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Pinball in the village


Site Supporter
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
The local village where I am moving to had a village hall games evening on Saturday with board games, table tennis, giant connect 4 etc etc, plus free beer and wine for the adults. So I decided that what it really needed was a pinball machine, and lugged my TAF over for the evening.


It was quite interesting watching how it was received. At first it was mobbed by kids who all wanted to have a go and press the flipper buttons continously...IMG_3858.JPG

before some of the slightly older kids took over. I was quite surprised by how quickly they got it, asking me what you had to do, and once I explained how to start a mode and relight the chair they were away, getting really in to it.


Once the kids were taken home you could see the youths getting interested and moving in and getting very competitive

and finally the older geezers who used to play pinball in the pub in the 80s and 90s got in there, and were amazed that pinball was still around. Amazing how everyone seems to remember playing and loving pinball when they were younger...


One chap, who I know is a golfer, asked me whether they was any skill in pinball or any real point to it. So I said that it was basically the same as golf: you just whack the ball about and there's no skill involved, no strategy, and no real aim. I am not sure if he worked out if I was serious or not.
Great job reintroducing pinball to the next gen. Whenever I've done it i've been pleasantly surprised with how much they've taken to it. You kinda assume that iPads and Fortnite is all they can think about - but it's the opposite.
Yep, young kids just hammer the flippers and it gets REALLY annoying. I pretty much had to turn mine off when there was an event on with loads of kids around (parents obviously just let them run riot while they tuck into the vino) to save my machine and the staffs sanity.

Interesting that you Gomez looks like 'David Dickinson' compared to mine.
My son who isn’t 3 until end dec asks me almost every evening when I get home if he can ‘go play on one of the machines?’ He is fully clued up on how to turn them on and off and even has a little step that he moves around from one to another. Obviously hasn’t a clue what to do apart from trying to make sure the ball doesn’t go down the hole! His words not mine but maybe I should take heed! He doesn’t just flipper bash I showed him you need to wait for the ball and to be fair he is getting the hang of it

My daughter takes much amusement from the ball lock on Aerosmith, 'balls in there!' she shouts when one goes in the toy box and asks for more to go in. Then when multiball starts she gets all giddy when they all come flying out :clap:
My daughter takes much amusement from the ball lock on Aerosmith, 'balls in there!' she shouts when one goes in the toy box and asks for more to go in. Then when multiball starts she gets all giddy when they all come flying out :clap:
You mean there is more to pinball than stopping it draining?
I thought I was doing something wrong ?
Lovely to see the younger ones embracing Pinball and enjoying it! Pinball will always be better than whatever the hottest iPad game is.
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