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Hello everyone. My names Byron and I'm from Derby, recently got back from a weeks holiday in sunny skegvagas where I've developed a bit of an addiction to pinball. Had a choice of 10 tables over the week all close to where I was staying. Lookin to buy my own machine as a bit of a project. I work with electronics so think I could handle most repares. Been looking at the hook machine on eBay that someone on here is selling. Would have been an ideal first machine I'm thinking.

Hi Byron, welcome on board :)
Welcome to Pinball Info Byron.
Hook is a great choice for a first pin. Have fun.
just signed up,after getting a pin again(gorgar) after 10 years pinless(I used to own a vector),ive been on ukvac.jamma+ and a few other arcade forums for a few years,looking to get help when I run into problems,and envy you guys with lots of pins:)

Gorgar was the first machine I played (as well as Flash) would have been late 70's in Frankfurt, Germany.
A soft spot for Vector as well, would have been mid 80's I think on the Lowestoft Pier Arcade.

the first pins I played were,gorgar,vector and space invaders,my local arcade(sadly long gone)used to have all 3,I remember the space invaders playfield was well worn though,even in the early 80's
Hi all,
I thought I would introduce myself, I have been playing in the London S.E League this year. Quite a few of the members probably know me including Lucasz, Sam, Thomas, Martin and Matt V to name a few.
I currently own a Metallica LE which I absolutely love and when I have the funds will be hoping to add an ACDC Premo to my minimalist line up.
In the past I have owned a Rollergames which my brother in Australia has adopted and a BSD which has found a new home with Dave in his Tilt Coffee Shop Leicester.
Looking forward to the rest of the pinball shows and tournaments and meeting more members.
Chris Poyntz
Hi all,
I thought I would introduce myself, I have been playing in the London S.E League this year. Quite a few of the members probably know me including Lucasz, Sam, Thomas, Martin and Matt V to name a few.
I currently own a Metallica LE which I absolutely love and when I have the funds will be hoping to add an ACDC Premo to my minimalist line up.
In the past I have owned a Rollergames which my brother in Australia has adopted and a BSD which has found a new home with Dave in his Tilt Coffee Shop Leicester.
Looking forward to the rest of the pinball shows and tournaments and meeting more members.
Chris Poyntz

Hi Chris, cool Avatar too :)
Hi Chris,

Don't know if I told you at the Pipeline but the next London & SE meet it at mine on the 13th July. Hope to see you here
Thanks John for info, Dawn mentioned it to me at Julian's place.
I will be looking forward to it,
Cheers Chris
Thanks John for info, Dawn mentioned it to me at Julian's place.
I will be looking forward to it,
Cheers Chris

Ah Chris, nice to see you have at last left the ranks of lurker! Be nice to see you posting more on here :)

Hi All,

I thought it was about time I posted on the forum(s)
[I've signed up with both Pininfo & Pinside].

I've returned to the UK after 6yrs in NZ - where I was lucky enough to find on-location tables all over, AND played in a great league.

Since returning to the UK I've not played a real machine in over 6mths! :O (Though I'm hoping to remedy this at 'Special When Lit' in Salisbury soon.

I'd played some SS machines when a kid (Bally's 'Kings of Steel I remember fondly) when I frequented arcades in early 80s. But was the early DMDs I really remember-coincidently it was The Getaway (HSII) I played first-it's a great flow table! (pre-Addams isn't it?).

Lost touch with all gaming for years until the retrogaming scene and MAME hit. Then Visual Pinball got me reinterested in PB around 2007 when still in UK where there were no location tables around me at all. I remember playing PacDude's VP recreations of TAF - and he'd even done a Big Bang Bar - would LOVE to play a BBB in real life (any in the UK?). VP was my first introduction to alot of the AAA classics (MM, MB, TOTAN, AFM, CV, etc) NZ and AU would allow me to play all these, and more. for real.

NZ and Aussie still have a good few tables out and about earning. In fact I found all the above AAA games out on the wild on location in coffee shops, bars, pubs, casinos, etc. Normal price around $1 a game/$2 for 3 credits so around 50-75p depending if NZD or AUD. One Hell Pizza joint north of Auckland (Albany) had TOM, MM

I got hooked up with some fantastic Kiwi collectors via - weirdly - a US podcast (Gameroom Junkies) and joined an IFPA league (I think I'm still in NZ top 10!) they have some stunning tables as well as video games-love their gamesrooms down under :D

Never owned a table - but it may happen someday....along with a MAME cab too (Still love my vids) LOL

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Andy (HOW)
Hi fella, and welcome. Seems the bug has you in a death grip so I'm sure you will be happy filling your boots here.

