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Pinside is such an angry place.....


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
John Whitfield
Oh God, just waded through all the latest Predator posts on pinside.

Such a different mentality over there. 250 people have just got shafted but maybe 10 of them are vocally angry on the site. 90%+ of the thread is made up of people who seem to be hell bent on attacking each other but actually aren't the one's who are in danger of losing 3k.

It's like the Daily Mail of pinball. :confused:

So far I've seen Kevin accused of being a con artist, a mastermind criminal and a crack addict. Somehow I suspect the real answer will be he's a bloke who tried to build pins, ****ed up really really badly and now owes a stack of money that he can't repay. Seriously, if I was going to try and steal $1 million I'd start up a fake website for hotels or similar rather than spend 2+ years building a prototype pin.

I'm guessing he's unlikely to appear at any shows soon (although it would be cool to have him as a guest speaker at a UK event:popcorn:)

Good luck to everyone who's owed cash
Think you've doubled the number of machines they've actually built;)

Kevin's communication has been woeful. What I don't understand is the people who aren't involved in the game then posting contact details for his mum etc. If someone who's been burnt did this then that's up to them but for other people to get involved and do this reminds me of playground fights
And that ****** who called his local police dept. what's that gonna achieve, in a town of only 40,000 people?
Almost forgotten about the Bumper thing. Anyone know how that worked out? My gut feeling was that that was far more shady compared to this. Similar amounts of money though.....
It's certainly an odd thread to read. These days I check in to that thread daily and there's usually an extra hundred posts or so.

the actual Predator thread here will get a new post soon I expect so the UK buyers can regroup
As far as I know about 10 Preds were sold to the UK. Dave Bishop probably knows more though as he was trying to co-ordinate shipping

Dan we all know you are only checking out Pinside for the boob pics;)

There's got to be fall out from this to all the other pre-orders. If I had cash in TBL or Aliens then I know I would be very nervous at the moment.
That thread needs some serious moderation, speaking as someone involved in community for most of my career. Pinside has some great people and discussions there, even some fantastic small run repro part efforts that are a real credit to the community. But that thread is just poisonous and posting someone's mother's phone number? Simply unacceptable, a massive invasion of privacy and possibly even illegal.

Someone really needs to get that discussion under control, ban some idiots (temporarily and permanently) and lay down the law. I understand people are upset they might lose four figures owrth of cash, but that's no excuse to cross the line of acceptable behaviour in various ways.
It was 11 I think, with the last count.

I'm fully paid so £3K in. But I knew when I put in it was a risk. Like any pre-order from a new company. This money has gone for over a year, so I'm over it really. Was thinking the other day that I probably could fit in 3 more pins, so turned out quite nicely .

Joking aside I cannot believe some of the posts from people on Pinside. It is like the TBL fiasco all over again. People with nothing better to do than try and stir the pot, and cause panic. it will probably be the run on the bank that will kill the project completely.

Kevin is trying to fix this but the overwhelming negativity and personal attacks is going to effect this. FOX may read the Pinside thread and decide not to agree to a license and then it's all ****ed!
I'm in until I hear the definitive answer from Kevin himself if PRED will be made or the money's gone.
Got a feeling that we're all still "in" at this stage whether or not we want to be. Who knows how this is all going to turn out. As you said Dave the money was spent over a year ago. Anything that turns up now be it a pin or a refund will be a bonus.
Kiss goodbye to the money chaps, it ain't coming back. I told the Mrs yesterday we might be able to get it back via section 75 on Credit Card, that option isn't open to any of us as Paypal being in the chain means there's no direct link with the merchant so a claim will be rejected
Everything that's wrong with Pinside can be summed up here:

Kiss goodbye to the money chaps, it ain't coming back. I told the Mrs yesterday we might be able to get it back via section 75 on Credit Card, that option isn't open to any of us as Paypal being in the chain means there's no direct link with the merchant so a claim will be rejected

There's no way in hell I will let this go......ever.
Anyone else here been talking to the anonymous emailer that letting everyone know about what going on?
No idea who this anonymous person is. Is it actually meant to be someone who is owed money or just a **** stirrer?

At this stage they really are nor helping. Not happy with Kevin but if someone went out of their way to stir things up with fox and it resulted in my cash basically going to their lawyers then I can't say that they are top of my Xmas card list.:mad: Why do something like that? Why not post their concerns (with proof) on the forum instead and maybe then we might have been able to get some cash back?
Easy to digest summary

Predator doesn't have the licence it needs
Someone seems to have gone out of their way to repeatedly chase this up with fox (why they thought it was their business to **** everything up further is anyone's guess)
Kevin is now MIA with $1 million
People who aren't owed money are stirring the pot (together with mysterious Mr X who allegedly knows what is going on)
People who are owed money want it back but now it looks like it will all go to lawyers
Building pins "is hard" and so apparently is emailing customers
Martin A has all the details and Pinball News is now the new place to go for all investigative journalism
American's love their lawyers and shouting. Europeans seem to be more resigned to being ****ed over

Meanwhile it's sunny out and there are pins to be played at the bottom of the garden:)
American's love their lawyers and shouting. Europeans seem to be more resigned to being ****ed over

Meanwhile it's sunny out and there are pins to be played at the bottom of the garden:)

Wise words. :p This will run and run. It sucks, but then evidently so does a certain pinball "company" sadly.

As well as all the cash a involved, it's a shame because a Predator table is an awesome license and this probably means we'll never see an established manufacturer do it.

The problem is, going unlicensed is much safer, but then fewer people care. See Wrath of Olympus not getting funded etc.
Everything that's wrong with Pinside can be summed up here:

I just watched that, or rather I listened to as as it was basically a 45minute rant. Jesus Christ on a bike, that guy (the one behind the camera) is a bitter angry man. The other one, the one on camera, I started off thinking I was gonna watch him being a horrible git throughout, but he turned out to be lovely and sane by comparison.

In summary, people say he is negative about the hobby, especially all those whiners. But he doesn't care because the games are sh!t and they're all pussies and whiners and they can all go suck a dick.

Anyone know what that guy's pinside name is so I can be wary?
There's an old saying...If it seems too good to be true then it usually is, unfortunately the sirens should have been sounding when a start up pin manufacturer nails a license like Predator, OK JJP pulled it off with WOZ but JJ seemed to be holding the cards and was financially capable of delivering the goods which he did fair play, hope you get something out of it guys, it was worth a punt and could have been the shrewdest move in pinball this decade and way better than my Bitcoin purchase which I lost the password to: Yup, I feel like a prize winning genital.
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There's no way in hell I will let this go......ever.
I wish you luck Russ, but consider the money gone firstly, then anything after that is a bonus. I have been speaking with a guy in America, it's all gone to ****, the story when it comes out will look like a true horror show
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