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How the other half live.
Have you guys no jobs to go to ? Drinking in the afternoon, shame on you.
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There's a phrase - "working like beavers". That doesn't apply to us. However, look up "role model" in any good dictionary and you'll find a photo of us today :).
Right before things really spiral out of control and into the abyss of madness known as the Slam can I just say MASSIVE THANKS to everybody contributing machines to the Slam. Goes without saying no games= no shows . Having just busted down 4 of mine, 3 to do tomorrow night .... I remember what an absolute frickin balls ache it is to dismantle yr gamesrooms and cart them off to a show .....so KUDOS to everyone that actually makes the effort. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Right head is crazy with stuff to do .....gotta run !

All Slam. All the time. Thats how we roll.
Hats off to the guys who organised this awesome event. It was an eye opener for me that's for sure having toyed with the idea of buying a pin for some time this was the deciding moment as I've always been a video guy. It soon became clear why some video collectors have made the jump to Pinball....I'm having me some of that!!

Top job, well done guys!
You pledging tommy for the NLP
Reckon you can get it on back of the bike
I am just one of many that help out others, yourself included Paul.
This group rocks. :clap:
Just wanted to say thank you to @bartron for helping me out with a few replacement switch covers, really appreciate it man!
Nice to see @lukewells cabin in full effect last night. Had an absolute blast on Night Moves.
Cheers also to @JMP for the chance to get to know TOM intimately ;)
Thanks to @replicas for posting me a strip of blue spring steel! It's perfect for making an extended ramp flap for my DESW to cover up that sliver of chipped playfield right below the ramp (until I get the confidence to repaint it - eek!). Saves me ordering from Marco Specialties - the wait and shipping costs would suck! :thumbs:
my thanks goes out to Simon @Wizbiscuit from whom i got delivered a lovely Mary Shelley's Frankenstein yesterday.

i don't normally send out a special thank you for a game purchase, we agreed a price and i got what i paid for and am very happy with it as it plays really fast and clean and is a lot of fun to play. no, this thank you is for the unexpected, unasked-for incredibly ridiculously over the top generosity of what Simon put in the goody bag along with the usual keys / bolts / balls / paperwork. take a look for yourself:


yes, those are all brand new LEDs i think, god knows how many of them. and 40 fuses. and switches. and bumper caps. and rubbers. and flashers. and flipper buttons. and more.

i dunno what that lot would cost new, but i'm guessing three figures. Simon, i hope you're not leaving the hobby, but if you are taking a break then when you want back in, give me a shout so i can return the favour.
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