I would also suggest using Pinformer.co.uk to find where to play pins in the UK. You never know where one might be lurking...hehe.:)
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Welcome to the forum How, I'm sure you'll enjoy the friendly banter on here. Make sure you do make that trip to SWL, some great machines there.
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Hi Andy,

welcome to the forum. There are a couple of BBBs in the UK. One belongs to a forum member (not me:()

It's also worth joining the Yahoo mailing group and check out the UKpinballleague site if you want to find where the tables are
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the first pins I played were,gorgar,vector and space invaders,my local arcade(sadly long gone)used to have all 3,I remember the space invaders playfield was well worn though,even in the early 80's

I like those SS games - Played a Space Invaders in NZ....Man! that thing was W - I - D - E :eek:
Hi fella, and welcome. Seems the bug has you in a death grip so I'm sure you will be happy filling your boots here.

I would also suggest using Pinformer.co.uk to find where to play pins in the UK. You never know where one might be lurking...hehe.:)

Cheers for the Pinformer tip :)
But I do believe the nearest table listed to me (Scared Stiff in Monument pub) is long gone (Pinformer had it listed in 2003 :sad:)

My search will continue however :clap:
Hi Andy,

welcome to the forum. There are a couple of BBBs in the UK. One belongs to a forum member (not me:()

It's also worth joining the Yahoo mailing group and check out the UKpinballleague site if you want to find where the tables are

Good to know I do not need to necessarily visit Las Vegas to play one :) - The whole story of how they built them after the fact is fascinating. Sort of the precursor to all the Boutique Builds and Remakes we're seeing now. Did anyone ever redo Kingpin? That's a Capcom one I don't really know too much about.
Hi all,
I thought I would introduce myself, I have been playing in the London S.E League this year. Quite a few of the members probably know me including Lucasz, Sam, Thomas, Martin and Matt V to name a few.
I currently own a Metallica LE which I absolutely love and when I have the funds will be hoping to add an ACDC Premo to my minimalist line up.
In the past I have owned a Rollergames which my brother in Australia has adopted and a BSD which has found a new home with Dave in his Tilt Coffee Shop Leicester.
Looking forward to the rest of the pinball shows and tournaments and meeting more members.
Chris Poyntz

I hope to put in some league appearances at some stage.
I played in an NZ League in Auckland and it was great - I actually have an IFPA ranking still.....but it is by no way an indicator of my ability as it flatters me MASSIVELY :rofl:
Hi Andy, welcome

If you like VP on a PC you might be interested in Pinball Arcade, costs money though. It claims to be 100% realistic and a few of us run a weekly competition, see the Other Games General Discussion forum.

As for a MAME cab, my recommend is don't dream about it - just build one. I'm just finishing my cab from an old PC, MDF from B&Q, and controls from Ultra Cabs. It takes very little space and it's a perfect addition to a games room (or a perfect start) with minimum cost and maximum satisfaction.

I know this is supposed to be pinball but if anyone wants a photo of my MAME cab then can do.

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Hi Andy, welcome

If you like VP on a PC you might be interested in Pinball Arcade, costs money though. It claims to be 100% realistic and a few of us run a weekly competition, see the Other Games General Discussion forum.

As for a MAME cab, my recommend is don't dream about it - just build one. I'm just finishing my cab from an old PC, MDF from B&Q, and controls from Ultra Cabs. It takes very little space and it's a perfect addition to a games room (or a perfect start) with minimum cost and maximum satisfaction.

I know this is supposed to be pinball but if anyone wants a photo of my MAME cab then can do.


Hi John - Yep, TPA helps me scratch that itch for sure.
I've been in to it since launch as my PC with VP gave up the ghost and I didn't have anything that'd run it - plus it's not the most forgiving of programs LOL.

Coincidentally, it was Kevlar from: http://pinballarcadefans.com/forum.php (also on here) that recommneded I join here :)
I'll check out 'Other Games General Discussion' for the comps - Sounds good!

As for your MAME creation - I'd love to see it :)

As for your MAME creation - I'd love to see it :)



No problem.

Not quite finished as the buttons can be lit - haven't wired that in yet.

For software I used the MALA front end, it works well and I could make up my own graphic.

Buttons and a usb interface from Ultra Cabs. I also put in a tracker ball (for Missile Command).

The marquee is a piece of perspex from ebay and some vinyl lettering from a specialist company.

A couple of sheets of MDF and some low voltage lighting strips from B&Q did the cab.

The chrome trim wasn't cheap but does finish it off nicely.

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