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Aug 10, 2014
Ian Walmsley
So as we all know, there are a number of areas that matter in making you the player that you are. This isn't an exhaustive list but just what I could think of in a short time. @Wizcat will also love this as it involves numbers 😁 Base this on just casual play, not everyone does tournaments and that can also change how you play, especially when the nerves kick in!

Rules knowledge - do you know not only your own games but others too. If you approach a game you've not played before how quickly are you able to figure out what to do and when. Can you follow what games are trying to tell you from the lighting, audio and display. Do you know where to find help if needed

Ball control - are you able to get the ball where you want it, when you want it. Can you dead bounce, live catch, drop catch, post pass, tip pass, tap pass etc and also do them reliably. Or do you just want rid of the ball as soon as its anywhere near the flippers

Shot accuracy - can you consistently shoot the shots that you want at the right time or are stand-up posts at the point of being worn out after your game

Nudging / saving - the ball is out of control and heading for the drain, can you not only get it back into play but also without tilting. Can you see a potential drain long before its in trouble, can you slap save a centre drain away or just watch it disappear

Multiball - most if not all modern and many classic games have it, does it turn into a flail fest or are you able to get control and get those super jackpots. Can you get control, cradle separate, up and under shots, stage upper flippers to shoot a ball past

Adapting - you've mastered your own Attack From Mars at home but what happens if you play someone else's, the tilt is tighter, rubbers are different, flippers angles lower and its at a different pitch. Can you adjust and still get a good score or has the muscle memory from playing your own taken over and you miss everything

Consistency - do you blow hot and cold or are you hot stuff all the time?

Scores for me (out of 10)

Rules knowledge - 9
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 5
Nudging / saving - 8
Multiball - 8
Adapting - 6
Consistency - 5

Overall 48/70
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Rules knowledge - 2
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 4
Nudging / saving - 7
Multiball - 2
Adapting - 3

Rules knowledge -6 (owning a vpin helps a lot)
Ball control- 4
Shot accuracy- 5
Nudging/ saving - 3
Multiball- 5
Adapting- 5

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Scores for me (out of 10)

Rules knowledge - 8
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 7
Nudging / saving - 8
Multiball - 7
Adapting - 8

Overall 45/60
Rules knowledge - 9.5
Ball control - 8.5
Shot accuracy - 8
Nudging / saving - 8
Multiball - 8
Adapting - 7

Rules knowledge - 3
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 5
Nudging / saving - 8
Multiball - 8
Adapting - 2 🤣

Rules knowledge - 7
Ball control - 5
Shot accuracy - 4
Nudging / saving - 3
Multiball - 6
Adapting - 6

Rules knowledge - 2
Ball control - 4
Shot accuracy - 5
Nudging / saving - 3
Multiball - 3
Adapting - 2

Haha, I like this!

Rules knowledge - 3
Ball control - 6
Shot accuracy - 6
Nudging / saving - 7
Multiball - 6
Adapting - 4
Consistency - 5

Overall 37/70
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Rules knowledge - 3
Ball control - 5
Shot accuracy - 6
Nudging / saving - 5
Multiball - 5
Adapting - 6

Overall 30/60

Caused mainly by lack of practice (Machines currently stored awaiting Gamesroom Construction) and the lack of knowledge because of this and also the over-riding want to have fun and "see how things go".
If there was a category for "adaptability" wich refered to how I would play on a machine I hadnt any experience in, i would expect that to be high!

Once I get the Gamesroom sorted and spend some long lost time with machines, I expect a few of these to improve dramatically!
Rules knowledge - 4 (don't own any games, so learn when playing plus some research)
Ball control - 4 (ditto as above)
Shot accuracy - 5
Nudging / saving - 3
Multiball - 3
Adapting - 5

Total 24/60
Base this on just casual play, not everyone does tournaments and that can also change how you play, especially when the nerves kick in!
I'm not even sure how to begin to answer this TBH... :oops: If it's based on casual play, how does anyone even know? I mean, patently, compared to Paul Englert or Keith Elwin, I'm going to get 1 in all categories, but I did just get ~1 million on a walkup on TNA, so does that count? Or is this just an assessment of the old adage that 100% of drivers think they're above average? 😲

Rules knowledge - 6 (what's 10? Do I need to memorize PinTips? Should I know all the rules or just the ones needed to get an above-basement tournament score? I mean, I know a fair amount of rules compared to someone who doesn't go to PBR regularly... but I guess not compared to someone who's been in the hobby thirty years. I can't play pins I don't know the rules for, so currently I flunk about 1 in 3 games due to lack of rules knowledge)

