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Stern Star Wars

Hmm, could have sworn someone who knows everything said the reveal would be June 6th?????
The reveal is/was meant to be June 6th!
This was an accident:eek:
Not getting any more info until June 6th unless Stern try and change their date!
I predict a date change

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Don't give a flying f#ck, looks cool, want one and it's frigging Star wars!!! Steve Ritchie? All the planets have aligned. Coooollliiooo.
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Come on, what are you? Wooky or ewok? It will be jar jar tastic!
Can't wait for some gameplay.
Ffs :( Need to see better pics and video of how it shoots but on first glance the artwork on the play field looks f*cking rubbish. How can yet another Star Wars pin have caveats :mad:
I think the quality of the images - which have been knicked from that ****e video make it art looks worse than it is - wait for the hires images!

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Ffs :( Need to see better pics and video of how it shoots but on first glance the artwork on the play field looks f*cking rubbish. How can yet another Star Wars pin have caveats :mad:

Because it's made by the same company that made the last **** ones? Will they never learn to give the licence to someone else
Looks ok I guess could of done a lot better :hmm:

But why why why have they done the 70s film ? , thay should of done the newer one "The Force Awakens " would of looked a hole lot newer ;)
In all fairness to Stern it must be really hard work trying to make Star Wars assets look interesting! It might be a really good player though..:rofl::wave:
The pro is so like Acdc but with a LCD screen above the tnt targets. Hoping the popularity of the theme might mean we see plenty of them in the wild....
I'm out.

Not that I was ever in.

As always these days - the code will make or break this, except for the Star Wars fans who'll buy it regardless.

And why didn't they use the latest Star Wars assets (R1 & TFA)??? Hopefully another company got those, and will do them justice.
Need to get clearer looking pics obviously but looks kind of uninspired/generic play field wise. Is it the colour scheme? Doesn't look Star Warsy enough to me. Still, I'll wait for more pics ect
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