all the places I've been so far - Pinball Republic, Pinball Office, London/SE league meets, Special When Lit (Salisbury), Pinfest etc..

In fact, thinking about it, if/when I do decide to sell TNA, it will first be offered to a specific person who has expressed a strong interest in it, before even being advertised on here. So I guess a newbie may not get a chance to buy it.
Is that fair on the newbie? Maybe not.
Should I be allowed to sell something I own to a friend without offering it to the world? Definitely.
We're quickly reaching a point where prices are outstripping the utility of older machines which is going to be a problem for the enthusiast.

My one hope is that as prices start pushing up towards the NIB price, demand will increase on new machines sufficiently to start pulling those prices down. If a System 11 starts pushing 3-4k in the coming years and I can get a NIB for 6k, then that's a sort of backwards progress.
not quite how the trading equilibrium diagram works.

I will only sell if its at a price I consider ok.
I honestly don’t know why pricing gets so much airtime.
If you think the price is acceptable and the item is worth the price “TO YOU” then that’s its value right there.
Who cares what other people pay, higher or lower it means nothing .

Let’s move on…. until next week at least 😆
The problem is that no one actually benefits from friendly pricing if it's only available to existing collectors. Because you lose on the resale what you gained on the purchase... unless you're buying large numbers of pins and tombstoning them.

Everyone seems to be agreeing that purchasing a pin at a 'reasonable' price requires you to send four-figure sums of money to people you don't know, hire a van (which can't be done at 24-hours notice unless you're already a ZipVan member) and rush across the country to pick it up, no questions asked. That is, as everyone points out, somewhat intimidating if you're not that familiar with pinball ownership, and not especially practical if you have young children and a full-time job!

This is what I was struggling towards in my initial post, I think. I'm glad someone has admitted it and with beautiful clarity.

In summary (I appreciate this is a cruel summary and I apologise - it's not personal): "I am now largely a non-selling seller because greedy strangers buy pins on here at friendly prices and then sell them at the open market price. This is their fault for being bad people and not the fault of the pricing. But, it's okay, if you want to join the group of trusted people who can still source pins from me at friendly prices, rather than being an unknown n00b who has to rush across country with a mate in a van at 12 hours notice to buy a pin before multiple other people do, you just need to take the time to join our secret society. The Sun is Shining... but the Ice is Slippery".

This is literally the definition of differential pricing discriminating against newbies and, I'm sorry, it doesn't feel terribly fair :(

What? You have four pins... aren't you a collector now?
With any hobby if you make friends it helps.
Everyone starts as a newbie, so many people come here from buying off the forum and realising they've overpaid or they have issues...then they stay and nearly always benefit from making new friends, which in turn means more opportunities.

I don't understand the issue, all of us can take risks off the forum and drive about in a van. On here you don't need to take risks and rush about because it's a great community with trusted members.
If you aren't sure about a pin then don't buy it. Sitting and debating before the purchase doesn't work most of the time.

Just buy it, you can always sell it on.
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