Ball control - 9 (I mean, this is bull**t. I come next-to-last at PBR league every Thursday. Who am I kidding? But, I'm pretty much a control player. Hate, hate, hate pinballs doing stuff I don't control)

Shot accuracy - 3 (on unfamiliar machines. I can't hit the broadside of a barn)

Nudging/saving - 3 (was 1, but I had a period of just slapping the ball up the playfield and the practice nudged me up a couple of points)

Multiball - 4 (I can regularly get a 'triple Elwin' - 2 balls one flipper, 1 the other flipper, playing pinball with the one ball. So, at least a 4 for that one. It does make for a boring multiball tho')

Adapting - 5 (I only play my home machines once before moving onto the next one, in a kinda circuit, to ensure I don't rely on muscle memory. So, for example, I can now get similar results on my home TNA CE and PBR TNA, but I'm completely caned by unfamiliar Flash Gordons... so probably 5 for that one)

Total - for what it's worth: 30/60
This is fun 😄

Rules knowledge - 8
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 4
Nudging / saving - 8
Multiball - 7
Adapting - 6

Ian you underrate yourself in ball control. You are the most controlled player I know.

For me:

Rules 3 but a 9 when paired with @windoesnot at league. 😀
Ball control 5
Shot accuracy 6
Nudging 3
Multiball 7
Adapting 6
Here goes:
Rules knowledge - 2
Ball control - 5
Shot accuracy - 4
Nudging / saving - 5
Multiball - 4
Adapting - 3

Fluke/Lucky/Jammyness - sometimes 10, mostly 0!

Depending on how I feel on the day but generally speaking..........

Rules knowledge - trapped in the eighties.

Ball control - on par with Ali Dia. (If you know, you know........ ⚽️)

Shot accuracy - Mr Magoo.

Nudging/saving - 10. (As it’s all I ever find myself doing).

Multi-ball - ? Ohh you mean like Xenon.... short n sweet.

Adapting - they don’t call me “Keef the chameleon “ for nuffink....

Overall rating = professional Dofus. 🤓
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Rules knowledge - 8

Can I use minus numbers for the rest? 😅😂
Rules knowledge - 8
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 6
Nudging / saving - 7
Multiball - 7
Adapting - 3

38 - my main issue is no consistency between machines which the top players have. I know what I'm trying to do most of the time - I just can't do it!
Can’t believe all of you are in the - I thought some of you would at least be in the + 🤔
I'm not even sure how to begin to answer this TBH... :oops: If it's based on casual play, how does anyone even know? I mean, patently, compared to Paul Englert or Keith Elwin, I'm going to get 1 in all categories, but I did just get ~1 million on a walkup on TNA, so does that count? Or is this just an assessment of the old adage that 100% of drivers think they're above average? 😲

Rules knowledge - 6 (what's 10? Do I need to memorize PinTips? Should I know all the rules or just the ones needed to get an above-basement tournament score? I mean, I know a fair amount of rules compared to someone who doesn't go to PBR regularly... but I guess not compared to someone who's been in the hobby thirty years. I can't play pins I don't know the rules for, so currently I flunk about 1 in 3 games due to lack of rules knowledge)

Ball control - 9 (I mean, this is bull**t. I come next-to-last at PBR league every Thursday. Who am I kidding? But, I'm pretty much a control player. Hate, hate, hate pinballs doing stuff I don't control)

Shot accuracy - 3 (on unfamiliar machines. I can't hit the broadside of a barn)

Nudging/saving - 3 (was 1, but I had a period of just slapping the ball up the playfield and the practice nudged me up a couple of points)

Multiball - 4 (I can regularly get a 'triple Elwin' - 2 balls one flipper, 1 the other flipper, playing pinball with the one ball. So, at least a 4 for that one. It does make for a boring multiball tho')

Adapting - 5 (I only play my home machines once before moving onto the next one, in a kinda circuit, to ensure I don't rely on muscle memory. So, for example, I can now get similar results on my home TNA CE and PBR TNA, but I'm completely caned by unfamiliar Flash Gordons... so probably 5 for that one)

Total - for what it's worth: 30/60

Trust you to write an essay before leaving the answer Vee 😂

xx 😉
Rules knowledge - 6
Ball control - 7
Shot accuracy - 6
Nudging / saving - 5
Multiball - 7
Adapting - 5

36/60 - need another category with negative values to account for losing all ability when in in competition
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